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June 2008 NPD Sales Data


amtentori said:
elebits (near launch game)
boom blox all allow user generated content to be shared by wii owners...
soon GH world tour

I must also add Blast Works to this list.

However, only Blast Works and GH World Tour have systems that allow you to get user created content from strangers without having to trade friend codes.


polyh3dron said:
By "saliva montage" I assume you mean a PS3 TV spot advertising a bunch of games. That's a far cry from the game having its own TV spot.

Like My post said last year it was in the montage and last month it had tons of dedicated ads.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
polyh3dron said:
It didn't get REAL advertising, only ads in game enthusiast magazines and websites. No US TV spots, nothing like what Assassin's Creed or Lost Planet had. Shit, Haze was marketed more aggressively.

ADDENDUM: It was only marketed to the people who were already going to buy it.

WTF!?!?! It's been on ESPN since last year, almost non stop.
Jtyettis said:
This is where I disagree entirely. There are quite few reasons for this however. I believe the 360 will outsell the PS3 as much as it did last Nov and Dec if not more. If you compare the heavy hitters for Nov/Dec you can clearly see that Gears 2 and Fable 2 will push the system even more so. Gears 2 will be the biggest blockbuster of the holiday season without question. Throw in Banjo and you have a fantastic combination. But the number one reason I say this is, Christmas. If you look at that Nielson Media Research report the 360 has a pretty nice lock on teens/youth compared to the PS3 and even the Wii in areas and considering Nielson is about as good as gets to data I see a repeat again this Christmas. Kids/teens, whatever and 360. That isn't to say the Wii isn't going to smoke them all, but MS has a nice group of youth in there camp. The 500k they did over the PS3 last year I see it even bugger than that this year save the economy doesn't go into to depression mode before then. I also see the recent fire sale plus the announcement of FF XIII going into to August and before Madden as only helping buck the trend before Christmas. With a price drop before Christmas I only see this even more so to be true and honestly I really do not think Sony can afford one this year. Regardless ~250k on the year, with the biggest gun out against a 5.6 million lead really says it all to date.

Your post is filled with all sorts of fail.

The only thing that will usher in the sort of disparity you're expecting is a significant price drop on the 360 with Sony doing absolutely nothing in return.

Gears of War 2 and Fable 2 are titles that will sell really well, but they are also titles that will cater to the audience that already purchased the Xbox 360.

Not only that, but Sony has the benefit of Blu-Ray ramping up this holiday season with some pretty stellar releases like The Dark Knight and Wall-E, not to mention cheaper HDTV prices and more promotion of Blu-Ray in general in stores. Given that the format war is over, I think Blu-Ray will provide a decent boost this fall.

Further, Sony has a strong lineup of its own. Resistance 2, MotorStorm 2, and Little Big Planet are great titles. Arguably, if there's any game that has the ability to capture more PS3 users it's Little Big Planet. Like Gears of War 2, Resistance 2 is a title that will sell to the hardcore fanbase.

What it comes down to is that the PS3 is perceived as a MUCH better value to those that haven't juped into any system yet. Blu-Ray and the release of solid content has solidified this view. Before, consumers felt they were paying a premium for a feature (Blu-Ray), that may not be viable in the long run due to the competition from HD-DVD.

Like I said, the only thing that will stop the PS3's current trend is a price drop from MS. The software lineups could each be argued any which way.


I want to know why GAF is always so wrong about everything.:lol

Wii day one.:lol
Wii sales leader in US by July.:lol

It really goes to show how out of touch most of this forum is.
polyh3dron said:
By "saliva montage" I assume you mean a PS3 TV spot advertising a bunch of games. That's a far cry from the game having its own TV spot.

..the hell? I barely watch TV, and I've seen PLENTY of MGS4 ads. And yes, I mean its own TV spot. I saw it twice just yesterday in fact.

EDIT: This one.
I guess people now understand why Nintendo doesn't give a crap about E3. They don't need it and they couldn't care less if people are upset about it. A huge chunk of the expanded market is being absorved by them.

Lego indy and guitar hero are perfect games for their plataform, no wonder they did well.

About the MSG bump, bit of surprise, i thought the bump was going to be smaller. Funny how you can talk about it for hours, come up with numbers and quotes, but in the end, it's all about the exclusive games.

Playstation once had Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, GTA and so many others just for them. 600 dollars or not, it's all about those kind of games.

