DGUSA/EVOLVE are in such a bad state at present, in spite of having one of the most talented rosters on the indies - it's really quite depressing;
. DVDs take a freaking year to be released and they refuse to try the MP4 model, sticking with the less popular, less user-friendly renting out of VOD access instead
. the buildings they run are small, because they're still charging the same for tickets as when the promotion was full of Japanese talent worth paying those sort of prices to see
. the crowds they attract are fairly lacklustre or maybe it's just the way they're mic'd up, but regardless, they never seem terribly excitable
. a complete lack of Japanese talent for DGUSA, which has seemingly taken a back seat to EVOLVE
. they run too many triple-shots. I don't WANT to watch three iPPVs of the same company over the same weekend
. heaven forbid you should forget about an iPPV until the day of the show, because if you do you'll have to pay $5 more than everyone else
So, yeah, Gabe's made the Florida shows in August a triple shot and is promising an "all star!!!" talent roster;
-EVOLVE Champion Chris Hero
-Open The Freedom Gate Champion Ricochet
-Johnny Gargano
-Rich Swann
-AR Fox
-Anthony Nese of The Premier Athlete Brand with Su Yung
-Trent Baretta of The Premier Athlete Brand with Su Yung
-Caleb Konley of The Premier Athlete Brand with Su Yung
-Drew Gulak
-Biff Busick
-Timothy Thatcher
-Plus more to be announced
Basically, everyone you saw on the last EVOLVE show and the last DGUSA show before that. So little to get excited about. Give me Hero vs Ricochet and I might buy one of your iPPVs.