Still hurt, that's about it but they may be breaking him from the group.I knew I thought you were cool for a reason besides the Steph hate? Thanks for the lookout. But any updates on him?
Still hurt, that's about it but they may be breaking him from the group.I knew I thought you were cool for a reason besides the Steph hate? Thanks for the lookout. But any updates on him?
The scholars of the future will look at the year 2016 as the year TNA became a global phenomena headlined by #Broken Matthew Hardy"Brother Nero has been flushed"
if that aint the best line in wrestling in 2016 then I don't know what is.
That would suck if they do have him out. He did all the dirty work for them.Still hurt, that's about it but they may be breaking him from the group.
I can't believe nobody made a Final Deletion thread.
Anyways, here it is:
Please bump it FOREVAH!
Data West made one a month ago.
I guess they see him being the break out of the group. Even More than Bray! No, he's very talented and I guess they want him to show his talent. He has a huge fan base coming from the indies.That would suck if they do have him out. He did all the dirty work for them.
Thank you and Blue for the info.He suffered a torn ACL late March so he might not be back til October at the earliest.
Data West made one a month ago.
Duplicate thread.New news. New thread.
Also, Datazord needs to work on his thread titles, of course I did a search before I created my thread.
If Matt and Jeff wanted to film this in an area with no fans they should have picked the Impact Zone.
No doubt.Thank you and Blue for the info.
Shaun Ricker great DQ!!! Keep that KotM belt.
And miss the opportunity to use a DILAPIDATED BOAT as a prop? Come on now.
Very different, I won't even hate on what they did for once. I'm glad to see some major fun though.Adree is being a fuddy duddy. This was the greatest thing to happen to American pro wrestling in at least a decade and some of y'all just can't appreciate that.
Final Deletion is the Taker vs Kane retirement finale we should have gotten.
Final Deletion is the Taker vs Kane retirement finale we should have gotten.
That takes place at Wrestlemania.
Ends in a double countout as they battle back towards the curtain, disappearing forever.
But then, Sting descends from the rafters. Pulls out Taker, Stinger Death Drop, 1, 2, kickout! The ghost of Paul Bearer shows up, opens the urn, Sting sucked into it. Taker stands alone, appears to have won. But then crow noise, a giant crow swoops up Taker into the darkness, lights go out, "OOOOHHHHHH YEEEESSSS", lights back on, Kane's mask, an urn, a baseball bat,Not dramatic enough!
Kane buries Undertaker, does the Undertaker pose over the grave, lightning hits the gravestone and Undertaker's hand shoots out from beneath the soil and grabs Kane by the throat, dragging him down into the pit. Lightning strikes the grave and it sets on fire, the END.
But then, Sting descends from the rafters. Pulls out Taker, Stinger Death Drop, 1, 2, kickout! The ghost of Paul Bearer shows up, opens the urn, Sting sucked into it. Taker stands alone, appears to have won. But then crow noise, a giant crow swoops up Taker into the darkness, lights go out, "OOOOHHHHHH YEEEESSSS", lights back on, Kane's mask, an urn, a baseball bat,are laying in the ring.and a fake baby
Incoming paragraph about why you should like something because someone else likes it.I'd rather watch Carmella try to wrestle than a Hardy.
Started as a paragraph, now a 14 slide powerpoint.The baby, yuck. Eww!
Incoming paragraph about why you should like something because someone else likes it.
I'm feigning to hear what Cornette has to say about it. Badly.Started as a paragraph, now a 14 slide powerpoint.
Raw was garbage at that era blueTaker v Brock >>>>RVD v HHH
Raw takes the L again
I'm feigning to hear what Cornette has to say about it. Badly.
"I can have cool matches with Taker too guys. I'll even have two in a row also. Please love me :'("Never has Blue been less relevant than when trying to get random outdated results over in the middle of Final Deletion talk.
I'm not sure he has recharged his rant batteries after the 45 minutes he spent on Russo last week.
Everyone can like whatever they want, it's fucking amazing how much wrestling of every type there is out there now. I just can't get on the bandwagon that this will save TNA when it's on the level of the worst Raw skits.
it's more fun than the best of RAW skits right now though. I don't think WWE has outputted anything promo-wise as close to as entertaining as this since The Rock vs. New Day
Those Smackdownspoilers.Zack Ryder
I think The Final Deletion is up there with Robocop helping Sting, and the YETAAAY as dumbest wrestling thing in history.
Man I could get the Task Master over during WM. You just wait. I'm the greatest postmoter.Never has Blue been less relevant than when trying to get random outdated results over in the middle of Final Deletion talk.
Does this work?So, what's the best way to watch this? The director's cut video isn't live in the UK, do I need to watch all of Impact? Is there a super cut? I'm so hype
I assume mandrews doing a dive they don't give him nearly enough of a push for was the only other thing worth watching?
Does this work?