Do you guys think Sony likes to lose the exclusivity on those? Of course not, but with their rich competitor and the state of the business, they knew they couldn't afford that. So i guess their decision of making their own exclusives was a good one.

Any month you can drop a GT or a Halo is a good one.

And about LBP, huge mistery. Could be a sleeper hit, and can also be a Viva Pinata. No one gan safely say that it will move tons of hardware. It's the only title capable of a huge surprise, but nothing set in stone yet.


charlequin said:
Also also the quote doesn't fucking say anything about paying for FFXIII. He says the situation is "analogous" to GTA4, then talks about GTA4 for a while. The quote about spending a lot of money is in reference to GTA4.

Admittedly, we have 0 actual evidence so far re: moneyhats, but I don't find the theory implausible at all. Considering the profligate spending so far to woo 3rd parties, S-E could probably have obtained a decent set of incentives merely by asking. Knowing S-E, they certainly wouldn't let an opportunity like that slip them by, even if they were planning on doing the port no matter the package. For Microsoft's part, the marginal benefit for breaking Sony's exclusive hold would also have been fairly high.

If we ever do get concrete news about the offered deal, I would not be shocked to discover some measure of compensation offered to S-E.


Private Hoffman said:
Your post is filled with all sorts of failed.

The only thing that will usher in the sort of disparity you're expecting is a significant price drop on the 360 with Sony doing absolutely nothing in return.

Gears of War 2 and Fable 2 are titles that will sell really well, but they are also titles that will cater to the audience that already purchased the Xbox 360.

Not only that, but Sony has the benefit of Blu-Ray ramping up this holiday season with some pretty stellar releases like The Dark Knight and Wall-E, not to mention cheaper HDTV prices and more promotion of Blu-Ray in general in stores. Given that the format war is over, I think Blu-Ray will provide a decent boost this fall.

Further, Sony has a strong lineup of its own. Resistance 2, MotorStorm 2, and Little Big Planet are great titles. Arguably, if there's any game that has the ability to capture more PS3 users it's Little Big Planet. Like Gears of War 2, Resistance 2 is a title that will sell to the hardcore fanbase.

Ok that is fine what do you say R2 will sale compared to Gears 2 month 1. Now, what do you say LBP will sale against Fable 2 month 1. I don't think this really a judgment call to be perfectly honest. Now what do you say in how they will move hardware for each of their respective systems. I have no doubts that the 500k(Dec) and 300k(Nove) more that the 360 did last fall save a price cut from Sony and none from Microsoft will happen again. The Nielson statistics back up this lock on youth way more so for MS than Sony more than any other factor for Christmas.


FYI, MGS4 sold more in its first month than in MGS2's and MGS3's. I sure hope it has some decent legs on it, at least as of right now outselling MGS3 seems a certainty.


jett said:
FYI, MGS4 sold more in its first month than MGS2 or MGS3. I sure hope it has some decent legs on it, at least as of right now outselling MGS3 seems a certainty.

Pretty awesome.

Isn't this like... the third month in a row of the PS3 outselling the 360?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Private Hoffman said:
Your post is filled with all sorts of fail.

The only thing that will usher in the sort of disparity you're expecting is a significant price drop on the 360 with Sony doing absolutely nothing in return.

Gears of War 2 and Fable 2 are titles that will sell really well, but they are also titles that will cater to the audience that already purchased the Xbox 360.

Not only that, but Sony has the benefit of Blu-Ray ramping up this holiday season with some pretty stellar releases like The Dark Knight and Wall-E, not to mention cheaper HDTV prices and more promotion of Blu-Ray in general in stores. Given that the format war is over, I think Blu-Ray will provide a decent boost this fall.

Further, Sony has a strong lineup of its own. Resistance 2, MotorStorm 2, and Little Big Planet are great titles. Arguably, if there's any game that has the ability to capture more PS3 users it's Little Big Planet. Like Gears of War 2, Resistance 2 is a title that will sell to the hardcore fanbase.

What it comes down to is that the PS3 is perceived as a MUCH better value to those that haven't juped into any system yet. Blu-Ray and the release of solid content has solidified this view. Before, consumers felt they were paying a premium for a feature (Blu-Ray), that may not be viable in the long run due to the competition from HD-DVD.

Like I said, the only thing that will stop the PS3's current trend is a price drop from MS. The software lineups could each be argued any which way.

