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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)



more money than God
Here is something great people should listen too. Its review a wai review of the whole Katie Vick Angle with two writers who were there when the storyline happened.

The interview is very interesting. It talks about how Kane, Booker T and Rob Van Damn were scheduled to win the title, but it was changed because guess who. Raw back in 2002-2003 was the Triple H show.

Also, discussed how the idea was to have Katie Vick's brother as the first member of evolution and how Vince wanted to use screw her brains out in the infamous funeral home scene.

Also, tells how Vince wanted to and got hymen used in a promo and one of the writers gives a hint that Rob Van Damn was sandbagged in 2002.

The two writers come in at the 53 minute mark, if you want to avoid 50 minutes of nothing.


So not worth it
WWE has posted the Money In The Bank contract from last year in PDF format:


The most interesting wording of the contract:

This agreement may not be revoked by the corporation under any circumstances. The right to Championship Match is transferable.

Well yeah, Kennedy's was transferred to Edge as per a match but it would be interesting to see someone sell their contract.

I found the fact that it could be delivered to any licensed WWE Official to initiate the match interesting. Does a special guest referee license allow you to referee for just the one match or is it a time-limited license (like a one day special permit)?
We really need some sports entertainment lawyers to go over this thing.



Cashed in MITB and won WWE title at Summerslam.

Lost it at Night of Champions.

Won it again at HIAC some 2 weeks later.

Lost to CM Punk at Survivor series.

I've said this before. But I may as well repeat it...

Another reason Del Rio's title reigns made him look even worse can be found in how he won and lost those titles. If you recall, Del Rio's finisher is a submission move.

Number of times Del Rio won the WWE Championship via submission = Zero.
Number of times Del Rio lost the WWE Championship via submission = Twice.


So not worth it
This contract already did a better job hyping MITB then past Monday's Raw did.

Would be awesome if Show won the case, Bryan bought it and after losing to Punk he and AJ would use it to screw Punk out of the title.

ugh, who am I kidding?


Who would've thought that this scene was in fact another part of the Kane Cycle in action, Komedy Kane face turn, did the job to captain job himself Zack Ryder and then teamed with Cena. It sickens me.
Clearly Kane decided he doesn't want to be a monster again. How long until he shakes someone else's hand and has a conniption over it?

This contract already did a better job hyping MITB then past Monday's Raw did.
Would be awesome if Show won the case, Bryan bought it and after losing to Punk he and AJ would use it to screw Punk out of the title.
ugh, who am I kidding?
Bryan's a vegan. He has no means of sustainable income.
Clearly this is an angle that calls for Alberto Del Rio. He can job to Sheamus in the opener and then attempt to purchase one of the two briefcases after their respective matches.
Who would've thought that this scene was in fact another part of the Kane Cycle in action, Komedy Kane face turn, did the job to captain job himself Zack Ryder and then teamed with Cena. It sickens me.

All parts of the Kane cycle are sacred and must be respected. For Kane is a beacon, a guiding light, to deliver us from the doldrums of our weary lives and into the greatest salvation. Whether he comes to us as the grand jester or the ultimate destroyer, we must all look upon his greatness in reverence.


more money than God
All parts of the Kane cycle are sacred and must be respected. For Kane is a beacon, a guiding light, to deliver us from the doldrums of our weary lives and into the greatest salvation. Whether he comes to us as the grand jester or the ultimate destroyer, we must all look upon his greatness in reverence.
*sheds tear*
It's okay, Nocturnowl. Kane has been a joke for a while now anyway!
The thin ice is cracking under the weight of your sheer audacity, i'm warning you pal!

Clearly Kane decided he doesn't want to be a monster again. How long until he shakes someone else's hand and has a conniption over it?
Judging by the cycle it should be in about 3 years, well he'll probably be gone by that point or at least we've all given up on WWE, it's over man, it's all damn over! monster Kane is forever dead unless Undertaker hauls his ass back up for a final showdown.

