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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
can someone explain that Final Deletion thing to me? I assume its one of those "its so bad its good" things and thats why everyone is going nuts over it? what am I missing?



can someone explain that Final Deletion thing to me? I assume its one of those "its so bad its good" things and thats why everyone is going nuts over it? what am I missing?
After getting the same boring vanilla bullshit from Vince for ~10 years, and being told that "this is what you want" despite the contrary being true, it's really nice to see something different and fun.
Not dramatic enough!

Kane buries Undertaker, does the Undertaker pose over the grave, lightning hits the gravestone and Undertaker's hand shoots out from beneath the soil and grabs Kane by the throat, dragging him down into the pit. Lightning strikes the grave and it sets on fire, the END.

Can you imagine how corny this would be in 2016? They've completely stripped down any form of darkness or intimidation either one of them ever had. It cracks me up now when Kane comes out and JBL tries to still act like he's Kane circa 1997/98.


can someone explain that Final Deletion thing to me? I assume its one of those "its so bad its good" things and thats why everyone is going nuts over it? what am I missing?

It's a match not unlike those held by the Japanese company DDT, where occasionally they would go out into the woods or other non-traditional places and wrestle. For example here is Sami Zayn/El Generico in a Kayak match with Kota Ibushi: https://gfycat.com/AdventurousUglyConey They also did the fireworkds thing as well, but I can't find a gif out there right now.

However, the Hardy's injected a LETHAL DOSE a very American amount of soap opera cheese, callbacks to feuds of the past and self-awareness the proceedings as well as introducing an interesting cast of side characters to the whole affair.

Yes it is very much in the vein of "so bad its good" but there is a sincerity and passion in it that overcomes the more wink wink nudge nudge aspects of the match. Unlike a Russo esque WRESTLING ISN'T REAL segment/match which held the fans in contempt, this match is designed to show off two old stars love for wrestling is still strong and their drive to do different things even though they could just phone shit in at this stage of their careers.


So not worth it
TNAMecca staying humble:
Spirit king • 5 hours ago
Thank you to everyone who has supported TNA even when everyone else gave up. This is truly one of the more successful nights TNA has had. Us the fans, as well as the wrestlers have made this possible. Positive vibes wins, again! :)


Good Art™
Well i'm not gonna be in the direction of the wind here but that was really bad.

What it was, 2 40yo kids doing what they did in their childhood probably, in a realllly cheap way. I mean if you go all the "cinematic wrestling" way, the point is that you at least use that cinematic tool to bring something to the match. Rythm, nice angles i don't know..

But there was nothing of that here. A crappy stock music looped, giving zero momentum nor any punctuation to the match to compensate the lack of audience reaction. Super bad editing, with again, no sense of progression nor drama.

I mean the boat part was better maybe cause there was twists, it was more narrative. But the first part in the ring was reallly bad, with no continuity whatsoever. There was gaps in the editing, so it felt like there was no real continuity to the action, but at least if you edit everything, redo that crappy botched tree spot..

Also no reactions at Matt almost putting himself on fire at the end ?? Shit if this amateur crap bring back backyard wrestling for kids on Youtube, TNA will have problems.

It made me think about those silly vids they do, the hardys, with their dangerous stunts. This was not a professional, well crafted product. it was 2 dumb brothers being allowed to do all their forest shit on tv.. This was not good wrestling. it has no rythm, no tension, no dexterity..

I'm sorry i have to poop on the party :p You can hate me!

And by the way it's TNA giving up on wrestling and letting the crappy 90's amateur shit taking control...


So not worth it
You made a perfect analysis, and then just drew all the wrong conclusions.

Take a step back, embrace the schlock and watch it again.


Well i'm not gonna be in the direction of the wind here but that was really bad.

What it was, 2 40yo kids doing what they did in their childhood probably, in a realllly cheap way. I mean if you go all the "cinematic wrestling" way, the point is that you at least use that cinematic tool to bring something to the match. Rythm, nice angles i don't know..

But there was nothing of that here. A crappy stock music looped, giving zero momentum nor any punctuation to the match to compensate the lack of audience reaction. Super bad editing, with again, no sense of progression nor drama.

I mean the boat part was better maybe cause there was twists, it was more narrative. But the first part in the ring was reallly bad, with no continuity whatsoever. There was gaps in the editing, so it felt like there was no real continuity to the action, but at least if you edit everything, redo that crappy botched tree spot..

