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June 2008 NPD Sales Data


Private Hoffman said:
The Playstation 3 had a great month. It'll drop back down next month, of course, but from here on out the Playstation 3 should continue to outsell the Xbox 360 (sans a price drop from MS without Sony there to counter).

I think that MGS4 does prove one thing, though: PS3 can sell software. We've seen it with plenty of games now. MGS4 outsold MGS3 significantly in its first month. Square's decision may have been a knee jerk reaction because I honestly don't think releasing exclusively on the PS3 would have caused a lull in sales for FFXIII; MGS4 managed to outsell (or do about the same as) FFXII on the PS2 in its first month.

So, honestly, I don't buy Square's excuse that they had to switch over to the 360 in order to ensure great sales. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that some sort of moneyhats were involved.

I don't think anyone's denying that FFXIII would have enjoyed good to great sales on the PS3 alone. It's just that there's about double that if they go multiplatform, and why would Square pass this up exactly?
funkmastergeneral said:
I just hope Sony releases a new bundle with BC at the end of the year when I have money to spend.

According to Sony at E3, BC is gone foah-evahhhhs.

bloody pirate said:
Did MS pay for all those B level RPG's from namco and Square too?

Uh, err... Microsoft unquestionably did pay for IU, as they were its primary publisher originally. And SO4 was basically a freebie from that, as it's made by the same developer.
Orlics said:
I don't think anyone's denying that FFXIII would have enjoyed good to great sales on the PS3 alone. It's just that there's about double that if they go multiplatform, and why would Square pass this up exactly?

Maintain the quality of the game?.. its there reputation where talking about here

The Hermit


Tyler was right... he´s alive!

For those who don´t get it, check the shape of the lightining...


Zerachiel said:
GTA4 has convinced me that the idea of games significantly moving hardware adoption in their month of release is a fable. Most people don't buy a system for a game the month it comes out. They either adopt it earlier to take advantage of having it early, or wait until Christmas, the next time they have a lot of disposable income, etc.

Were it not for the bundle, PS3 sales would have been stagnant.




Stumpokapow said:
It seems more likely that MS simply gave Namco a break on the platform fee.

I really doubt it :p , especially when the Xbox 360 is the least popular console in Japan, and the existence of other, most viable and established consoles with larger userbase like the PS2 and DS. Heck, the PS3 is a better choice than the Xbox 360 when it comes to JRPGs in Japan.
So any predictions on how LBP will do in October? It's a pretty big wild card right now, but it definately has the positive buzz and it is something that the other platforms don't really have an answer to. It really depends on how Sony decides to market it.


listen to the mad man
Jag22 said:
Saying there wasn't a system seller this month doesn't imply there was one last month.

Within the context of comparing this month's numbers favourably to last month's numbers despite the fact that the numbers declined, the only logical way you could support that claim as being a good thing would be if there was some reason why last month ought to have outsold this month... and the only other thing mentioned in your sentence was that there were no system sellers this month.

... so in that case, you're right, no system sellers... but why did you tell the guy MS did well by having their monthly sales be LOWER than last months?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
typhonsentra said:
Clearly, but there's no reason it shouldn't of been considered a potential system seller. It was the first new game for the system in an acclaimed franchise and received excellent reviews. And regarding overlap with the existing fanbase, the system doesn't exactly have many similar games. There's DMC4 and....?

Excellent reviews =! Sales

I remember when NG1 came out and the demo was in my local GS, they spent 3 hours trying to beat the first level. Few people want that sadistic type of difficulty.
I'm actually quite amazed the PS3 did as well as it did despite consumer confidence in the US is at an all time low for all business.


bloody pirate said:
Maintain the quality of the game?.. its there reputation where talking about here

Damn it man, the game isn't even going to be ported until the PS3 version is finished (edit: or according to what another source said, it's another team porting the 360 version anyway). Plus the consoles are arguably pretty similar in power so it's not that big a deal for SE especially in the light of the added sales.

