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God dang it, Jeff Jarrett.
Quoting so I can use this in 5 and a bit months time :)
It's 1997 by a mile.

Kevin Nash is actually a smart choice to end the feud as he was both very popular at the time and yet hadn't been champion yet. The screw job/reformation of the Outsiders is a good move and they could have built something pretty good there. It's what happened on January 4th that killed it dead, that and Goldberg's later injury.

1997 though, that not only fucked WCW's biggest program ever, but also killed Bret Hart in WCW forever in the same instant. Hogan spends most of 1996 and all of 1997 losing/nearly losing/acting like a cowardly heel but when Sting is up to bat its suddenly like he's pummeling Sgt. Slaughter again with Sting getting no offense in and then pinning him cleanly with no fast count.

Sting looks like a goober.
Hart looks like a goober for interfering.
Hogan looks like Hulkamania is running wild, brother.

Think of the program they could have run with Sting/Hart in early 1998. Is he NWO? He's from the company from up north brother.
How do you make the same mistake a whole year later though. I remember everyone just sighing when Goldberg lost, that was their last HUGE star.
97 was the worst of the 2, they completely dropped the ball. But damn, you go and do it another time? Gtfoh.

I believe they should've built a bigger heel for the future to win the streak. Why Nash did it, was for personal gain.
Smackdown is gonna be fire. Just you watch!

I figured Smackdown was going to be fire because that's where AJ went and I'm a stan. It wasn't until I went on the internet that I caught wind of SD somehow being fucked.

Is anyone else as happy as I am that AJ and the Club were separated? It was fun while it lasted, but I'm ready for AJ to go solo.
And that heel would be


I figured Smackdown was going to be fire because that's where AJ went and I'm a stan. It wasn't until I went on the internet that I caught wind of SD somehow being fucked.

Is anyone else as happy as I am that AJ and the Club were separated? It was fun while it lasted, but I'm ready for AJ to go solo.

AJ made them entertaining for me. He'll be fine without them, and I no longer care about them as a team. Even moreso if it becomes Balor Shield.
And that heel would be


AJ made them entertaining for me. He'll be fine without them, and I no longer care about them as a team. Even moreso if it becomes Balor Shield.
I keep saying Steiner but at the same time , his attitude negates that to me. I was reading some kfc from Sullivan and he brings up wanting the put the title on Booker before Goldberg. Imagine Booker being a heel defeatimg Goldberg for the title. Dude was too cool for it though. But you had a guy who wasn't known for trouble, he was sometime new to build, and he was great all around.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
How do you make the same mistake a whole year later though. I remember everyone just sighing when Goldberg lost, that was their last HUGE star.
97 was the worst of the 2, they completely dropped the ball. But damn, you go and do it another time? Gtfoh.

I believe they should've built a bigger heel for the future to win the streak. Why Nash did it, was for personal gain.

Nash gets a face pop in the match though. Some people do want him to win. The match itself until the ending is one of Goldberg's better matches from that period. Nowhere near as good as his match against DDP in October but that is quite literally his best match ever.

Hogan meanwhile literally screws over the next big program in the company and causes them to tread water just as WWF is picking up tremendous steam.


That would be too funny.

But then that would suck because it'll be Flair interfering in Sasha matches for 6 months.

He'll be with Sasha until next Wrestlemania and then he'll turn on her during a three-way between Charlotte, Bayley and Sasha. Bayley saves Sasha and they destroy the Flairs outside the ring after which they'll duke it out in the ring for the title.
Nash gets a face pop in the match though. Some people do want him to win. The match itself until the ending is one of Goldberg's better matches from that period. Nowhere near as good as his match against DDP in October but that is quite literally his best match ever.

Hogan meanwhile literally screws over the next big program in the company and causes them to tread water just as WWF is picking up tremendous steam.
Yeah Nash was very much a face at that time, the fans were on his side. Then you go against the grain and turn him. I think the shock and the finger poke could've been left out of all of this. Let Nash turn later.
Nash gets a face pop in the match though. Some people do want him to win. The match itself until the ending is one of Goldberg's better matches from that period. Nowhere near as good as his match against DDP in October but that is quite literally his best match ever.

Hogan meanwhile literally screws over the next big program in the company and causes them to tread water just as WWF is picking up tremendous steam.