Also no reactions at Matt almost putting himself on fire at the end ?? Shit if this amateur crap bring back backyard wrestling for kids on Youtube, TNA will have problems.

It made me things about those silly vids they do, the hardys, with their dangerous stunts. This was not a professional, well crafted product. it was 2 dumb brothers being allowed to do all their forest shit on tv.. This was not good wrestling. it has no rythm, no tension, no dexterity..

I'm sorry i have to poop on the party :p You can hate me!

And by the way it's TNA giving up on wrestling and letting the crappy 90's amateur shit taking control...
No lies detected
Well i'm not gonna be in the direction of the wind here but that was really bad.

What it was, 2 40yo kids doing what they did in their childhood probably, in a realllly cheap way. I mean if you go all the "cinematic wrestling" way, the point is that you at least use that cinematic tool to bring something to the match. Rythm, nice angles i don't know..

But there was nothing of that here. A crappy stock music looped, giving zero momentum nor any punctuation to the match to compensate the lack of audience reaction. Super bad editing, with again, no sense of progression nor drama.

I mean the boat part was better maybe cause there was twists, it was more narrative. But the first part in the ring was reallly bad, with no continuity whatsoever. There was gaps in the editing, so it felt like there was no real continuity to the action, but at least if you edit everything, redo that crappy botched tree spot..

Also no reactions at Matt almost putting himself on fire at the end ?? Shit if this amateur crap bring back backyard wrestling for kids on Youtube, TNA will have problems.

It made me things about those silly vids they do, the hardys, with their dangerous stunts. This was not a professional, well crafted product. it was 2 dumb brothers being allowed to do all their forest shit on tv.. This was not good wrestling. it has no rythm, no tension, no dexterity..

I'm sorry i have to poop on the party :p You can hate me!

And by the way it's TNA giving up on wrestling and letting the crappy 90's amateur shit taking control...
All lies detected


Good Art™
You made a perfect analysis, and then just drew all the wrong conclusions.

Take a step back, embrace the schlock and watch it again.

I know it's meant to be good cause it's bad, but when i hear everyone hear saying it's the best wrestling they saw in years for 3 pages, it makes me kinda sad.

The thing is, i mean, that same thing, well done, inspired, with quality people, could be nice. But the hardys are just trash. Their match on impact, the first one i think, was already super bad, with zero momentum, just cold spots after each other.. It's not even good hardcore wrestling.

Sometimes the cynicism in that board, the way half the posts are about attitude era rewatch etc.. and the fact that this is seen as such a brilliant wrestling renaissance kinda makes me feel some people just want wrestling to die.
I know it's meant to be good cause it's bad, but when i hear everyone hear saying it's the best wrestling they saw in years for 3 pages, it makes me kinda sad.

The thing is, i mean, that same thing, well done, inspired, with quality people, could be nice. But the hardys are just trash. Their match on impact, the first one i think, was already super bad, with zero momentum, just cold spots after each other.. It's not even good hardcore wrestling.

Sometimes the cynicism in that board, the way half the posts are about attitude era rewatch etc.. and the fact that this is seen as such a brilliant wrestling renaissance kinda makes me feel some people just want wrestling to die.

it's called putting the entertainment back into "wrestling entertainment". isn't that what this is supposed to be? fun to watch?

attitude era had some hilarious commentary and promos. there's a reason new day and kevin owens are so popular right now as well.
I mean, I'm not gonna argue that the match was genuinely good, but it was genuinely fun which is what matters half of the time to me at least when it comes to wrestling.


Good Art™
it's called putting the entertainment back into "wrestling entertainment". isn't that what this is supposed to be? fun to watch?

attitude era had some hilarious commentary and promos. there's a reason new day and kevin owens are so popular right now as well.

That was not fun at all to me. Owens is funny AND knows how to pace a match and tell a story in ring.. The enjoyment has to come from wrestling or it's just random jackass youtube shits. New Day being so popular, or silly chants etc.. just means people are bored with actual wrestling and prefer the side stuff, in the end. That's what all this is about. People just want to have a damn fun at the expense of wrestling.


Notch is the biggest manchild in the entire universe. A true poster child for fedora tipping babies everywhere.

