Yeah, probably.Okie Dokie.
Can't wait to see my first B Ball game.
(they still call it B Ball right?)
Yeah, probably.Okie Dokie.
Can't wait to see my first B Ball game.
(they still call it B Ball right?)
Please don't soil the greatness of WCW by putting it in the same sentence as Jeff Hardy and Yu-gi-oh.
Lakers have a great FO who can steal away players and stay competitive.
The Bulls FO is cheap and incompetent. Come, be a Bulls fan!
They've also got Kane on the team.I'm rubbing my hands maniacally waiting for the Dwight trade. Lakers management is God tier.
Okie Dokie.
Can't wait to see my first B Ball game.
(they still call it B Ball right?)
Can you imagine the hate someone would get for a 648 day championship reign today?
There should never be another 1+ year long reign again. It's one thing during the old days where you seldom say wrestling, but so many hours of WWE programming a week, it becomes tiresome. Especially considering the the WWE style of wrestling. Plus, after the third or fourth opponent, you would know the schtick and it would grow old. I hated Cena's long reign and I especially hated HHH's long reign from 2002-2003 (that one month break where they gave it to HBK ignored).Yeah, it would be pretty insane - at least with Backlund you know you're getting awesome wrestling. Can't say the same of Cena - I think I'd be done with WWE for good if they put him on another super-lengthy title run.
Backlund was so damn awesome, and amazing he held the belt that long - Stan Hansen mentions in his book that the general perception of Backlund before his WWWF title run was that he couldn't draw and had no charisma, so it's amazing to see how long he held the belt - 763 days, in fact, before dropping it to Sheiky-baby. Backlund didn't even tap out, and his manager threw in the towel. What a boss.
Now, let's all appreciate the fact that Bob Backlund turns up in the strangest of places - here he is wrestling Daisuke Ikeda in shoot-style promotion BattlArts;
I regrettably can't find his match with Yuki Ishikawa online anywhere - that one is awesome for one good reason, because while Ikeda works to Backlund's style, Ishikawa just starts hitting him with really stiff shots, busting Backlund open with a sick headbutt, only for Bob to repay him in kind.
I just like picking on WCW to reopen that wound.
Plus they were stealing from E C Dub, eff em.
I'm rubbing my hands maniacally waiting for the Dwight trade. Lakers management is God tier.
I believe they mentioned how he's close to overtaking one of HBK's long reign this past Monday. I'm just going to be honest, I've never liked any of the WWE's long reigns over the past decade, with the POSSIBLE exception of JBL's reign, but that's because they sort of kept things fresh.WWE could pull off another insane long reign, but they'd have to have even the SLIGHTEST talent in making things feel special. I'm talking Undertaker levels of aura. Prime Samoa Joe kind of feeling. Japan is way better at this type of thing IMO. Everything in the WWE feels so boring that the magic would be gone after 8-10 months. Hell, CM Punk has been champ for going on 8 months and I don't think they've mentioned it ONE TIME.
It's pretty easy to hate the Lakers thanks to World Peace
It's pretty easy to hate the Lakers thanks to World Peace
Kobe's pretty smug, just like Jeter.
I believe they mentioned how he's close to overtaking one of HBK's long reign this past Monday. I'm just going to be honest, I've never liked any of the WWE's long reigns over the past decade, with the POSSIBLE exception of JBL's reign, but that's because they sort of kept things fresh.
HHH's long 2002-2003 reign was horribly booked, imo, and it ended up burying so many people in the process.
Also a (EDIT: ALLEGEDLY?)rapist
And that's exactly why I don't feel like long WWE reigns work in this day and age. Things become too predictable, too safe, and the champion becomes too uninteresting.Did they? Huh. I should probably be careful throwing around statements like that since I FFx4 through the shows, but everything else still stands. One time a year they make things feel special at Wrestlemania, and maybe a fluke MITB 2011 situation, but other than that they are terrible at building anything IMO. It's only natural that longer title reigns end up being boring and worthless.