Value is the eye of the beholder. I don't watch Blu-Ray movies. I sold the freebie on my launch 60GB. Fable 2 sold 3 million units. There are probably some people wanting to purchase a console when this drops. Viva Pinata actually has a decent following of his cartoon and it appears that Microsoft will actually give a damn when advertising it this go 'round, combine that with the fact that Viva Pinata and Banjo are going to retail at 39.99, I'd say that these two with something like Lips or a Your at the movies might pull some people in. Not as much as a Fable, but some people might look their way.

KTallguy said:
Pretty awesome.

Isn't this like... the third month in a row of the PS3 outselling the 360?



jett said:
FYI, MGS4 sold more in its first month than MGS2 or MGS3. I sure hope it has some decent legs on it, at least as of right now outselling MGS3 seems a certainty.
Thanks for that, do you know the numbers? I like to seem them please.:D


Post Count: 9999
Mama Robotnik said:


Jtyettis said:
About ~230K of the 405K that PS3 sold for the month was the MGS4 bundles. Nice SW numbers for MGS4.

Sweet! MGS4 hits a million in first month's release in US.


Private Hoffman said:
Your post is filled with all sorts of fail.

The only thing that will usher in the sort of disparity you're expecting is a significant price drop on the 360 with Sony doing absolutely nothing in return.

Gears of War 2 and Fable 2 are titles that will sell really well, but they are also titles that will cater to the audience that already purchased the Xbox 360.

Not only that, but Sony has the benefit of Blu-Ray ramping up this holiday season with some pretty stellar releases like The Dark Knight and Wall-E, not to mention cheaper HDTV prices and more promotion of Blu-Ray in general in stores. Given that the format war is over, I think Blu-Ray will provide a decent boost this fall.

Further, Sony has a strong lineup of its own. Resistance 2, MotorStorm 2, and Little Big Planet are great titles. Arguably, if there's any game that has the ability to capture more PS3 users it's Little Big Planet. Like Gears of War 2, Resistance 2 is a title that will sell to the hardcore fanbase.

What it comes down to is that the PS3 is perceived as a MUCH better value to those that haven't juped into any system yet. Blu-Ray and the release of solid content has solidified this view. Before, consumers felt they were paying a premium for a feature (Blu-Ray), that may not be viable in the long run due to the competition from HD-DVD.

Like I said, the only thing that will stop the PS3's current trend is a price drop from MS. The software lineups could each be argued any which way.

And your post reeks of Sony PR spin.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Fun numbers. You know the number that stand out to me? PS2. It's like 150k-200k each month. How crazy is that? It's still going pretty strong. Seeing those kind of numbers, it kind of makes sense as to why Sony would go ahead and drop PS2 BC. It's still a system that sells and if people wants games for it, they can pick it up no problem.

The little engine that could.


Suckin' dicks since '66
jett said:
FYI, MGS4 sold more in its first month than in MGS2's and MGS3's. I sure hope it has some decent legs on it, at least as of right now outselling MGS3 seems a certainty.
I am hoping the same man so that Kojipro can be rewarded for the amazing game.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Value is the eye of the beholder. I don't watch Blu-Ray movies. I sold the freebie on my launch 60GB. Fable 2 sold 3 million units. There are probably some people wanting to purchase a console when this drops. Viva Pinata actually has a decent following of his cartoon and it appears that Microsoft will actually give a damn when advertising it this go 'round, combine that with the fact that Viva Pinata and Banjo are going to retail at 39.99, I'd say that these two with something like Lips or a Your at the movies might pull some people in. Not as much as a Fable, but some people might look their way.

A lot of people watched HD-DVDs though.

If people think that Viva Pinata is actually going to sell to kids after all this time, I really wonder what world their living in. Banjo is much more likely. And games like Lego Indy are a better draw.

Agent Icebeezy said:

Jtyettis said:
Ok that is fine what do you say R2 will sell comapered to Gears 2 month 1. I don't think this really a judgment call to be perfectly honest. Now, what do you say LBP will sell against Fable 2 month 1. Now what do you say in how they will move hardware for each of their respective systems. I have no doubts that the 500k(Dec) and 300k(Nove) that the 360 did last fall save a price cut from Sony and none from Microsoft will happen again. The Nielson statistics back up this lock on youth way more so for MS than Sony more than any other factor for Christmas.

This isn't about a pissing contest of which game will sell better than the other. It never was. Both systems have a great number of exclusive first party content as well as multiplatform 3rd party content.