Nash got a face pop because he was the booker and Golderg's title win was booked horribly. Goldberg should've beaten Nash and every member of the nWo 'til he stopped being the biggest ratings draw when actually put in the main event (a Goldberg-Meng 4 minute long World title match beat RAW for crying out loud) like the actual top star he should've been, then moved on to other dream matches.


So Nia is the mystery partner tonight, surely? Bayley makes sense BUT it puts like...everyone but Becky on RAW. Bayley going to Smackdown makes more sense to me. Am I reaching?

Also, enjoy these few more hours of not-Roman as champ. :(


Nash got a face pop because he was the booker and Golderg's title win was booked horribly. Goldberg should've beaten Nash and every member of the nWo 'til he stopped being the biggest ratings draw when actually put in the main event (a Goldberg-Meng 4 minute long World title match beat RAW for crying out loud) like the actual top star he should've been, then moved on to other dream matches.

..theres plenty of bookers that have never gotten the pop Nash did against the #1 face. He was over as hell, like it or not.
Oh god. How will Orton turn the Styles Clash into an RKO?

And LOL at Dean getting his one and only WWE Champion run with it ending at Battleground.

Yeah, but Orton is one of the greatest of all time wrestlers and was a natural talent out the gate.

Reigns failing a test is like when Chris Masters got busted. They'll still push him, but they won't go all out.

Maybe Reigns will vanish for two years and come back as a legit top guy.
Only way Orton RKO's Styles is from his flying elbow.
Yeah, it's always brought up that Nash was cheered in the match, and then if you go back and actually watch it... Goldberg's reaction is louder.
I'm not sure if a one-off appearance is good or not. Bayley's pretty much done in NXT after Brooklyn and Survivor Series isn't until November meaning she'd have nearly three months to do nothing in NXT. I'd prefer her to be in Smackdown, even out the Four Horsewomen and give another face to Smackdown. Of course this depends on what exactly the women's division in Smackdown will be like, eg; are they getting their own title or not.

I agree with what you're saying but I think Bayley should have been on the main roster months ago, so I kind of expect the fuckery to continue.


I really hate how Zayn and KO are constantly fighting.

They're going to stale the feud before Wrestlemania. Hell, before Survivor Series.

I wonder what's the longest term creative thinks about for a story.

If they think PPV to PPV, that'd be the saddest thing ever.
I really hate how Zayn and KO are constantly fighting.

They're going to stale the feud before Wrestlemania. Hell, before Survivor Series.

So bizarre to me that Cesaro/Zayn/KO/Jericho have all been involved in fighting each other for what feels like months and all of them went to RAW.

They need to have RAW trade Zayn as part of a match stip or something.


the worst thing about 97 sting/hogan (ok its hard to say "worst" thing because there is so many shitty repercussions) is that it wasn't a one and done match. if hulk didn't go into bidness for himself, the rematch with sting as champion 6 months later wouldve been moneys. hogan can look stronger there if he wants but needed to get totally murdered the first time.


I really hate how Zayn and KO are constantly fighting.

They're going to stale the feud before Wrestlemania. Hell, before Survivor Series.

I wonder what's the longest term creative thinks about for a story.

If they think PPV to PPV, that'd be the saddest thing ever.

The blow off is tonight. They have been feuding since Royal Rumble and before that NXT.


Good Art™
It's stale now.

It's stale and for a reason. They killed it a long time ago by having no momentum no story progression to it.

They thought it would be enough having Owens saying something bad once in a while about zayn to remember us they don't like each other.. The booking has been absolutely horrible.

If two guys can't stand each other and are cancelling each other's career, you don't have them in a cross feud match every week where they just wrestle normally without any sort of tension..

This is interesting cause that particular example shows what WWE writing and booking adds to a certain potential. Take two of the hottest indy wrestlers, who've had incredible chemistry, are good in promos etc.. what do you do with it wwe ? You bore people.

I don't know if this is the blow off or if this will be at Summerslam, but no matter what they need to make that match special tonight to give the feud its life back.If this is just a normal good match with one guy beating the other guy.. who gives a fuck, kayfabe wise..
I really hate how Zayn and KO are constantly fighting.

They're going to stale the feud before Wrestlemania. Hell, before Survivor Series.

I wonder what's the longest term creative thinks about for a story.

If they think PPV to PPV, that'd be the saddest thing ever.

Yeah, especially how it was 'settled' months ago with Owens going over clean.


I really hate how Zayn and KO are constantly fighting.

