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I love achievements just to remember all the games I played. These days they give them for anything though.

I got one for using the CBS News app.

It's not right brother!


love on your sleeve
Speaking of playing a character, Summer is probably the best on the Women's roster by a fair margin and more than adequate in the ring. It's crazy to me they don't use her more.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Speaking of playing a character, Summer is probably the best on the Women's roster by a fair margin and more than adequate in the ring. It's crazy to me they don't use her more.

Rusev and Summer were the occasionally entertaining part of that horrific fiasco of an angle with Lana and Ziggler. She's pretty good as a manager, but I think they've shied away from making the female wrestlers have to be managers or valets.

Speaking of Lana, I have no clue what her gimmick is supposed to be anymore. She doesn't dress in the suits anymore, so she's not supposed to be the evil Russian Bond Girl thing anymore and she doesn't even cut promos anymore.
Except fun


People, including Da Meltz, are constantly harping on Bayley's sex appeal, her butt, and how she needs to be pushed now before she turns from cute girl-next-door to sad-cat-lady.

Clearly, wrestling fans are so used to women being involved in the programming solely to provide wank material for so long that it's going to take a lot of effort on both sides to change that mindset. The drastic increase in the level of talent since NXT's Four Horsewomen has already started that, including what's happened the last two nights, but I'd like to think everyone around here would eventually realize they don't need to make shitty comments or post the latest GiGi Instagram photo just because that's how they've been conditioned to deal with their sad sexless life.

Enjoy Sasha, enjoy Dana, enjoy Nia. But no one needs to hear what you think about their bodies and how someone's nosejob affects your tragi-boner.

Meltzer has never talked about Bayley's sex appeal. He's said her current gimmick (which is the money maker) has a shelf life and they're wasting some of it by keeping her in NXT for so long when she can be a huge star now.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So assuming HHH isn't a real option, who's even going to challenge Ambrose for the Galactic Championship?

Meltzer has never talked about Bayley's sex appeal. He's said her current gimmick (which is the money maker) has a shelf life and they're wasting some of it by keeping her in NXT for so long when she can be a huge star now.

I've never heard anyone else harp on Bayley's sex appeal ever. I've heard people say they find her attractive, but that isn't "harping on Bayley's sex appeal" unless you have a very strict definition.


Speaking of Lana, I have no clue what her gimmick is supposed to be anymore. She doesn't dress in the suits anymore, so she's not supposed to be the evil Russian Bond Girl thing anymore and she doesn't even cut promos anymore.

In a holding pattern until the Total Divas premiere. I think her engagement ring has a longer shot in the Raw intro than Rusev does.


Speaking of Lana, I have no clue what her gimmick is supposed to be anymore. She doesn't dress in the suits anymore, so she's not supposed to be the evil Russian Bond Girl thing anymore and she doesn't even cut promos anymore.

If I had someone ruin an angle on purpose, I wouldn't trust them to do much on my show either.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'd like it to be Bray, but honestly the way WWE have handled him I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get a chance.

Well, see that's what's interesting: Meltzer was bitching that it made no sense for Bray to go over the New Day if they were gonna brand split but I thought that maybe it was a prelude to him getting the big singles push with Rowan remaining at his side as a heater as opposed to operating as a full on faction.

In a holding pattern until the Total Divas premiere. I think her engagement ring has a longer shot in the Raw intro than Rusev does.

The interesting thing to me is that I expected them to "expose" Lana as American before Total Divas comes on because I'd like to believe they aren't going to force the actress to do a "reality" show in a fake Russian accent.
So was Sasha at Battleground. Now she's the champ instead of waiting til Summerslam.
They've got to do something big for Smackdown's first brand show, like they did for RAW.
I mean, Sasha was in a feud with the champ at Battleground instead of having fought say, Paige on Sunday only to then beat Charlotte for the belt the next day. Styles is involved with Cena.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
People are expecting Smackdown to do something big to match Raw

Vince will make sure the B Show knows its place

The entire purpose of the brand split is pushing SmackDown ratings. If USA didn't give a shit about SD ratings they wouldn't have split to begin with given it costs money to hire additional wrestlers (the difference in pay between main roster and NXT is HUGE), construct new sets, etc.

I'm expecting nine-ninety-nine to be ten-ninety-nine soon enough.


In a holding pattern until the Total Divas premiere. I think her engagement ring has a longer shot in the Raw intro than Rusev does.

