Hidden One
Smackdown better have the fist back.
This is definitely a Philadelphia Wrasslin crowd at the DNC.
Shitting on everything.
Smackdown better have the fist back.
they didn't like the booking
Will Bernie get "YOU DESERVE IT" chants?
This is partly because the rest of the world has caught up to wrestling’s ethos. With each passing year, more and more facets of popular culture become something like wrestling: a stage-managed “reality” in which scripted stories bleed freely into real events, with the blurry line between truth and untruth seeming to heighten, not lessen, the audience’s addiction to the melodrama. The modern media landscape is littered with “reality” shows that audiences happily accept aren’t actually real; that, in essence, is wrestling. (“WWE Raw” leads to “The Real World,” which leads to “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” and so forth.) The way Beyoncé teased at marital problems in “Lemonade” — writing lyrics people were happy to interpret as literal accusations of her famous husband’s unfaithfulness — is wrestling. The question of whether Steve Harvey meant to announce the wrong Miss Universe winner is wrestling. Did Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj authentically snap at each other at last year’s MTV Video Music Awards?
In the end, we’re all marks for a world we want to believe in.
I like the Fox News face turn. After months of shitting on "socialist" Bernie, they are pandering to the supporters of Bernie the Victim
Will Bernie get "YOU DESERVE IT" chants?
40 bucks a pop. Awww man. :\
Will Bernie get "YOU DESERVE IT" chants?
Bill is gonna get a "YOU STILL GOT IT!"
Obama is gonna get a "ONE MORE MATCH!"
Mojo & Ryder.
Power and Glory 2.0
Will Bernie get "YOU DESERVE IT" chants?
Bill is gonna get a "YOU STILL GOT IT!"
Obama is gonna get a "ONE MORE MATCH!"
Bill is gonna get a "YOU STILL GOT IT!"
Obama is gonna get a "ONE MORE MATCH!"
You dont have to watch em consecutively and now they are two separate shows that will intersect every now and then so you dont even have to watch both. Not to mention we get nice packages that explain why these people are fighting at the PPVs. If the brand split fails, the reason will not be "its too hard to get in to the continuity" because its even easier to start watching wrestling and keep up thanks to streaming and youtube highlightsEven 3 hours, per week, for the average person, is a pretty big time investment. You realize that, right? Keep in mind this is all year round, not 12 episodes like Game of Thrones, or if you want to keep the sports analogy, 6 months like the football season. Even the spanish soap operas that my mom watches daily eventually end.
"Bernie will make Hillary look strong"
Nah he's just the old loyal company dude who finally goes into business for himself to retire with the goldBernie looks like the type of motherfucker who would roll you up to get his heat back...
So new, so fresh!
No ringside commentary table is panic inducing! is the ring announcer / ring bell place gone too? RIP broken ring barriers spot!
No ringside commentary table is panic inducing! is the ring announcer / ring bell place gone too? RIP broken ring barriers spot!
Brock: Hillary
Strowman: Bernie Supporter
Menome who you stanning now?
They didn't bother to get new ring aprons made?
The ring announcers are back by the ramp again? Noooooooooo
#NewEra #NewAndFresh #RawFew other photos
Ring post and stairs should be blackFew other photos
Demon Balor has always been trash outside of looking good and cool because it does and changes nothing about Finn and it's finally been defeated so it has to go.So today is the debut of glorious god demon balor or c-tier jacket stripper balor?