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June 2008 NPD Sales Data

Baiano19 said:

Tyler was right... he´s alive!

For those who don´t get it, check the shape of the lightining...

Is that the Firefox logo? oO I don't get it.
domokunrox said:
I'm actually quite amazed the PS3 did as well as it did despite consumer confidence in the US is at an all time low for all business.

Gaming, as a (relatively) low cost entertainment hobby that provides endless returns and helps take people's minds off their economic woes, historically does very well during economic downturns.
omg rite said:
Again, the cockyness should stop.

MGS doubled sales when sales were at ~250k or something. It doubled really mediocre sales, which both PS3 and 360 have had as of late.

It's not something that's going to last. In August, it probably won't even be apparent. You'll either see both 360 and PS3 back at crap numbers or 360 a LITTLE ahead of PS3 due to the price cut + Madden release.

Sales prior to MGS4 were not mediocre. ~250k for a $400 console is not mediocre.

Last May the Xbox 360 sold 155k. Yeah. 155k. That's probably mediocre. Last May the PS3 at 81k was abysmal.

210-250k is SOLID for this time of year and the price of the system. In fact, both the PS3 and Xbox 360 are way up over last year.
Jirotrom said:
dude whats so funny, DS and wii destroyed selling what? Are any of the games on DS or Wii released this past month as high profile as MGS4?

Dude, chill. I don't think he was taking jabs at Wii fans. We know Mario Kart, SSBB, Mario Galaxy, and Wiifit sells massive amounts of consoles on a whole different level. Thats not even disputable, its pretty solid. Not even 360 sales compare to Wii.

We already know this. Wii won. We knew this last year and possibly even earlier then that.
Private Hoffman said:
Sales prior to MGS4 were not mediocre. ~250k for a $400 console is not mediocre.

Last May the Xbox 360 sold 155k. Yeah. 155k. That's probably mediocre. Last May the PS3 at 81k was abysmal.

210-250k is SOLID for this time of year and the price of the system. In fact, both the PS3 and Xbox 360 are way up over last year.

Agreed, its not that the 360 and PS3 have been selling poorly, its that the Wii is an unstoppable juggernaut in sales. There IS a reason why the Wii is breaking monthly sales records again and again afterall.


Neo Member
Good for Metal Gear Solid 4 and the Playstation 3. They deserve it. Love the game and the system. Hope the sales stay up.


grenks said:
Good for Metal Gear Solid 4 and the Playstation 3. They deserve it. Love the game and the system. Hope the sales stay up.

It should - remember Sony's in it for Blu-Ray*

*Note, Blu-Ray has become the de facto next generation disc format for movies** and games

** Did we tell you that HD-DVD*** is dead?

*** Toshiba, Microsoft**** et al haha

**** Microsoft also getting creamed by Nintendo*****

***** Let's not talk about Nintendo

boiled goose

good with gravy
stewacide said:
The Wii allows for user generated content in the form of the Mii showcase: it's a small first step, but in a perfect world LBP could have been the second.

Are there any DS games with YouTube-esq user-generated content sharing/rating?

elebits (near launch game)
boom blox all allow user generated content to be shared by wii owners...
soon GH world tour

boiled goose

good with gravy
Azrael said:
It's imposible to create objectionable user-generated content with Miis.

Even the most basic level editing would enable players to, for example, arrange platforms to spell out PENIS or N****** or into the shape of a swastika, etc. Nintendo might let you create your own levels in LBP, but they wouldn't let you share them in-game online. And those levels would be smaller and be far more limited in the amount of textures and objects you could place in them.

you have clearly not used the check mii out channel....
lots of phallic faced miis....... among other questionable things...
dont make ignorant, opinionated posts
I want 11-20 rankings too.

and Matt C leaks.

Wii wins software if you only count top 10, btw. Wii dominating software should be the norm from now on.


The game pushed hardware more than I expected, but it's still a bit underwhelming. This is the system seller for the PS3 this year. It got me to buy the 80gb bundle. While R2 and LBP are appealing, I can't see either game moving the hardware like MGS4 did this month. It feels like the MGS4 hype/hysteria has come on gone. If MGO was worthwile the buzz probably would stick for a while, but that's a very polarizing game. It will be interesting to see how the numbers turn out next month.

My guess is that 360 gamers are still waiting for the next worthwhile killer app. Quake Wars 360 was a joke. I guess people felt Condemned 2 was underwhelming. NG2 looked like the XBOX game. There have been good games, but nothing really eye popping has come out in a while. This just makes me question their direction in the conference. Instead of focusing on Scene It 2 and the camera both of which will bomb, they should have demoed a more hardcore game like Project Origin. That game is getting good buzz from journalists but seems to be getting overlooked by many. They should have asked Monolith if they could have shown that off at the conference.


