Maybe three hours of enhancement matches will finally feed Ryback.
Matches? In my Sports Entertainment?!?!
Starting to have my doubts about WWE Creative and Vince now. I guess they won't really turn him full-heel. Maybe a tweener that hates the Rock and doesn't care about Cena.
Still, I'm excited for tonight. Give me a new belt design and new music, and maybe some ice cream bars.
He'll go full heel.
Lawler isn't fed the "he turned his back on the WWE universe"-line if Punk stays face or goes tweener. Just doesn't happen. He was given that line for one single reason, to put over the fact that Punk is now a bad guy.
What you should be worried about is if this turn only happens for one reason: to get the belt on Cena as soon as possible. But even that is a stretch, but it really depends on wether they want to go Cena/Rock at WrestleMania (meaning Rock/Punk at the Rumble) or Punk/Rock(meaning Cena/Rock at the Rumble).(punk-rock, dat pun)
I'd like to think they'll give Punk a one-year run. Whatever they're planning though, they've been planning for a while now. But there's no doubt that Punk is full-heel based on how they put the ending of last week's Raw over. Punk first did nothing when Show was beating on Cena and then had him beat up The Rock as well. That's nowhere near tweener anymore.
He'll go full heel.
Lawler isn't fed the "he turned his back on the WWE universe"-line if Punk stays face or goes tweener. Just doesn't happen. He was given that line for one single reason, to put over the fact that Punk is now a bad guy.
What you should be worried about is if this turn only happens for one reason: to get the belt on Cena as soon as possible. But even that is a stretch, but it really depends on wether they want to go Cena/Rock at WrestleMania (meaning Rock/Punk at the Rumble) or Punk/Rock(meaning Cena/Rock at the Rumble).(punk-rock, dat pun)
I'd like to think they'll give Punk a one-year run. Whatever they're planning though, they've been planning for a while now. But there's no doubt that Punk is full-heel based on how they put the ending of last week's Raw over. Punk first did nothing when Show was beating on Cena and then had him beat up The Rock as well. That's nowhere near tweener anymore.
I wouldn't at all be surprised if one of Punk's legit demands for re-signing with WWE last year was main eventing WrestleMania 29 to be honest.
He'll go full heel.
Lawler isn't fed the "he turned his back on the WWE universe"-line if Punk stays face or goes tweener. Just doesn't happen. He was given that line for one single reason, to put over the fact that Punk is now a bad guy.
What you should be worried about is if this turn only happens for one reason: to get the belt on Cena as soon as possible. But even that is a stretch, but it really depends on wether they want to go Cena/Rock at WrestleMania (meaning Rock/Punk at the Rumble) or Punk/Rock(meaning Cena/Rock at the Rumble).(punk-rock, dat pun)
I'd like to think they'll give Punk a one-year run. Whatever they're planning though, they've been planning for a while now. But there's no doubt that Punk is full-heel based on how they put the ending of last week's Raw over. Punk first did nothing when Show was beating on Cena and then had him beat up The Rock as well. That's nowhere near tweener anymore.
Why fear?
Say what you will about Cena's promowork, but he is able to have great matches with the right people. I enjoyed Cena/Rock and both Cena/Punk's last year were great. A 3-way between these guys could be amazing.
Fear not for the match but what follows after i.e. cena's title reign,ugh
Will be just as depressing as Punk's plunge when WWE realizes they've failed to write him into anything significant since he gained the title.
Rock will be champion going into Mania.
Where Cena will beat him for the title.
Also, if they are turning Punk full heel, I feel they'll have to have him do something more heelish than failing to help John Cena, attacking Rock and attempting to retain his title, not by cheating, but by taking advantage of the situation.
Anyone know when henry's back?
Smackdown is pretty grimmage without him.'s a great opportunity to drop Cena's divorce in a Punk promo. Oh gosh fingers crossed.
It's been playing in my mind ever since it happened. I hope he drops that bomb lol.
Nope,but i thought he'd be there for sure at raw 1000
Young Cole had ice tips in his hair and looked like a turd.LOL he turned into young michael cole
Except Pettengill isn't fat.
Yeah, had to edit. Young Cole wasn't out of shape, just looked like a geek, then tried to look like a kid who listened to the Backstreet Boys.Young Michael Cole wasn't fat either...
Heidenreich.he took many a good wedgie
Reminds me of how hilarious it is that Coach existed.
Who the hell is Davey Richards
Anyone else recall mordekai?with taker close to retiring i'd love to see that character as the new phenom
Does Ryback even speak English?
Yup yup yup
i dont know if can handle 3-hr raws for here on out. maybe if they got rid of lawler and built up the tag team/divas divison. im guess 1-hr of filler stuff tonight.
I'm switching to watching it after it airs. I can do without 1 hour of commercials.
I don't know about Mordecai but with Taker and Kane at the end of their careers, it would be nice to see who the next mythical/mystical character will be. Maybe Kane's bastard son .. we all know he's been a "playa" all through his career.
i dont know if can handle 3-hr raws for here on out. maybe if they got rid of lawler and built up the tag team/divas divison. im guess 1-hr of filler stuff tonight.