Who would you say is Kane's best opponent that he has the best chemistry with? I'm shying away from Taker because I feel that's mostly due to character, not actual in-ring chemistry.
Tough question even for me, Kane's never been one who particularly gelled that well with any one opponent which is why I consider him to have a four star ceiling for matches.
And it's hard to think back to his better days so for some more modern choices...
Daniel Bryan: Hard to tell if this is a Team Hell No effect mixed with the fact it's Daniel Bryan and I'm sure that some are still griping about Bryan's only title defence being against Kane.
None the less Bryan got good stuff out of an aged machine, Bryan's relentless underdog style works well against the "unstoppable" monster.
When Kane was first inserted into the Bryan/Punk stuff a few years back people expected the worst I'm sure but I found he meshed quite well with both men I thought.
Not mat classics but the two could be quite reliable, maybe that's why a returning Bryan was shoved in many safe matches against corporate Kane earlier this year.
In any case just consider that Kane is a significant part of Bryan's WWE career.
Randy Orton: when given something to work with I thought these two were surprisingly solid together, of course Orton is one of those guys who tend to fare well with most people but honestly I think most were expecting something of a shit show at WM28 but all things considered I thought that match and some of the others in that feud went better than I expected.
And they feuded over a handshake, that's greatness right there.
Going back further would require me to rewatch a whole bunch of Kane stuff and honestly he's one of those guys whose best single matches come down to his opponent more often than not (Angle WMX8, HBK Unforgiven 2004, Benoit Bad Blood 2004, HHH Judgement Day 2001 come to mind).
Edge might be a solid choice thinking back to 2005 at least.
What's going to sound like a backhanded compliment here is me saying that he adds a a lot to multi man matches because he can play the disruptive role really well, it also helps that he can be versatile for a big man so when you shove him in a ladder match he manages to slot in well among everyone else.