They're going to stale the feud before Wrestlemania. Hell, before Survivor Series.

I wonder what's the longest term creative thinks about for a story.

If they think PPV to PPV, that'd be the saddest thing ever.

They have to be building to a tag team domination thing.
Otherwise i just do not get it.


So bizarre to me that Cesaro/Zayn/KO/Jericho have all been involved in fighting each other for what feels like months and all of them went to RAW.

They need to have RAW trade Zayn as part of a match stip or something.

Haitch and Rock fought all the time (except when one of them was injured) and they dont stale. The thing is they need a title between them to make they feud relevant.


Good Art™
Haitch and Rock fought all the time (except when one of them was injured) and they dont stale. The thing is they need a title between them to make they feud relevant.

Well yeah they need a story and some building. Owens and Zayn have had no built for a month.

Owens didn't even have a promo at the last RAW, at least regarding the match. It's like they all forgot about the match. And in House Shows Owens was doing triple threats with Rollins and Ambrose. basically it's like the booker didin't want that match anymore but had to stick to it.
Cesaro and either Zayn or KO should have went to Smackdown. There's no reason they should have Zayn and KO on the same brand and Cesaro would have definitely got a world title reign on Smackdown. Maybe next year he'll go to Smackdown.


Well yeah they need a story and some building. Owens and Zayn have had no built for a month.

Owens didn't even have a promo at the last RAW, at least regarding the match. It's like they all forgot about the match. And in House Shows Owens was doing triple threats with Rollins and Ambrose. basically it's like the booker didin't want that match anymore but had to stick to it.

But they have a story and a building.

I am amazed that wwe didnt even mention in kayfabe (and if they did just superficially) that kevin owens was the one that take out Zayn for almost a year in NXT, or that they fought for years in the indy circuit. That and with a title in the middle, could be the hot shit of the summer. But like we said, WWE never strike the iron while is hot
But they have a story and a building.

I am amazed that wwe didnt even mention in kayfabe (and if they did just superficially) that kevin owens was the one that take out Zayn for almost a year in NXT, or that they fought for years in the indy circuit. That and with a title in the middle, could be the hot shit of the summer. But like we said, WWE never strike the iron while is hot

Nothing about their feud as it is now has a spark to it. You look back at how it started in NXT and now it's feels like they're just running through the motions.
Because they are.


Good Art™
But they have a story and a building.

I am amazed that wwe didnt even mention in kayfabe (and if they did just superficially) that kevin owens was the one that take out Zayn for almost a year in NXT, or that they fought for years in the indy circuit. That and with a title in the middle, could be the hot shit of the summer. But like we said, WWE never strike the iron while is hot

I'm pretty sure all of this is the result of conflicting booking. You know, that feels so much like some guy (trips ?) wanted to make that feud hot as fuck, while others believed it's not really working.

I thnik they never really decided between building it from scratch and giving them momentum or playing on the history. I think it's a really bad move to play on history. You don't just present a feud telling people "well those guys hate each other, isn't it awesome ?" In RAW, it never felt that way. It feels like they are you know.. an old couple yelling at each other at best.
They really should have put Zayn and Owens on different shows.

Those two could be feuding on and off for their entire careers and it would be great if WWE didnt drag everything out so long and have every feud go on for about 3 PPV's too many every single time.

Right now its getting close to Sheamus versus Del Rio "Fuck. I dunno. Just have that match again" booking filler every PPV.
Last years battleground was bad

WWE Battleground
Sunday July 19th 2015
St. Louis, Missouri
*King Barrett over R-Truth
*Randy Orton over Sheamus
*Darren Young & Titus O’Neil over New Day to retain the tag titles
*Bray Wyatt over Roman Reigns
*Charlotte over Brie Bella and Sasha Banks to keep the Diva’s title
*John Cena over Kevin Owens to keep the U.S. title
*Brock Lesnar over Seth Rollins by DQ when The Undertaker interfered


They really should have put Zayn and Owens on different shows.

Those two could be feuding on and off for their entire careers and it would be great if WWE didnt drag everything out so long and have every feud go on for about 3 PPV's too many every single time.

Right now its getting close to Sheamus versus Del Rio "Fuck. I dunno. Just have that match again" booking filler every PPV.

I don't see that because this is their only 2nd one on one match in the WWE. Plus the matches they have get reactions so its not close to Sheamus vs Del Rio.
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