So which is more likely

1. She drops the accent after Total Divas.
2. She keeps the accent for Total Divas, killing the last bit of believability it has.
3. She drops the accent for Totals Divas, but keeps it for WWE.

I'm seriously curious.
Well, see that's what's interesting: Meltzer was bitching that it made no sense for Bray to go over the New Day if they were gonna brand split but I thought that maybe it was a prelude to him getting the big singles push with Rowan remaining at his side as a heater as opposed to operating as a full on faction.

The interesting thing to me is that I expected them to "expose" Lana as American before Total Divas comes on because I'd like to believe they aren't going to force the actress to do a "reality" show in a fake Russian accent.
Even if Bray doesn't go into a main-title feud, I felt he and the Wyatt Family badly needed that win yesterday. They always seem to lose at the end of most feuds, and even one as kind of meh as the New Day one is still something.

She did the accent when she briefly appeared during one episode. And she held it for the episode of Swerved she was on too if I remember correct.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So which is more likely

1. She drops the accent after Total Divas.
2. She keeps the accent for Total Divas, killing the last bit of believability it has.
3. She drops the accent for Totals Divas, but keeps it for WWE.

I'm seriously curious.

My expectation was that Rusev gets involved in an angle where an opponent exposes her as a fake.

In my own fantasy booking world, I'd like to see Sami Zayn vs. Rusev at SummerSlam for the U.S. Title. I think Zayn's made himself into a star.

they'll put the IC title on Mojo Rawley

I think Mojo's appearance on Battleground was a signal that Zack Ryder's singles push is dead and he's going to be Hype Brosing it up.
So which is more likely

1. She drops the accent after Total Divas.
2. She keeps the accent for Total Divas, killing the last bit of believability it has.
3. She drops the accent for Totals Divas, but keeps it for WWE.

I'm seriously curious.
During a match, Rusev accidentally knocks into Lana and she falls unconscious. When she wakes up, she loses her memory and starts speaking in her normal accent. Sees the American flag and believes that's what is right and wants to learn more about it. Cue humorous skits involving Rusev being forcefully dragged around by Lana to do stereotypical tourist things.

The road to Rusev being a foreign comedy gimmick will be complete!


Only if it had more modes.

By the time No Mercy hit, I was over that gameplay. The visuals were barely passable in the WCW games, so in 2000 or whatever, it was poor-looking, especially since the first Smackdown was out. Also add in that I dislike about 90% of the roster in the game, and it's just not for me.

I realize there is modding nowadays for some really spectacular stuff, but just vanilla ass No Mercy? No thank you sir.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I actually think that Heel Rusev has run its course and would like to see Zangief Rusev as a face. I think people would be happy to cheer the guy and he has talent on the mic.
By the time No Mercy hit, I was over that gameplay. The visuals were barely passable in the WCW games, so in 2000 or whatever, it was poor-looking, especially since the first Smackdown was out. Also add in that I dislike about 90% of the roster in the game, and it's just not for me.

I realize there is modding nowadays for some really spectacular stuff, but just vanilla ass No Mercy? No thank you sir.
The ability to play different versions of the storylines is what made it imo. WM 2000 is better to me lol.
JR speaking up on dives now too: https://mobile.twitter.com/JRsBBQ/status/757760994818994176

Think WrasstleGAF is in agreement on them. Last night Finn, Zayn, Sasha, Charolette and Reigns all did them. Sasha's looked like she could have really hurt her self and Charolette hitting her feet first was wise b/c Sasha missed it pretty bad.

Big E's suicide dive always terrifies me. Nasty as fuck looking.

Luke Harper has the GOAT suicide dive though.


I like how he is able to land on his feet.
I actually think that Heel Rusev has run its course and would like to see Zangief Rusev as a face. I think people would be happy to cheer the guy and he has talent on the mic.
A dancing gimmick is all face Rusev can have imo. So keep him heel.He's the best monster other than Brock they have.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Big E's suicide dive always terrifies me. Nasty as fuck looking.

Luke Harper has the GOAT suicide dive though.


I like how he is able to land on his feet.

Dives are extremely overused in WWE.

Sasha's lucky she didn't break her nose yesterday, even though I felt like the match warranted the dive. Dives need to be treated like they're dangerous and you only do them when you want to win really, really badly, and not just because Daniel Bryan needs to get his shit in.
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