I don't think slightly compromised textures or slightly compressed sound (LOL WHICH FEATURE BELONGS TO WHICH CONSOLE?) will tarnish SE's "reputation" as much as clinging to this last-gen-era third party exclusive way of thinking. Kojima was right when he said that Japanese developers are being left behind, and this is one example.
DevilWillcry said:
So any predictions on how LBP will do in October? It's a pretty big wild card right now, but it definately has the positive buzz and it is something that the other platforms don't really have an answer to. It really depends on how Sony decides to market it.

Its going to be just as much a system seller maybe more as MGS4 is. You heard it here first.


sakuragi said:
State those sources.

Let's rephrase that, speculation is they did not know this was coming. While Tretton said he was disappointed, but not surprised that is an interesting comment. Logically speaking you would think this announcement would have leaked everywhere before E3, but it didn't and you really think Sony would not have let this cat out of the bag before E3 if they knew. That would have stole MS’s gigaton right from under them although it still would have been big no doubt about it.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
sakuragi said:
I really doubt it :p , especially when the Xbox 360 is the least popular console in Japan, and the existence of other, most viable and established consoles with larger userbase like the PS2 and DS. Heck, the PS3 is a better choice than the Xbox 360 when it comes to JRPGs in Japan.

Namco wanted to get started on next gen development. Only the 360 was around at the time. That is your answer.


Hopefully everyone learned a valuable lesson:

Start packing games in with consoles again! Jesus Christ, how did we ever let that one get past us. It's bullshit that you can buy a videogame system with no damn game to play.
DevilWillcry said:
Yeah I'm sure God of War III is going to completely flop...

I don't know if that was sarcastic, but I don't believe that at all.
Ready at Dawn didn't have the key staff like jaffe and barlog I believe and they made such an incredible title for the PSP.

If GOW3 was somehow a crummy title, that would be one of the biggest disappointments in gaming ever.
Count Dookkake said:
The spin is in!
At least this time there is less to spin and more to legitimately report.

The sales of LEGO Indy has somewhat confirmed Nintendo's recent report that third parties are finding an increasingly healthy market on the system. But then again it really has to be the right title, and stuff like Guitar Hero and LEGO Indy seem to represent some of the shifting PS2 audience. Although it's pretty obvious many PS2 owners refuse to step into the current-gen and are perfectly happy with the odd licensed title here or there.
shadowsdarknes said:
I don't know if that was sarcastic, but I don't believe that at all.
Ready at Dawn didn't have the key staff like jaffe and barlog I believe and they made such an incredible title for the PSP.

If GOW3 was somehow a crummy title, that would be one of the biggest disappointments in gaming ever.
Yeah it was sarcasm man. I too believe that God of War III will be an excellent game that will receive rave reviews and move plenty of PS3s.
Draft said:
Hopefully everyone learned a valuable lesson:

Start packing games in with consoles again! Jesus Christ, how did we ever let that one get past us. It's bullshit that you can buy a videogame system with no damn game to play.

Its true, what did the Dreamcast come with? Did it come with anything? Anyone remember?


Draft said:
Start packing games in with consoles again! Jesus Christ, how did we ever let that one get past us. It's bullshit that you can buy a videogame system with no damn game to play.

Agreed. And make it a good game or at least one that shows off what's special about the console (like Wii Sports or MGS4). Don't give away a crap game as the freebie.
domokunrox said:
I'm actually quite amazed the PS3 did as well as it did despite consumer confidence in the US is at an all time low for all business.
Was the PS3 the only console affected by low consumer confidence? I swear the OP said something about the Wii selling 650k+ consoles.
Orlics said:
I don't think anyone's denying that FFXIII would have enjoyed good to great sales on the PS3 alone. It's just that there's about double that if they go multiplatform, and why would Square pass this up exactly?

That's not necessarily true.