The nielsen statistics about the youth are irrelevant. They don't mean squat. You can interpret them in a number of different ways. They certainly haven't meant shit for the first half of 2008 in terms of Sony vs. Microsoft.

It's all about perceived value of the system and titles that may have the potential to broaden their audience. Think about it this way: Consumers that haven't purchased a next-gen system yet have already had their taste of Resistance 1 and Gears of War 1. Both of those titles, at the time, failed to push them to purchase the hardware. In 2008, what is going to make up their mind? The overall package that they feel is the most compelling. This is partly made up by software. Will Gears 2 finally do it? Will Resistance 2 finally do it? With the addition of Blu-Ray, a larger hard drive, free online, and standard Wifi into the PS3, and a competitive price of $399 compared to the competition's price of $350, it's not hard to imagine why consumers would opt to go with the Playstation 3. This ain't PR speak, this is just reality. If you think the PS3 is going to be outsold like it was last year by the Xbox 360, you've got another thing coming. The ONLY thing that could make that happen is a price cut.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
KTallguy said:
A lot of people watched HD-DVDs though.

If people think that Viva Pinata is actually going to sell to kids after all this time, I really wonder what world their living in. Banjo is much more likely. And games like Lego Indy are a better draw.


39.99 in this generation for a quality title will make practically anyone receptive.


People really think LBP is going to be some big hit? Like, sell massive?

It'll probably be successful, cause it looks like it's going to be a great game, but it's not going to 'save' the PS3.

The idea that either the PS3 or the 360 can capture the 'casual' audience at this point is wrong. It's not going to happen. The Wii has too much mindshare and too many games (regardless of quality). A lot of people don't buy consoles specifically for games. They buy games specifically for the console they own.


Private Hoffman said:
This isn't about a pissing contest of which game will sell better than the other. It never was. Both systems have a great number of exclusive first party content as well as multiplatform 3rd party content.

The nielsen statistics about the youth are irrelevant. They don't mean squat. You can interpret them in a number of different ways. They certainly haven't meant shit for the first half of 2008 in terms of Sony vs. Microsoft.

It's all about perceived value of the system and titles that may have the potential to broaden their audience. Think about it this way: Consumers that haven't purchased a next-gen system yet have already had their tase of Resistance 1 and Gears of War 1. Both of those titles, at the time, failed to push them to purchase the hardware. In 2008, what is going to make up their mind? The overall package that they feel is the most compelling. With the addition of Blu-Ray into the PS3, and a competitive price of $399 compared to the competition's price of $350, it's not hard to imagine why consumers would opt to go with the Playstation 3.

This is a total crock. If you do not think the youth factor doesn't matter for Christmas I'm sorry but you know little about Christmas in the US. But I think you have been called out for total PR BS by others so I will leave it at that.


legend166 said:
People really think LBP is going to be some big hit? Like, sell massive?

It'll probably be successful, cause it looks like it's going to be a great game, but it's not going to 'save' the PS3.

The idea that either the PS3 or the 360 can capture the 'casual' audience at this point is wrong. It's not going to happen. The Wii has too much mindshare and too many games (regardless of quality). A lot of people don't buy consoles specifically for games. They buy games specifically for the console they own.

..Who said anything about saving the PS3?
VAIL said:
And your post reeks of Sony PR spin.
Holy shit. Let me get this straight.

Saying that Blu-ray HD movie playback capability (built in WiFi too) gives the PS3 more value than the 360 = Sony PR spin?


GTFO with that BS. The PS3 plays 1080p high def movies, the 360 doesn't. It's a valid selling point and the way you fanboys trivialize it is laughable. And don't give me that "bu bu bu but digital downlodez" crap, those downloads are only 720p and have crappy lossy audio.
KTallguy said:
A lot of people watched HD-DVDs though.

If people think that Viva Pinata is actually going to sell to kids after all this time, I really wonder what world their living in. Banjo is much more likely. And games like Lego Indy are a better draw.

Viva is still on TV. Most kids shows don't make it through their first season.

But going to your other point, I still don't see the Blu Ray draw in terms of real mainstream penetration. People said the same thing last year. "This Christmas Blu-Ray is really going to come into its own." (And Ratalouie made more money than Wall-E will end up making and it didn't exactly set the BR market on fire.)

People have been saying for months that MS could potentially drop a Blu-Ray add on to the console. Which would be a signal, naturally, that the format is really starting to hit its stride. What did they do? Make a deal with Netflix, streaming movies of a quality, depending on your stream, just about that of a DVD.

