I must say, since Johnny Ace's reign of terror as talent relations ended their has never been a more varied or beautiful looking Diva corps. And modt can work too.
Bullet Club shirts for sal in the US
decided to get a Vader shirt as well
Lawler was looking closely to find Paige's ass, and realized even when 4 feet away, it's invisible to the naked eye.
What did Lawler do?
Dared to take a quick half second look at Paige's ass as it was near his field of vision.
Shocking, I know. I mean, just look at this pig:
Dared to take a quick half second look at Paige's ass as it was near his field of vision.
Shocking, I know. I mean, just look at this pig:
Real talk: I like John Cena's theme song.
They don't have the red logo shirt in t-shirt form apparently. A bit disappointing as it seemed like their #1 most basic form of apparel. And $32 after shipping is about what I expected but still a bit steep.
WWE will use authority figures to put over top faces from now to when they're back to wrestling in bingo halls
Jack Tunney looked like a mid 70s Vegas mafia boss.
I wish wwe would bring back presidents and commissioners.
they don't make them like that no more.
I wish wwe would bring back presidents and commissioners.
they don't make them like that no more.
No lie I would love to see raw in the ballroom for old times sake. Tired of these oversize arenas.
I'd like to see NXT in the Ballroom. Now that'd be a treat. Watch those motherfuckers get hype for the Ascension entering from the balcony and flying to the ring.
Seems Jado's had to take himself off the next New Japan tour, as he's suffering from spinal problems and doesn't know when, or if, he'll be able to return to the ring.
I was actually able to miss the horrible Wyatt theme everyone hated but this morning I looked it up. Oh God that was horrible who is responsible for this?!
Well, he's gettin' to be that age, yknow. Hope he takes care. Glad he wrassled in America first!
Pic from last weekends event at Logan Square Auditorium. The natural light during the matinee event was magical. Ballrooms are awesome.
Wyatt got a new theme?
Yeah, it's not like even really needed to wrestle any more given his position in the company, but I presume he carried on because he loved doing it. Hopefully if he does retire we can get one last Jado & Gedo match, preferably against Liger & El Samurai in Korakuen Hall.
He has always been my favourite Matadore. Which one is he again?