There's a lot of overlap between PS360 customers. Just because multiplatform titles sell twice as well in the US on the 360 as the PS3, does not suggest that this would be the case even if a title were exclusive (in other words, it wouldn't be safe to say that if MGS4 were on the Xbox 360 it would sell 2 million units as opposed to the PS3's sales of 1 million units). Many of those people that picked it up on the 360 would just pick it up on the PS3 instead if that were their only option. I still don't see the Xbox 360 in the west as a major console that has a lot of RPG fans either. The Xbox 360 is mostly a very hardcore audience of fans that enjoy shooters. At least with the PS3, there's some history of RPG fans being on the Playstation brand. Lost Odyssey sold like 200k in its first month NPD and Blue Dragon did very poorly.

I'm not denying they will probably sell more units, I just don't think it's going to be all that gigantic. FFXIII is a hardcore franchise that sells to a hardcore crowd that will purchase it on whatever system it is exclusive for.


domokunrox said:
Its true, what did the Dreamcast come with? Did it come with anything? Anyone remember?

Dreamcast came with nada.

I'm pretty sure the first console that really started doing this was the PlayStation. Instead of a game you got a "jam-packed demo disc".


Kagari said:
Oh yeah. FUCK YEAH, PS3.

Bubububut... MGS4 isn't a system seller :lol :lol :lol

Eat it.
dude whats so funny, DS and wii destroyed selling what? Are any of the games on DS or Wii released this past month as high profile as MGS4?


JudgeN said:
Now lets hope MGS4 shows some legs through the rest of the year, and that the bundle last till Christmas :lol

The bundle is goners, they are merely clearing stock until September now for the one SKU;

This afternoon, Sony Computer Entertainment senior vice president of marketing Peter Diller answered several of the lingering questions about the new 80GB PS3. First, the $399 model will soon be the "de facto standard SKU" in North America, with all other models--including the 40GB bare-bones model being phased out. Diller said Sony has already ceased shipping the 40GB to stores, and is letting the remaining stock of the console clear itself out of the retail channel. He said Sony had no price cut akin to Microsoft's $50 discounting of the now-discontinued 20GB Xbox 360.


Most of that stock is 40gb as well. The bundles are quite hard to find because they are so limited.


listen to the mad man
Private Hoffman said:
There's a lot of overlap between PS360 customers.

Last gen there was ~5% overlap between console owners according to (admittedly less reliable panel surveys rather than very reliable retail tracking) NPD or Nielsen surveys. I'm not digging up the actual number, but it was very low and definitely single digits.

I can't imagine the lower adoption speed and massively increased cost has done much to raise that number, and if you assume that Wii owners also own an HD machine then PS3+360 ownership should actually be lower than any two from last gen.
Kestastrophe said:
Was the PS3 the only console affected by low consumer confidence? I swear the OP said something about the Wii selling 650k+ consoles.

I wasn't talking about video game business (specifically Nintendo for example). I was talking about ALL business transactions in general. Being that the economy is unstable and gas prices have skyrocketed in recent months.

Its an amazing feat for Nintendo no doubt as well, but at the $250 price tag. I expect it to do well for this well balanced gen of consoles.


listen to the mad man
Revelations said:
The 360 sold more this period than it did the last go around. That is interesting. Looks like NG2 may have sold some systems.

last month 4 weeks
this month 5 weeks
xbox go down little bit.


Crystal Bearer
Jirotrom said:
dude whats so funny, DS and wii destroyed selling what? Are any of the games on DS or Wii released this past month as high profile as MGS4?

It's funny because so many people on this forum didn't think MGS4 was a system seller.


Jirotrom said:
dude whats so funny, DS and wii destroyed selling what? Are any of the games on DS or Wii released this past month as high profile as MGS4?
WiiFit and Guitar Hero DS released around the same time right?
Anyways great MGS4 numbers, that game really amazed me. I need to get back into MGO though. I suck at it :)


listen to the mad man
dkeane said:
WiiFit and Guitar Hero DS released around the same time right?
Anyways great MGS4 numbers, that game really amazed me. I need to get back into MGO though. I suck at it :)

Wii Fit - May 21, 2008
Guitar Hero On Tour - June 22, 2008

... kinda?


