bean breath
After the latest spate of bannings, is BronsonLee now the most "over" poster in this community?
After the latest spate of bannings, is BronsonLee now the most "over" poster in this community?
Street Fighter V pulling characters from the Alpha series is like WWE bringing back New Generation 'legends'
NoRéN;167582781 said:What happened now? Who's gone?
Dream. Vince McMahon. Strobogo. Bionic-Arm. S-Blargh.
After the latest spate of bannings, is BronsonLee now the most "over" poster in this community?
Street Fighter V pulling characters from the Alpha series is like WWE bringing back New Generation 'legends'
NoRéN;167582781 said:What happened now? Who's gone?
I'm the main event now!
The american meme collided with the american "jet fuel can't melt steel" beam. There were no survivors in the greatest unstoppable force vs immovable object battle ever.
Except for Data, who can survive anything and everything. Which is why Data's the captain of this (sinking) ship. All hail doug, marx
If this community's top stars are The Kliq, then Data West is Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Just biding his time, waiting everyone out and silently politicking his way to the top. He's already gone through the name change phase.
After the latest spate of bannings, is BronsonLee now the most "over" poster in this community?
I'd say it's you and Heel.
Sit down, friend.
It's time we get.....the Kliq back together #onemorerun
I'd say it's you and Heel. And Verendus when he stops by for his Jericho pop. FE's up there too.
I'm not even sure if BronsonLee "over" the height requirement for most rides so no
i'll poach the top posters from all the top threads for my new puroresu wrasslin' thread
Heel I can accept but I've been out for nearly 3 months on a retro gaming sabbatical. I haven't watched any WWE programming in that time and am not up with the latest inside jokes, quotes, and gimmick posts.
Oh god, I don't wanna die like NBA-GAF did
Sit down, friend.
It's time we get.....the Kliq back together #onemorerun
Try "we-for-give-you"whats the over/under on full sail starting a "please-forgive-give-us" chant for Eva Marie when she shows up and delivers a frankensteiner from the turnbuckle "taught to her in a seedy independent dimly lit wrestling school gym" by "indy superstar" THE Brian Kendrick to Dana Brook?
Heel I can accept but I've been out for nearly 3 months on a retro gaming sabbatical. I haven't watched any WWE programming in that time and am not up with the latest inside jokes, quotes, and gimmick posts.
Just fucking do one of your tried-and-true spots already... I don't really care what you do, as long as I can try to start a "you still got it" chant to get myself over.
Are those all-natural, baby?Damn
Are those all-natural, baby?
Is that seriously a GFW event???
Cammy is SSF2 and Birdie is from Fighting Street aka SF1.Street Fighter V pulling characters from the Alpha series is like WWE bringing back New Generation 'legends'
Street Fighter V pulling characters from the Alpha series is like WWE bringing back New Generation 'legends'
Are those all-natural, baby?
Cammy is SSF2 and Birdie is from Fighting Street aka SF1.
They, like TNA, think this type of setup is a good idea. There's a picture of a TNA event that looks almost identical.
Iga's kickstarter just closed with about $5.5 Mil.
Pat yourselves on the back
Cammy is SSF2 and Birdie is from Fighting Street aka SF1.
I'll buy a PS4 if they announce some real ass New Generation Legends R. Mika and Karin.
I dunno Cagey. I wish they would just go hang out on their pocket video game machines and play with their "waifus" rather than bringing that shit in here
He's the Vanilla Midget of wrasslegaf, good work rate but forever be a B+ player.I'm not even sure if BronsonLee "over" the height requirement for most rides so no
Dream. Vince McMahon. Strobogo. Bionic-Arm. S-Blargh.
Just a matter of time before somebody pops up and says we're all terrible people for not talking about wrasslin'.
Are you saying wrasslin fans are terrible?We're terrible people BECAUSE we talk about wrasslin'.
Just found out Taylor Swift was performing here and I missed her. This week can't get any worse.