Draft said:
DC did not come packed in with Ready to Rumble unless I am seriously misremembering, which is possible.

It came with the Dreamcast Generator demo disc. Which included demos of Ready 2 Rumble, Sonic Adventure, Power Stone, HotD2, Sega Bass Fishing and some racing games I can't remember. I played the crap out of that R2R demo.


Kuroyume said:
The game pushed hardware more than I expected, but it's still a bit underwhelming. This is the system seller for the PS3 this year. It got me to buy the 80gb bundle. While R2 and LBP are appealing, I can't see either game moving the hardware like MGS4 did this month. It feels like the MGS4 hype/hysteria has come on gone. If MGO was worthwile the buzz probably would stick for a while, but that's a very polarizing game. It will be interesting to see how the numbers turn out next month.

My guess is that 360 gamers are still waiting for the next worthwhile killer app. Quake Wars 360 was a joke. I guess people felt Condemned 2 was underwhelming. NG2 looked like the XBOX game. There have been good games, but nothing really eye popping has come out in a while. This just makes me question their direction in the conference. Instead of focusing on Scene It 2 and the camera both of which will bomb, they should have demoed a more hardcore game like Project Origin. That game is getting good buzz from journalists but seems to be getting overlooked by many. They should have asked Monolith if they could have shown that off at the conference.
Gears 2 and fable 2 was both demo'd at the conference.


Kuroyume said:
My guess is that 360 gamers are still waiting for the next worthwhile killer app. Quake Wars 360 was a joke. I guess people felt Condemned 2 was underwhelming. NG2 looked like the XBOX game. There have been good games, but nothing really eye popping has come out in a while. This just makes me question their direction in the conference. Instead of focusing on Scene It 2 and the camera both of which will bomb, they should have demoed a more hardcore game like Project Origin. That game is getting good buzz from journalists but seems to be getting overlooked by many. They should have asked Monolith if they could have shown that off at the conference.

Did you miss the 4 hardcore games they demoed at the start of the conference?


Not Banned from OT
ari said:
Gears 2 and fable 2 was both demo'd at the conference.

You forgot fall out 3 MS had plenty of live demos of core games. Sony is the one who messed up by not having live demos of KZ2 and Motorstorm2.


ari said:
Gears 2 and fable 2 was both demo'd at the conference.

Yeah, I know that. That first part of the conference was awesome. I just figure they could/should have squeezed something else in there. :p


Yeah, I do wish Sony did more live demos, because Infamous was looking really amazing as well as Killzone 2 and San Fran in R2 was awesome as well


gow psp bundle and discounted daxter bundles really helped push the psp. its doin great. i hope sony is hard at work on A jeanne d'arc sequel or new,original srpg ip.
I'm happy to see NG2 did as well as it did, I wasn't sure just how ready the market was gonna be for another action game like that considering that DMC released this year as well, I was thinking 250k.

MS needs another price drop, but I don't think they are willing to do it. They seem to be in a daze right now, I have no idea what their strategy is in this market. Are they deferring until the next gen? They have to see whats going on, they must be able to reason that although they can make money selling the system at the current price, that they will eventually just fall off the globe.

Be it as it may, I don't think the situation for this month specifically is as bad as people are making it out, the Wii is always going to dominate, and the PS3 released the biggest game in its arsenal. The trend is whats killing them, they won't be able to beat Sony's Christmas NPD's at this rate, even with Gears releasing.


Slightly ot but just summed up recent franchise successes and sales numbers (worldwide). Most of these sales are shipped copies though Wikipedia doesn't always say (sources: Wikipedia, Polyphony website, Eurogamer). Didn't include titles released this year (GTA4, MGS4) as they're still fresh. Of course these numbers aren't scientifically accurate due to the varied sources but it gives a general look:

Assassins Creed 3.46M (March)
MotorStorm has sold 3.5M.
Resident Evil 4 (GC+PS2) has sold 3.6M
Gears of War has sold 4.7M.
MGS2, 3 has sold 5.3M on average per title.
Final Fantasy X, XII has sold 5.8M on average per title.
(Infinity Ward) Cod2, Cod4 has sold 6M on average per title (COD 4 10M)
Halo 1, 2, 3 has sold 7.63M on average per title.
GT3, 4 has sold 12.4M on average per title.
GTA3, Vice City, San Andreas has sold 16.16M on average per title.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Liara T'Soni said:
I'm happy to see NG2 did as well as it did, I wasn't sure just how ready the market was gonna be for another action game like that considering that DMC released this year as well, I was thinking 250k.