All parts of the Kane cycle are sacred and must be respected. For Kane is a beacon, a guiding light, to deliver us from the doldrums of our weary lives and into the greatest salvation. Whether he comes to us as the grand jester or the ultimate destroyer, we must all look upon his greatness in reverence.
See this guy gets it, a true Kaneanite to the very end is this guy right here.
With the way the Raw MITB has been booked Kane and Jericho might as well walk out halfway through the match to have coffee and then Jericho can spill his on Kane once again so both men actually have some sort of plot relevance, it's only a four man MITB and somehow it's entirely focused around Show and Cena, the finish will no doubt involve Cena using his incredible strength to push Big Show off the ladder while the announcer treat it as a superhuman feat.
Random classic Observer notes from May 15th, 1995;


All Japan women had probably its biggest Korakuen Hall show of the year on 5/7. In the headliner, Manami Toyota retained her WWWA title going to a 60:00 draw with Kyoko Inoue in a one fall match. It was only the second 60:00 draw in a singles match in the history of the promotion (the first was August 9, 1978 with Jackie Sato defending the WWWA title against Yumi Ikeshita).


Don't be surprised to see major structural changes in the company within the next few weeks. Nothing has happened thus far officially although we do know that offers have been made to people to buy into the company although to the best of our knowledge that hasn't happened yet. Paul Heyman said none of this is a negative and that whatever changes will take place will result in being positive. Heyman wants to press hard for more expansion nationally as soon as possible because both he and the wrestlers are getting impatient and he feels if a move isn't made soon that he may start losing key members of his crew.

ECW drew what may have been the largest crowd in its history on 5/5 in Fort Lauderdale drawing 1,200 fans. The Tampa show the next night drew 735. The negatives were security concerns both nights. In Fort Lauderdale, the show was nearly canceled that afternoon by the building because of fear of fan violence. At the door they confiscated two boxes full of frying pans, cookie trays, etc. During the show after the Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer match which went all over the place there were threats to shut the show down if anyone brawled outside the guard rail. They stayed within the barricades for the next two matches but Public Enemy and the Pit Bulls still wandered out. In Tampa, they had a chair throwing incident after the show ended with fans mimicking what they had seen during the show opening and on a previous show in South Florida which resulted in literally hundreds of chairs thrown into the ring and a building that presumably won't allow them back. Pit Bull Spike got a five-inch gash in the back of his head which some thought was from a chair thrown by a fan. Other than that, the shows were considered very successful as the crowds were up and people were into the action.

Norman Smiley debuted teaming with Mikey Whipwreck both nights losing to Benoit & Malenko. Smiley didn't look good either night. In Tampa, the crowd got hostile at the wrestlers every time they started going to the mat so it hurt the match.


Jim Crockett's version of the NWA may be down for the count. His telephone hotline has been disconnected and his scheduled television taping for this week was canceled. He has no shows scheduled for the future. The only wrestling left in Dallas is the weekly Tuesday night Mexican shows which are not drawing well either. The 5/4 show was down to 100 fans with Mariachi as the only outside name, and he reportedly did one hell of a job working with the locals.


Behind the scenes the biggest story involved a four-day long soap opera involving Steve Austin (Steve Williams) and The Renegade (Rick Williams). Before the tapings, WCW received a cease and desist order from Titan Sports claiming the character Renegade was a trademark infringement on their own developed character of the Ultimate Warrior. While that's an open-and-shut case, the timing of it was curious since the same case could be made about Hunter Hearst Helmsley being nearly completely lifted from the WCW character of Lord Steven Regal just a few weeks later. Can you imagine if this actually went to court? Titan's attorneys would argue that they developed the intellectual character of a no-talent steroid freak who can't work a lick, paints his face, blows up in 30 seconds, runs around like he's spastic, shakes the ropes and does unintelligible interviews and by gosh, judge, they're copying our ideas and we want damages. The judge would probably rule in favor of Titan and say the damages are worth 50 cents. Next thing you know Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow will go to court against each other claiming they're stealing each others' fat man moves and gimmick.