The writing is on the wall and, for now at least, and certainly for the rest of the year at least, Blu Ray is not really that gigantic of a swaying point. All hands are on deck for convenience over quality. For now, at least.


legend166 said:
People really think LBP is going to be some big hit? Like, sell massive?

It'll probably be successful, cause it looks like it's going to be a great game, but it's not going to 'save' the PS3.

The idea that either the PS3 or the 360 can capture the 'casual' audience at this point is wrong. It's not going to happen. The Wii has too much mindshare and too many games (regardless of quality). A lot of people don't buy consoles specifically for games. They buy games specifically for the console they own.

I agree 100%. Are casual gamers really going to spend $400 on a video game system? These are the same people who thought a PS2 with tons of exclusives and momentum wasn't worth 299. I think LBP might increase sales a little, but it will be because of hard core gamers buying.
damisa said:
I agree 100%. Are casual gamers really going to spend $400 on a video game system? These are the same people who thought a PS2 with tons of exclusives and momentum wasn't worth 299. I think LBP might increase sales a little, but it will be because of hard core gamers buying.

The same thing was said about Singstar. The PS3 is in the same place that the 360 has been for a while. They're making strong strides toward a more casual market but their price point isn't there to make it all the way.


Junior Member
legend166 said:
People really think LBP is going to be some big hit? Like, sell massive?

It'll probably be successful, cause it looks like it's going to be a great game, but it's not going to 'save' the PS3.

The idea that either the PS3 or the 360 can capture the 'casual' audience at this point is wrong. It's not going to happen. The Wii has too much mindshare and too many games (regardless of quality). A lot of people don't buy consoles specifically for games. They buy games specifically for the console they own.
I think price is the biggest factor, not games. Wii has both on its side for now since so many of its games appeal to the casual audience (NOT SAYING ALL ITS GAMES ARE CASUAL GAMES).

If PS3 or 360 was $200 then it would probably be in the lead.


polyh3dron said:
Holy shit. Let me get this straight.

Saying that Blu-ray HD movie playback capability (built in WiFi too) gives the PS3 more value than the 360 = Sony PR spin?


GTFO with that BS. The PS3 plays 1080p high def movies, the 360 doesn't. It's a valid selling point and the way you fanboys trivialize it is laughable. And don't give me that "bu bu bu but digital downlodez" crap, those downloads are only 720p and have crappy lossy audio.

It's not what was said, it's the way it was said.

People buy consoles to play games, first and foremost...added value is subjective. Plenty of 360 owners seem perfectly content downloading content. I hate to burst a bubble but Blu-ray is never going to be the next DVD, no matter what format came out on top, they were both stopgap solutions. Downloaded content is the future, period.


BenjaminBirdie said:
The same thing was said about Singstar. The PS3 is in the same place that the 360 has been for a while. They're making strong strides toward a more casual market but their price point isn't there to make it all the way.

You would think people would stop wring off games after today.


Xeke said:
The Xbox 360 is starting to look pretty pathetic in the hardware market...

What? It was selling on par with the PS3 until this month. We all knew the PS3 would beat the 360 the month MGS4 was released so this is no big shocker. Should be back to neck and neck next month with the 20GB price cut. Another thing I see moving a decent amount of units this fall is the Netflix deal. I can see more than a few Netflix owners picking the 360 over the PS3 once that services is available.


EviLore said:
Care of the NPD Group

PlayStation 3 405.5k
Nintendo DS 783k


Didn't expect any of those numbers to be quite so big.



Stumpokapow said:
Within the context of comparing this month's numbers favourably to last month's numbers despite the fact that the numbers declined, the only logical way you could support that claim as being a good thing would be if there was some reason why last month ought to have outsold this month... and the only other thing mentioned in your sentence was that there were no system sellers this month.

... so in that case, you're right, no system sellers... but why did you tell the guy MS did well by having their monthly sales be LOWER than last months?

When I said the 360 did better, I didn't realize it was a 5 week month.

Still, it didn't do terrible. Not at their price point and that fact there weren't any system sellers for the month.

In fact, it's apparently good enough for Microsoft not to have a price drop.


Karma said:
What? It was selling on par with the PS3 until this month. We all knew the PS3 would beat the 360 the month MGS4 was released so this is no big shocker. Should be back to neck and neck next month with the 20GB price cut. Another thing I see moving a decent amount of units this fall is the Netflix deal. I can see more than a few Netflix owners picking the 360 over the PS3 once that services is available.