I know it's meant to be good cause it's bad, but when i hear everyone hear saying it's the best wrestling they saw in years for 3 pages, it makes me kinda sad.

The thing is, i mean, that same thing, well done, inspired, with quality people, could be nice. But the hardys are just trash. Their match on impact, the first one i think, was already super bad, with zero momentum, just cold spots after each other.. It's not even good hardcore wrestling.

Sometimes the cynicism in that board, the way half the posts are about attitude era rewatch etc.. and the fact that this is seen as such a brilliant wrestling renaissance kinda makes me feel some people just want wrestling to die.

Fair assessment. I enjoyed it for what it was but I think you are right there is no follow up for this, TNA won't see ongoing popularity growth or financial rewards. It's a one off stupid thing, that let two old dudes indulge..
can someone explain that Final Deletion thing to me? I assume its one of those "its so bad its good" things and thats why everyone is going nuts over it? what am I missing?

Well, they mixed together DDT Pro and Lucha Underground for a match between two guys who stopped being over a few years ago and are apparently just now realizing that this is the best they can do now. And even then, only one of them is making it work.



So not worth it
That was not fun at all to me. Owens is funny AND knows how to pace a match and tell a story in ring.. The enjoyment has to come from wrestling or it's just random jackass youtube shits. New Day being so popular, or silly chants etc.. just means people are bored with actual wrestling and prefer the side stuff, in the end. That's what all this is about. People just want to have a damn fun at the expense of wrestling.

Maybe wrestling just isn't what you think it is, then. The biggest boom period in wrestling is when the soap opera stuff was in overdrive.

Most people that enjoy the fighting aspect over the soap opera aspect of pro-wrestling would likely drift to UFC more, anyways. You can't ever replicate the excitement of a real fight in a pre-determined wrestling boat, which is the whole reason why the soap-opera part is such a huge part of selling a wrestling match.

I don't think people like to have fun at the expense of wrestling, I think the fun of wrestling is the over-the-top schlock.


What did he do now? I really couldn't stand his "Now that I Have money I can speak more openly" justification for his comments.

He's saying he won't donate the usual few thousand he does to Summer Games Done Quick this year because the new Twitch Cheers thing annoys him and promotes what he calls "porn streaming".

Someone pointed out he can still just donate directly via Paypal and his response was basically "NO, I AM TAKING A STAND AGAINST THIS THING THAT IS MODERATELY IRRITATING AT BEST". The dirt worst.


Good Art™
Maybe wrestling just isn't what you think it is, then. The biggest boom period in wrestling is when the soap opera stuff was in overdrive.

Most people that enjoy the fighting aspect over the soap opera aspect of pro-wrestling would likely drift to UFC more, anyways. You can't ever replicate the excitement of a real fight in a pre-determined wrestling boat, which is the whole reason why the soap-opera part is such a huge part of selling a wrestling match.

I don't think people like to have fun at the expense of wrestling, I think the fun of wrestling is the over-the-top schlock.

Really ?? That post tells a lot about what's wrong lol..
I'm sorry if i like wrestling when it's good wrestling, if i like Bret Hart matchs, and his matches with his brother were something else than this. I like Zayn/Nakamura matches or Lesnar matches cause he knows how to tell a story.

You tell me i don't know what's wrestling is and the most popular stuff is what wrestling is ? It's like if if someone says "You think gaming is KING OF FIGHTER?? Well maybe it's not what you think it is, cause the biggest boom in gaming is angry bird or call of duty man!" WTF...

I can tell from your post you actually don't enjoy wrestling at all.. I'm sure there is a part of the audience that enjoys just the fun stuff above the rest, like in any from of entertainment, there are different type of crowds, but that doesn't mean i can't say this Hardy match was fucking bad and sad.

I mean shit you just said people wanting realistic matches go to UFC ?? Did you ever see a good wrestling match ? Cause that can be amazing you know.
He's saying he won't donate the usual few thousand he does to Summer Games Done Quick this year because the new Twitch Cheers thing annoys him and promotes what he calls "porn streaming".

Someone pointed out he can still just donate directly via Paypal and his response was basically "NO, I AM TAKING A STAND AGAINST THIS THING THAT IS MODERATELY IRRITATING AT BEST". The dirt worst.