Renegade was told by WCW that he couldn't shake the ropes any longer and they did away with the tassels around his arms and made some minor clothing adjustments. Then they wanted him to pin Austin in about 10:00. That's where the problem came in.

It started on Wednesday. Austin refused to do the job for Renegade. When the dust settled, it appeared to have been a dead issue. Austin became something of a hero at least to some, if not many in the dressing room, particularly those around for any length of time. Many are tired of newcomers, some of whom had no talent, that are either ex-WWF characters past their prime or copies of such, beating and burying those who had been around for years but had been shoved aside just as they were entering their wrestling prime. The argument was wrestlers like Austin, Brian Pillman, Johnny B. Badd, Steve Regal and others represented a system that failed and had been around too long to do much with them. It was frustrating on both ends. The first three are all making $200,000+ annually on guaranteed contracts but aren't even in a significant position. With the exception of Regal, who has been put in a tag team program with Bobby Eaton, the other three, who were supposed to be the future of the company three years ago, are making a lot of money and getting no push.

Austin was branded as colorless. Badd was told to tone down his ring entrances. Pillman was going to be the star of the cruiserweight division that never seems to get off the ground. Blame was placed in many circles on the older wrestlers who were in power for holding back the newcomers so they could keep the top spots for themselves or their friends. Nobody could even figure out who wanted Austin to do a job for Renegade since the buck was being passed and people were told that the booker, Ric Flair, was incommunicado because his hotel in North Korea was being bugged, forgetting that many could read a calendar and realized Flair had left North Korea several days earlier.

Finally, after returning from the Fukuoka Dome show, Flair arrived in Disney on Saturday, and he and Anderson spent a long time attempting to convince Austin to do the job. Austin refused and wound up walking out. Supposedly Anderson told him that what Austin had to do wasn't that bad because Anderson himself at the June PPV was going to do a job for Renegade in 30 seconds, I suspect for the TV title although that wasn't made definite to me (similar to the Ultimate Warrior-Honkytonk Man gimmick in the IC title match several years ago since Renegade is supposed to be Ultimate Warrior). Flair naturally brought up all the jobs he's done during his career for guys just as bad. Well, maybe almost as bad. Austin had made up his mind and Tex Slazenger wound up taking his place in the match which was called totally unairable and worse than the Sid Vicious-Night Stalker Clash match in 1990 or any other match in company history, which covers significant ground. Supposedly by the two minute mark, several of the vets, frustrated themselves, were on the floor laughing as Renegade threw limp looking punches and somehow brought Slazenger down to his level. At press time nobody knew exactly what Austin's future was with the company although he had not quit nor been fired and met with Eric Bischoff on Monday and seemed to end up with everything cleared up. There was a surprising amount of sentiment backing him as compared with most wrestlers who won't do a job and the general consensus is that he won't lose his job over it.

Earlier in the week at Disney, Renegade had been heavily tutored by Hulk Hogan, Jimmy Hart and Randy Savage to get through highly choreographed 30 second matches squashes which were passable, although apparently the attempt to have him do an interview building up to the TV title match with Arn Anderson in June with Hart as his manager took something like two dozen takes with his lines reduced from three sentences to a few grunts of "I want the belt."

The Hulkamania German tour which was scheduled to start on 5/24 was canceled. Apparently the German promoters were having their own problems and wanted to restructure the deal so WCW would get less money. Because of the high guarantee Hogan gets, WCW under the new deal proposed would lose money doing the tour.

Vader appeared on the ABC-TV show "Boy Meets World" on 5/5. It was a really silly plot where the kid who is the star of the show (younger brother of Fred "Wonder Years" Savage) joined the high school wrestling team. On the show, instead of doing amateur wrestling, they did high school wrestling inside a roped ring and did (badly executed) pro wrestling high spots as amateur wrestling. Vader, listed in the credits as Leon White playing Vader, played a character called, get this, Vader, who was the father of a local school bully who used to be the bully in his high school. He did all his Vader mannerisms and was about to crunch one of the kids who stars in the show when the principal threatened to tell everyone that his first name was Leslie and he backed down.


