I feel we should always blame Big Show for everything.

Just heard about
Orton again
I feel we should always blame Big Show for everything.
Everyone's getting injured now
Well that's about it, BUT THATS ALL THAT MATTERS.
he is a worthless bum, this is like the 4th time hes been hurt in less than 2 years, and they release people like drew Macintyre, when he is hands down better wrestler and a lot more dependable than barrett, bring back drew and release that cream puff barrett
There is no chance in hell they'd ever be able to turn Drew into a serious competitor, why on Earth would they keep him employed? Why on Earth would you even want them to?
I concur.I feel we should always blame Big Show for everything.
We hate BNB now?
I concur.
We hate BNB now?
So are you saying they should release Emma?
He had nothing going for him until he started using BNB on Raw. I can't speak for everyone else, but he's always been bland as fuck.
Oh yeah, I forgot you guys blamed Big Show for what was a complete freak accident.
He had nothing going for him until he started using BNB on Raw. I can't speak for everyone else, but he's always been bland as fuck.
I actually find him quite entertaining but like most projects around WWE, he and many others lack any coherent direction. Just like Emma, Paige, Adam Rose and soon Bo. You're not giving anyone angles and reasons why they are who they are. No angles, no commitment to the character. Why should I care? Strictly in kayfabe terms, why do I care?
That is such a fucking bummer if he was booked to win it. Honestly if he was booked to win then he should still be in the match. There's 5 other people, he can be protected.
Emma has been a joke character ever since her debut in NXT, but like Santino, you need some of those around.
Drew was just a joke. Period.
A big difference between people like Emma/Santino/Fandango and Drew/Jinder/JTG is quite simply: The first batch win matches sometimes. The latter never do.
Women just can't help themselves:
We hate BNB now?
And thus begins the Wrasslegaf cycle of "Oh, I always hated that guy."
This week's superstar: BAD NEWS BARRETT
Never got the appeal of Wade Barrett. Still don't.
There is none. He's British Miz.
What always irks me about Wade is that he has a striking finisher yet his strikes suck. Sure, Dolph made it look awesome the other week, but it's Dolph.
So then they make them win matches. Simples. The difference between Drew and everyone else on that list is that he already proved he could be a damn good serious threat.
Oh yeah, I forgot you guys blamed Big Show for what was a complete freak accident.
He had nothing going for him until he started using BNB on Raw. I can't speak for everyone else, but he's always been bland as fuck.
From April...
Oh wow, you quoted three whole people including yourself.
He's been a solid midcarder from the day he debuted.
It's okay, nothing wrong with being a solid midcarder. His Bad News gimmick is entertaining enough.
Too late. He was the guy that lost all the time for at least 2 years.
Nobody was ever going to take him seriously again.
Barrett hate, you guys disgust me. Barrett's been awesome since the day he debuted
No way, dude was main event caliber until Cena got to him. Had the look, the in ring ability,and the mic skills to carry himself and an entire group of green as shit rookies
I didn't realize there was a minimum amount required to prove that you're wrong.
It's easy. He leaves 3MB which is all he was remembered for at that point, fueds with Slater and destroys him and then carries on moving on up. It wouldn't have been hard, it's wrestling. No-one would have given a shit about his past.
So now he's the guy that used to be in 3MB, but he's still the guy that loses matches with no offense in under a minute, but hey, at least he's better than THE OTHER JOBBER that did that.
Yep, people would have totally embraced him as legitimate contender.
If he'd been a squashguy for half a year, perhaps your plan would work. If you're the jobber for two years or more. Forget about it. And mind you, we're talking about an actual jobber here, not what the IWC commentboxes call people like Dolph Ziggler or Kofi, but a legit job guy. Which is what Drew was. He's the guy that gets beaten all the time. He's not at the level of anyone even remotely worth something.
lol 'and other WWF superstars'
I can hear the music in my head right now. Thanks.
Can't have Taker lose two years in a row...I'm sure RD Evans would be willing to put the New Streak on the line at Mania in a squash.
I bet the collision detection on his European uppercuts will still be awful.
Interesting. Would you conclude there is actually no hive mind on who to like or not like?Wrestlers that have been turned on by some GAFFERS over time:
-Daniel Bryan
-CM Punk
-Wade Barrett
-The Usos
-Bray Wyatt
-Roman Reigns
I'm waiting for people to start complaining about Dean Ambrose before the summer is up.
Wrestlers that have been turned on by some GAFFERS over time:
-Daniel Bryan
-CM Punk
-Wade Barrett
-The Usos
-Bray Wyatt
-Roman Reigns
I'm waiting for people to start complaining about Dean Ambrose before the summer is up.
I wouldn't dare a bet on it to be honest. This is not (just) Yuke's we're talking about anymore.
That's just the start. It would take less than a year since it is a scripted TV program and if people enjoyed it, they would accept it. The win-loss record over an entire career would mean shit and they could do this with anyone who has talent with smart booking.
You're probably right in the fact that WWE don't have enough talented people to book him into a situation where it would work and commentary wouldn't put him over in the right way for his gimmick transition like Regal would, but it could easily be done with the right people in the back.
I honestly believe anyone with the talent and intensity that Drew has could be booked into a legitimate threat in half the time he's been jobbed out.