I get that the game he created has gone on to massive success and will be a defining game, but too many people act like he's some gaming genius.


So not worth it
Really ?? That post tells a lot about what's wrong lol..
I'm sorry if i like wrestling when it's good wrestling, if i like Bret Hart matchs, and his matches with his brother were something else than this. I like Zayn/Nakamura matches or Lesnar matches cause he knows how to tell a story.

You tell me i don't know what's wrestling is and the most popular stuff is what wrestling is ? It's like if if someone says "You think gaming is KING OF FIGHTER?? Well maybe it's not what you think it is, cause the biggest boom in gaming is angry bird or call of duty man!" WTF...

I can tell from your post you actually don't enjoy wrestling at all.. I'm sure there is a part of the audience that enjoys just the fun stuff above the rest, like in any from of entertainment, there are different type of crowds, but that doesn't mean i can't say this Hardy match was fucking bad and sad.

I mean shit you just said people wanting realistic matches go to UFC ?? Did you ever see a good wrestling match ? Cause that can be amazing you know.

You certainly seem to be able to infer a lot about me from that one post, which is fine. I am sorry I caused you such offence and the sanctity of wrestling was impeded by my -and the masses- enjoyment of the schlock of pro-wrestling.
The food fight on Raw was better than The Final Deletion and that's a shoot.

Note: I've only actually seen the xylophone, the riding mower, the "Vangaurd-1", and the fireworks.


Good Art™
You certainly seem to be able to infer a lot about me from that one post, which is fine. I am sorry I caused you such offence and the sanctity of wrestling was impeded by my -and the masses- enjoyment of the schlock of pro-wrestling.

And by the way to make it clear i'm not saying the soap opera stuff is not necessary in wrestling. I'm actually all about narrative stuff and i hate wrestling for nothing, no stakes nor stories.

That doesn't mean we don't need actual good wrestling to make it all work. The biggest story is the one told in the ring with moves.


Final Deletion was alright. Matt surely no sold a lot of swanton bombs. Course I don't watch TNA so not sure if it's Jeff Hardy's finisher anymore.


The Final Deletion was amazing.

Whether or not you agree depends on what you consider wrestling to be. Is it AJ Styles vs Nakamura? No. It's obvious it was going for theatrics and comedy, rather than a technical match trying to tell a story. And honestly, have the Hardys ever been anything other than gimmicks anyway? Tables? Ladders? Chairs?

While I love AJ Styles, Sami Zayn, Nakamaura in the WWE... My favorite wrestlers in the WWE are Jericho, The Miz, Breezango, KO, and the Social Outcasts. And the reason why they're my favorites is because they're funny. Most of the time they entertain me. And while they're not awful wrestlers by any stretch, they're not in the AJ tier. And yet I love them because they know how to entertain.

That's what I got from Final Deletion. Entertainment. They were incredibly slopping doing anything that looked remotely like a wrestling move. They were falling all over the place. Probably on purpose, but you can partly thank the shoddy looking ring and wrestling at night for some of that. If you wanted clean-actual-properly executed technical or high flying wrestling then you got zero of that at Final Deletion. Like, literaly zero. But, if you wanted comedy entertainment involving wrestlers brawling all over the place and doing stupid shit it delivered in spades.

The drones invading Jeff's mansion. Jeff trying to destroy them with his acoustic guitar. Matt destroying Jeff's lawn art. Matt playing the violin in the ring. Their hammy acting in general. The dramatic music as the match was going on. The weird camera transitions. It was just so fucking hilarious and fun to watch. That's why it was one of my favorite matches of the year.

It actually made me like Matt and Jeff for once. Always hated them in the WWE. Bunch of weak looking techno ravers who do senton splashes onto tables... WOOP DE DOO. And yet for the first time since watching these two I was actually into one of their matches.


Good Art™

While I love AJ Styles, Sami Zayn, Nakamaura in the WWE... My favorite wrestlers in the WWE are Jericho, The Miz, Breezango, KO, and the Social Outcasts. And the reason why they're my favorites is because they're funny. Most of the time they entertain me. And while they're not awful wrestlers by any stretch, they're not in the AJ tier. And yet I love them because they know how to entertain.

Man, no, just no! You don't put KO in that list.. Shit.. So this is how he's seen by people already ?? Well fuck everything..
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