Part of the issue is overexposure. Too many hours of TV, and guys wresting every week. Look at Bobby Roode, when's the last time he fought on Impact? 3, 4 weeks ago? Meanwhile Punk is fighting Bryan every show, Sheamus has beaten Ziggler 687 times in the last month, John Cena's in your face ALL the time, etc. This stems from the undercard being underused. It's a viscous cycle of dumb decisions.
Hell, CM Punk has been champ for going on 8 months and I don't think they've mentioned it ONE TIME.
Yeah but Big Ben has the IQ of Lennie Small, he probably didn't even know what was going on.
Um, they do mention it? A month or so ago they listed all the people he's knocked off since November, a few weeks back they said he had the 4th longest reign in the past 15 years and on Monday they said he'll pass HBK's reign this week.
And that's exactly why I don't feel like long WWE reigns work in this day and age. Things become too predictable, too safe, and the champion becomes too uninteresting.
Watching the joint AJPW/NJPW show from last Sunday - Stan Hansen comes out to be at ringside for the main event and the whole damn Sumo Hall erupts. 11,000 fans all chanting HAN-SEN! HAN-SEN! HAN-SEN! and joining in when he throws up the bull horns. Goddamn, considering he retired 12 years ago it's crazy to see how beloved Stan still is in Japan, and how important he was to Japanese wrestling in general.
Look what I found:
1 Agumon is better than 1 Renamon let alone 2 Agumen.
Looks like da undatakah, playaawesomewho is this??
awesomewho is this??
Also a (EDIT: ALLEGEDLY?)rapist
Oh and wrestling. CM Punk's reign hasn't bothered me at all. I'd think people around here would be glad for a long reign since I remember reading complaints about the belt trading hands way too fast just a couple years ago. It's lose/lose!
The Undertaker.
It's almost as if there's a sensical middle ground that makes wrestling exciting...
Who wants to bet that Aces and Eights are responsible for Samoa Joe's kidnapping years ago?
Torn pec, out six months. Unless you were making a joke there...Can't wait for Bray Wyatt debut next week. Those vignettes are gold.
Can't wait for Bray Wyatt debut next week. Those vignettes are gold.
He's still on NXT next week. Don't be so down guys, he can debut in WWE after WM29, dudes only 25. Maybe they can give him a manager role, perfect for his preacher gimmick.
Relax, be happy, stay positive.
Staying positive never works out. So I will never be positive EYVARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR AHGAIN.He's still on NXT next week. Don't be so down guys, he can debut in WWE after WM29, dudes only 25. Maybe they can give him a manager role, perfect for his preacher gimmick.
Relax, be happy, stay positive.
Staying positive never works out. So I will never be positive EYVARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR AHGAIN.
CM Punk comes off as a guy who's been champ for so long as a fluke due to Cena being distracted with authority figures and the entire heel side of the roster being booked like jokes and plagued with injuries.Yeah, in my last post I mentioned how I watch the show and that I will miss details like that. My fault for throwing it out there, but that's a minor point. Punk doesn't COME OFF like a guy who's been champ for near 8 months. If you told me he just got the belt a week ago I'd believe you. He's in a dumb angle with a "girl" making him look like a chump. 8 month long WWE Title holders shouldn't be used like he's been in angles like this, and should be treated like a big deal.
The world effectively stops when Silva and Sonnen square off in the octagon this Saturday.Sonnen vs. Silva II, @ UFC 148 on Saturday for example. This fight is 2 years in the making with a guy who's been champ for 6 YEARS and I'm HYPE. Way more hyped than anything in The 'E since Punk vs. Cena MITB 2011. Obviously it's not 100% the same, we'd never have a 6 year reign, etc., etc., but you're telling me that wrestling can't do reigns and build like that? I don't believe it. One's real, one's scripted, but the art of building guys and events is the same.
pwinsider said:It was announced during the Impact Post Game show that Mike Tenay and Jeremy Borash would be handling the commentary for Sunday's PPV. I don't know 100% on this but one source believed Taz had a family commitment.