Bizzyb said:


Give me another explanation for GTA's failed sales bump, aside from the fact that games don't move many consoles the month they're released. Hell, give me any single bump in console sales in a given month that can't be attributed to a major release, rather than new SKU, price drop, bundle, monthly variance, etc.

Not saying that games don't sell consoles, but they do it cumulatively rather than giving a single bump.
Jirotrom said:
dude whats so funny, DS and wii destroyed selling what? Are any of the games on DS or Wii released this past month as high profile as MGS4?
No one is going to beat DS and Wii. Nintendo is dominating the charts WW. Sony could have GTAV, FFVII remake, God of war III, GT5, and a Chrono Trigger sequel exclusive to it and it would still never catch up to the Wii. The same goes for MS. Nintedo is touching onto a new market while still catering to their original core fanbase.
At least they were
Stumpokapow said:
last month 4 weeks
this month 5 weeks
xbox go down little bit.

Then that is also true for the PS3. So shall we say it was a marginal boost for the PS3 in the US? During a 5 week period.


Kagari said:
Oh yeah. FUCK YEAH, PS3.

Bubububut... MGS4 isn't a system seller :lol :lol :lol

Eat it.

Again, the cockyness should stop.

MGS doubled sales when sales were at ~250k or something. It doubled really mediocre sales, which both PS3 and 360 have had as of late.

(Edit: And it was a 5 week period, to boot.)

It's not something that's going to last. In August, it probably won't even be apparent. You'll either see both 360 and PS3 back at crap numbers or 360 a LITTLE ahead of PS3 due to the price cut + Madden release.


le.phat said:
LBP is going to be huge. it has been sony's posterboy since its unveiling and it has enormeous appeal to that shifty casual demographic wich are leading the industry at the moment. Sony's going to throw everything plus the kitchen sink at this title when it launches, and it will create ripples.

LBP could of been huge but with the economy going bad and the price of the PS3 and the perception of it in the marketplace it just won't get as much traction as it should. It will do well but you are not going to get the mainstream audience to buy a 400 plus machine for a single game when there is the Wii that is cheaper and more highly sought especially when people are having problems paying for gas and we keep on hearing about the economic downturn.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Kagari said:
It's funny because so many people on this forum didn't think MGS4 was a system seller.

It's been a decent system seller for ONE month. Let's see if it can actually cause a permanent bump. You know, the thing that didn't happen in Japan.


Public Health Threat
sakuragi said:
Heck, the PS3 is a better choice than the Xbox 360 when it comes to JRPGs in Japan.
You mean like how JRPG sales are the same despite a userbase that is four times as large?
Stumpokapow said:
Last gen there was ~5% overlap between console owners according to (admittedly less reliable panel surveys rather than very reliable retail tracking) NPD or Nielsen surveys. I'm not digging up the actual number, but it was very low and definitely single digits.
I can't imagine the lower adoption speed and massively increased cost has done much to raise that number, and if you assume that Wii owners also own an HD machine then PS3+360 ownership should actually be lower than any two from last gen.

You also had the PS2 which sold over 120 million units and the rest of the competition that sold, what? 20 million? Huge difference.

I'm not talking about casuals here. The owners of the 360 and PS3 at this stage are very hardcore, and are MUCH more likely to be multiconsole owners.


listen to the mad man
Revelations said:
Then that is also true for the PS3. So shall we say it was a marginal boost for the PS3 in the US? During a 5 week period.

ps3 this month 81.1k per week
ps3 this month 52.1k per week
55% increase "marginal"

Private Hoffman said:
I'm not talking about casuals here. The owners of the 360 and PS3 at this stage are very hardcore, and are MUCH more likely to be multiconsole owners.

That's a pretty good point actually. Not sure what the overlap would end up being, but you're right it could well be higher than last gen on that basis.
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