Brad Armstrong is gone. There were reports he failed a drug test but it was also a cost-cutting measure. I suspect Jim Cornette will make a play to bring him in as the top singles face although I'm not sure how it'll look to SMW fans when a guy who has been a WCW jobber for the past several years is now to be taken as a serious main eventer.

Some talk that Paul Wight may be unveiled to the public as soon as Slamboree. He's being groomed as the new Andre the Giant for a headline feud with Hogan.


The latest update on 1-2-3 Kid (Sean Waltman) is that it's pretty well a certainty he'll be returning to wrestling although there is no exact timetable as to when. Waltman's injuries include a bulging disc, a herniated disc and a pinched nerve which still leaves his arm feeling numb. Although he had been told by doctors in Omaha that first treated him that his career was over, later doctors have told him that his career isn't even in jeopardy although they gave him to timetable as to when he can return.

The injuries were more a result of the constant trauma of bumps on his neck rather than stemming from one specific incident. He had suffered a concussion on 3/12 in Anaheim and had returned too soon to work Madison Square Garden on 3/19 which only made his condition worse. He fractured a vertebrae in his neck (the broken neck) probably in Germany when working with Hakushi, and aggravated the injury on the 4/24 taping in Omaha when Razor Ramon threw him over his shoulder doing a double-team spot on Roadie and a combination of Roadie being slightly out of position and him landing wrong knocked him silly and they did what was apparently an impromptu finish where Roadie immediately gave him a DDT for the pin.

Don't expect Brian Christopher in Titan any time soon.

The vignettes were Skip (Chris Candido) and Sonny (Tammy Sytch) as "The Body Donnas" (like Prima Donnas) started this weekend. Really slick. Gimmick is they insult the audience saying they're all fat and out of shape.

Johnny Ace was contacted by Jim Ross about coming in. They are also making a push to get Steve Williams.

Duchess Ferguson turned down Titan according to London papers to present the crown to the winner of King of the Ring.


more money than God
After listening to that podcast, I can only say fuck Triple H. It's amazing how paranoid this man is over his spot, and how willing he is to crush all those in his path. I can't believe anyone would think that this company is in good hands when this man takes over.


After listening to that podcast, I can only say fuck Triple H. It's amazing how paranoid this man is over his spot, and how willing he is to crush all those in his path. I can't believe anyone would think that this company is in good hands when this man takes over.

Simply on account of him being a fairly different guy when he's off camera. He seems to be a decent guy to run a wrestling company, but an absolutely terrible guy to book a show featuring himself on the card.

In his time on the talent division, he's tried to get unusual and high profile talent like Sin Cara and Kharma (even if other circumstances have made the signings a bit of a dud) and a lot of promising young talent in developmental, but at the very same time he showed up on TV and ruined a potentially gigantic story with CM Punk to get himself over more.

He's like two guys in one. He's certainly not Vince, he obviously pays attention to the rest of the wrestling world, and the world outside of wrestling (neither of which Vince does) and is a fan of wrestling itself, plus he's actually sane, so I'd rather he ran WWE than Vince nowadays, but only on the condition that he stay behind the scenes and ran things and never appeared on TV or featured himself in the show.

Really though if you want something ideal just give Stephanie's job to Paul Heyman.
Random classic Observer notes from May 15th, 1995;

Vader appeared on the ABC-TV show "Boy Meets World" on 5/5. It was a really silly plot where the kid who is the star of the show (younger brother of Fred "Wonder Years" Savage) joined the high school wrestling team. On the show, instead of doing amateur wrestling, they did high school wrestling inside a roped ring and did (badly executed) pro wrestling high spots as amateur wrestling. Vader, listed in the credits as Leon White playing Vader, played a character called, get this, Vader, who was the father of a local school bully who used to be the bully in his high school. He did all his Vader mannerisms and was about to crunch one of the kids who stars in the show when the principal threatened to tell everyone that his first name was Leslie and he backed down.