MS needs another price drop, but I don't think they are willing to do it. They seem to be in a daze right now, I have no idea what their strategy is in this market. Are they deferring until the next gen? They have to see whats going on, they must be able to reason that although they can make money selling the system at the current price, that they will eventually just fall off the globe.

Be it as it may, I don't think the situation for this month specifically is as bad as people are making it out, the Wii is always going to dominate, and the PS3 released the biggest game in its arsenal. The trend is whats killing them, they won't be able to beat Sony's Christmas NPD's at this rate, even with Gears releasing.

It would be foolish of them to not have a bonafide price drop by Christmas.


Liara T'Soni said:
I'm happy to see NG2 did as well as it did, I wasn't sure just how ready the market was gonna be for another action game like that considering that DMC released this year as well, I was thinking 250k.

MS needs another price drop, but I don't think they are willing to do it. They seem to be in a daze right now, I have no idea what their strategy is in this market. Are they deferring until the next gen? They have to see whats going on, they must be able to reason that although they can make money selling the system at the current price, that they will eventually just fall off the globe.

Be it as it may, I don't think the situation for this month specifically is as bad as people are making it out, the Wii is always going to dominate, and the PS3 released the biggest game in its arsenal. The trend is whats killing them, they won't be able to beat Sony's Christmas NPD's at this rate, even with Gears releasing.

This is where I disagree entirely. There are quite few reasons for this however. I believe the 360 will outsell the PS3 as much as it did last Nov and Dec if not more. If you compare the heavy hitters for Nov/Dec you can clearly see that Gears 2 and Fable 2 will push the system even more so. Gears 2 will be the biggest blockbuster of the holiday season without question. Throw in Banjo and you have a fantastic combination. But the number one reason I say this is, Christmas. If you look at that Nielson Media Research report the 360 has a pretty nice lock on teens/youth compared to the PS3 and even the Wii in areas and considering Nielson is about as good as gets to data I see a repeat again this Christmas. Kids/teens, whatever and 360. That isn't to say the Wii isn't going to smoke them all, but MS has a nice group of youth in there camp. The 500k they did over the PS3 last year I see it even bugger than that this year save the economy doesn't go into to depression mode before then. I also see the recent fire sale plus the announcement of FF XIII going into to August and before Madden as only helping buck the trend before Christmas. With a price drop before Christmas I only see this even more so to be true and honestly I really do not think Sony can afford one this year. Regardless ~250k on the year, with the biggest gun out against a 5.6 million lead really says it all to date.
Agent Icebeezy said:
It would be foolish of them to not have a bonafide price drop by Christmas.

They will drop it.

Right now it is about getting as much revenue as possible. 220k might not suit people well for internet nerd wars but with decent software sales and some positive PR with E3, Microsoft can hardly consider this month to be any kind of loss.

Nevertheless, they know that sales might dip lower if they don't do something and I suspect, after the Halo 3 and Arcade (Tard Plus) Packs, they will phase out those kinds of crappy bundles and just go with a straight price drop. If they do pack ins it won't be an Arcade type deal, it will be like the original Xbox bundles.


polyh3dron said:
Not in the US, where the NPD figures come from.

Err i live in the US and ive seen adds for Metal Gear Solid since last year when it was part of the Saliva montage and last month leading to launch.
laserbeam said:
yeah seriously anyone who says MGS4 wasnt adertised is so full of shit. Its been Sonys Golden God since PS3 was announced along side FF13
It didn't get REAL advertising, only ads in game enthusiast magazines and websites. No US TV spots, nothing like what Assassin's Creed or Lost Planet had. Shit, Haze was marketed more aggressively.

ADDENDUM: It was only marketed to the people who were already going to buy it.
Grecco said:
Err i live in the US and ive seen adds for Metal Gear Solid since last year when it was part of the Saliva montage and last month leading to launch.
By "saliva montage" I assume you mean a PS3 TV spot advertising a bunch of games. That's a far cry from the game having its own TV spot.


polyh3dron said:
It didn't get REAL advertising, only ads in game enthusiast magazines and websites. No US TV spots, nothing like what Assassin's Creed or Lost Planet had. Shit, Haze was marketed more aggressively.

ADDENDUM: It was only marketed to the people who were already going to buy it.

I saw MGS4 ads constantly during launch. I saw one just yesterday.

"Courage is Solid" is the tag line. I'm not sure I personally saw more MGS4 ads than GTA IV ads, but that's probably just coincidence. Regardless, those two are easily the most marketed games this generation in my area.

It was also featured in the "Saliva Montage" and in the Saint Crispin's Day commercial. They also bundled it with the system. They also made an "MGS" collector's edition of the system.
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