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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Tana losing dough.

I'm more interested in Roman losing

I've already seen Punished Tanahashi

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I kind of expect a really big SD main event tomorrow night. Cena vs. AJ #1 contender's match perhaps?

This is an interesting idea. AJ beat Cena, but won with help. AJ is the better opponent for Ambrose, but is missing his backup. Maybe he'll recruit former club member J-E-DOUBLE F J-A-DOUBLE R-E-DOUBLE T to seal the deal?
I can see a triple-threat for Summerslam. Doubt they'll drop the Cena vs AJ feud entirely.

Yup. Cena Vs AJ Vs Dean in a 3 way match for the title, of course Dean wins to extend his reign and then Cena and AJ can continue their feud to the next PPV...Dunno who Dean will feud with after that though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
We're forgetting that Bray is likely what they were thinking for top SD heel. He's got a fantastic W/L record against the champ.


I wonder if they might consider Lesnar vs Orton and Cena vs Reigns as cross-brand matches for SummerSlam.

Then at least with Finn facing Rollins, Styles can face Ambrose.

It'll probably be Bray vs Ambrose though.
So tomorrow Smackdown has the three from NXT to establish.

American Alpha could probably interrupt Breezango or vice-versa, Carmella and Alexa probably get some double debut for a Becky and Carmella vs Alexa and Natalya match.
This is probably the cleanest loss Roman's had too. Against Seth he had a visual pinfall and a ref bump, and last night he was in a triple threat and had it won. Finn just straight hit his finish and pinned him.


love on your sleeve
Yup. Cena Vs AJ Vs Dean in a 3 way match for the title, of course Dean wins to extend his reign and then Cena and AJ can continue their feud to the next PPV...Dunno who Dean will feud with after that though.

Dean needs to drop that belt to AJ. You can come back around to Dean vs AJ at Wrestlemania but I'd run with Styles as champ throughout the fall against Cena, Orton, hell, even Ziggler in the meantime.


As much as I like Finn Balor, it's a slap in the face to the roster to hotshot him into the Title picture on one night. For all the smarks that moaned about Roman getting pushed hard and early, would be great to see some consistency about an NXT transport leaping over your other favorite wrestlers you complained were getting buried in the mid card.
As much as I like Finn Balor, it's a slap in the face to the roster to hotshot him into the Title picture on one night. For all the smarks that moaned about Roman getting pushed hard and early, would be great to see some consistency about an NXT transport leaping over your other favorite wrestlers you complained were getting buried in the mid card.

Eh, Finn was given the ball in NXT and got super over and sold a ton of merch. He's already a proven commodity.

It's the same reason no one (or few) complained when Owens beat Cena last year.


Roman the ultimate team player. Cant wait til next week when people WILL complain hes being pushed too hard.

Judging by that reaction, it was too early to push Balor to the title scene. I certainly wouldnt put him over Rollins.
As much as I like Finn Balor, it's a slap in the face to the roster to hotshot him into the Title picture on one night. For all the smarks that moaned about Roman getting pushed hard and early, would be great to see some consistency about an NXT transport leaping over your other favorite wrestlers you complained were getting buried in the mid card.

Balor was busting his ass in NXT for like 2 years and the "smarks" will cheer him because they know this. Roman was the chosen one the moment he debuted with the shield.
I was going to make a sign, but

a) I'd be bringing it to Smackdown
b) Roman lost his push

It was going to be

Gotta Adderall!

Done in the proper style and everything

Stupid WWE doing the right thing and shit


As much as I like Finn Balor, it's a slap in the face to the roster to hotshot him into the Title picture on one night. For all the smarks that moaned about Roman getting pushed hard and early, would be great to see some consistency about an NXT transport leaping over your other favorite wrestlers you complained were getting buried in the mid card.

He didn't win the belt yet, if he does, it won't be good either and I can see people hating that already. But tonight we were all swerved and had a good time with the show. I won't get salty because, honestly, there's nothing for me to complain about todays's show and I don't even remember the last time such thing happened.


Oh no I agree.

I still have hope that Roman will has his "Rocky -> The Rock" moment.

We should all hope so. The more talent in the business the better.
Well, Rock only got over because he is incredible at mic, and WWE let him make his promos after turning heel. We still don't know how a heel Roman would be

But Reigns will be fine if they let him be at high-mid card for some time
Put him to fight against Jericho, Strowman and Owens until the Royal Rumble, where he can win the US title and then defend the belt at Mania. Don't think on him as a main eventer until 2018

But if they try to push him to the moon again, the boos will continue


Eh, Finn was given the ball in NXT and got super over and sold a ton of merch. He's already a proven commodity.

It's the same reason no one (or few) complained when Owens beat Cena last year.

We don't know that yet. We know be was over in NXT, but so was Bo Dallas, Emma, Paige, Adam Rose, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, etc. We saw a guy getting cheered in his honeymoon phase, and that's it.

Would have much rather seen a guy like Cesaro finally get his shot over a WWE Raw rookie.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Balor was busting his ass in NXT for like 2 years and the "smarks" will cheer him because they know this. Roman was the chosen one the moment he debuted with the shield.
Roman bused his ass, got thrown through tables and ladders in a 6 man environment on numerous occasions, got very little mic time and played the heavy of the shield for 2 years while Finn got a near instant title shot, ran the whole promotion around him, and was protected harder than any wrestler in the WWE roster

but Finn earned it

Man God

Non-Canon Member
They did the pre breakup part of Roman's character perfectly. It's almost everything since then. Finn in NXT is a bit of a mixed bag honestly. When he was hot he's hot, but a lot of the time he was just going around in circles.


Roman bused his ass, got thrown through tables and ladders in a 6 man environment on numerous occasions, got very little mic time and played the heavy of the shield for 2 years while Finn got a near instant title shot, ran the whole promotion around him, and was protected harder than any wrestler in the WWE roster

but Finn earned it

Well Balor's also been wrestling for like a decade longer than Reigns.

But I guess only what happens in the WWE counts for some people.
Roman bused his ass, got thrown through tables and ladders in a 6 man environment on numerous occasions, got very little mic time and played the heavy of the shield for 2 years while Finn got a near instant title shot, ran the whole promotion around him, and was protected harder than any wrestler in the WWE roster

but Finn earned it
Okay so yeah they were both given everything


So what I'm gathering is:

If Finn would have lost everyone would be unhappy that "lol Reigns wins again" but Finn won so now it's "lol Finn is bad".

What a crazy fandom.

I just watched the Nov 14th 1992 SNME on tha Network and it was good, oh so good. I love nostalgia trips.


As much as I like Finn Balor, it's a slap in the face to the roster to hotshot him into the Title picture on one night. For all the smarks that moaned about Roman getting pushed hard and early, would be great to see some consistency about an NXT transport leaping over your other favorite wrestlers you complained were getting buried in the mid card.

I see where you're coming from, but Roman ruined things for a lot of people. That investment seems to have soured Vince. I think he's in full "throw things at the wall and see what sticks" now. Everything seems to be fair game now, and i for one am excited for once since Punk left that RAW and SMACK will finally be unpredictable. At least I'm hoping.
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