This episode was awesome.


it was for the MitB, I don't think you should hold that against him.
What about embracing the hate? Has it been 3 months? I didn't notice.

With the way the Raw MITB has been booked Kane and Jericho might as well walk out halfway through the match to have coffee and then Jericho can spill his on Kane once again so both men actually have some sort of plot relevance, it's only a four man MITB and somehow it's entirely focused around Show and Cena, the finish will no doubt involve Cena using his incredible strength to push Big Show off the ladder while the announcer treat it as a superhuman feat.
You just made me sad. This will definitely happen.

If Jericho comes anywhere close to winning that briefcase, I will fucking mark...


more money than God
Simply on account of him being a fairly different guy when he's off camera. He seems to be a decent guy to run a wrestling company, but an absolutely terrible guy to book a show featuring himself on the card.

In his time on the talent division, he's tried to get unusual and high profile talent like Sin Cara and Kharma (even if other circumstances have made the signings a bit of a dud) and a lot of promising young talent in developmental, but at the very same time he showed up on TV and ruined a potentially gigantic story with CM Punk to get himself over more.

He's like two guys in one. He's certainly not Vince, he obviously pays attention to the rest of the wrestling world, and the world outside of wrestling (neither of which Vince does) and is a fan of wrestling itself, plus he's actually sane, so I'd rather he ran WWE than Vince nowadays, but only on the condition that he stay behind the scenes and ran things and never appeared on TV or featured himself in the show.

Really though if you want something ideal just give Stephanie's job to Paul Heyman.
The problem is that he will always be involved in the show and feature himself in. Anything this man gets involved in becomes uninteresting and crap, especially in his "COO" role. Once Vince is gone, he'll turn himself into the new Mr. McMahon role, and thus, he will be involved in every top angle, and shit will be ruined.
The problem is that he will always be involved in the show and feature himself in. Anything this man gets involved in becomes uninteresting and crap, especially in his "COO" role. Once Vince is gone, he'll turn himself into the new Mr. McMahon role, and thus, he will be involved in every top angle, and shit will be ruined.

I think a lot of the problem was that he refused to become the new Mr. McMahon. Vince as a character was a diabolical psychopath and helped a ton to put Foley, Rock, and Austin over as mega-stars. Mr. Triple H was the same boring asshole who pretends he's cooler than everyone else and refuses to do the damn job.

Evolution Triple H was by far the best role, because I can believe that he's a dickbag suit who uses his influence to keep young stars down. All he had to do was bring that character back.
Listening to Review A Raw, and Wai Ting comments "This show is not written for adults. We're judging a kid's show, can we really complain?"

That's complete crap, and I'm disappointed Pollock didn't call him out for it. This show isn't written for kids, it's written for idiots. The dumbest show on Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon is better written than this week's Raw.


more money than God
I think a lot of the problem was that he refused to become the new Mr. McMahon. Vince as a character was a diabolical psychopath and helped a ton to put Foley, Rock, and Austin over as mega-stars. Mr. Triple H was the same boring asshole who pretends he's cooler than everyone else and refuses to do the damn job.

Evolution Triple H was by far the best role, because I can believe that he's a dickbag suit who uses his influence to keep young stars down. All he had to do was bring that character back.
My issue is that he doesn't put anyone over. The guy is insistent on making himself the star, no matter the situation, and I don't think that will change once Vince is gone.


more money than God
HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Owl, go to WWE.com, check the third story or so.


Hope this isn't a repeat.
^ She found a different meaning for "twin magic"

HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Owl, go to WWE.com, check the third story or so.


Hope this isn't a repeat.

Indirect references are still references.

I'm going to speak to my lawyers about releasing myself from these bonds after the week is over.

Until then I picked Funny Kane because he's more enjoyable to watch, one of the true underrated comedic personalities in the WWE.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
My issue is that he doesn't put anyone over. The guy is insistent on making himself the star, no matter the situation, and I don't think that will change once Vince is gone.

jeff hardy
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