Well I didn't intend to say the PS3 was looking any better.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Viva is still on TV. Most kids shows don't make it through their first season.

But going to your other point, I still don't see the Blu Ray draw in terms of real mainstream penetration. People said the same thing last year. "This Christmas Blu-Ray is really going to come into its own." (And Ratalouie made more money than Wall-E will end up making and it didn't exactly set the BR market on fire.)

People have been saying for months that MS could potentially drop a Blu-Ray add on to the console. Which would be a signal, naturally, that the format is really starting to hit its stride. What did they do? Make a deal with Netflix, streaming movies of a quality, depending on your stream, just about that of a DVD.

The writing is on the wall and, for now at least, and certainly for the rest of the year at least, Blu Ray is not really that gigantic of a swaying point. All hands are on deck for convenience over quality. For now, at least.

It was enough of a swaying point to bring back the Playstation 3 from getting outsold by the Xbox 360 by 60-65% in November/December to the Playstation 3 eventually outselling the 360 by 300k YTD so far in the US, and slightly better than parity prior to MGS4 month.

To write Blu-Ray off like that is absurd. You may not like Blu-Ray, but apparently it was a big enough factor to provide a significant boost to the Playstation 3 over the first half of 2008.
Loudninja said:
You would think people would stop wring off games after today.

Didn't SingStar come out? I'm not writing it off. As far as Little Big Planet goes, look, I'm amazed by it every time I see it. I think it's gorgeous, clever, and the most well designed game, from a graphic stand point, since Wip3out. And it knocks out audiences at trade shows and game journos can't get enough of it. Which makes sense. Because it's amazing.

But I just wonder if it can cross over, that's all. I mean all of us fell over ourselves laughing at the Nintendo conference but in our hearts we know all that garbage is going to sell like gangbusters.

For something like LBP to really do exceptionally well, as well as it deserves, it can't just rely on the same demographic that's been supporting HiDef gaming for the past three years. It has to branch out.

I hope that it does. I hoped Viva Pinata would.

I'm not writing off LBP. I think it absolutely has the potential to take that next step and be massive. But it also has the potential to appeal to the current PS3 userbase and that's it. Which isn't awful. It will still be well supported and constantly populated by user generated content because it's clearly so much fun to make, but it also might not.

But don't think I'm writing it off.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Didn't SingStar come out? I'm not writing it off. As far as Little Big Planet goes, look, I'm amazed by it every time I see it. I think it's gorgeous, clever, and the most well designed game, from a graphic stand point, since Wip3out. And it knocks out audiences at trade shows and game journos can't get enough of it. Which makes sense. Because it's amazing.

But I just wonder if it can cross over, that's all. I mean all of us fell over ourselves laughing at the Nintendo conference but in our hearts we know all that garbage is going to sell like gangbusters.

For something like LBP to really do exceptionally well, as well as it deserves, it can't just rely on the same demographic that's been supporting HiDef gaming for the past three years. It has to branch out.

I hope that it does. I hoped Viva Pinata would.

I'm not writing off LBP. I think it absolutely has the potential to take that next step and be massive. But it also has the potential to appeal to the current PS3 userbase and that's it. Which isn't awful. It will still be well supported and constantly populated by user generated content because it's clearly so much fun to make, but it also might not.

But don't think I'm writing it off.

Oh sorry, that was no directed at you :D
Private Hoffman said:
It was enough of a swaying point to bring back the Playstation 3 from getting outsold by the Xbox 360 by 60-65% in November/December to the Playstation 3 eventually outselling the 360 by 300k YTD so far in the US, and slightly better than parity prior to MGS4 month.

To write Blu-Ray off like that is absurd. You may not like Blu-Ray, but apparently it was a big enough factor to provide a significant boost to the Playstation 3 over the first half of 2008.

I'm not writing off Blu-Ray dude. Obviously it's a selling point for the PS3. I just don't think it's a big factor in the marketplace yet and I think is almost overwhelming evidence that the marketplace is CURRENTLY (NOT in the long term) drifting towards convenience over fidelity.


Flakster99 said:
Outside of the top 10 software numbers, do we have other software numbers?
Only other data-point I've seen is that Lego Indy was the best selling cross-platform title with 1.1 million sales for the month.
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