Guys, you are beating this food thing so far through the ground we're about tot reach the core of the Earth. Seriously, please stop.

Guys, you are beating this food thing so far through the ground we're about tot reach the core of the Earth. Seriously, please stop.
What am I looking at spiderIs it midnight already?
oh so slow babby girl
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Sblargh might decide to unleash Ether pt 2 later today.Hey, at least everyone's being positive.
This feels like the darkest hour of the threadIt's midnight somewhere.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Sblargh might decide to unleash Ether pt 2 later today.
Haha, get excited man! There's a PPV/special event this weekend.Nah, I'm done.
looking forward to the gifs!!!! Mitb always gives us great onesHaha, get excited man! There's a PPV/special event this weekend.
Haha, get excited man! There's a PPV/special event this weekend.
This thread is getting out of control and I take full responsibility.
Let's talk Smackdown if you're watching. If not, let's talk wrestling and get this ship back on track.
I just mowed the lawn and as a "hey, you're done!" gift a hornet stung me and I'm feeling very weird.
Haha, get excited man! There's a PPV/special event this weekend.
what happened?
The GAWD Seth Rollins about to punch his ticket to the main event, brehs.
This thread is getting out of control and I take full responsibility.
Let's talk Smackdown if you're watching. If not, let's talk wrestling and get this ship back on track.
I just mowed the lawn and as a "hey, you're done!" gift a hornet stung me and I'm feeling very weird.
Communities go off-topic! davebatistadealwithit.gif
I think it's too late to get a taste of whatever short-term money TNA is throwing around.
This thread is getting out of control and I take full responsibility.
Let's talk Smackdown if you're watching. If not, let's talk wrestling and get this ship back on track.
I just mowed the lawn and as a "hey, you're done!" gift a hornet stung me and I'm feeling very weird.
Oh, wait, nevermind, sir. I will discuss the topics you want thanks for steering us back!
Well time to watch someone dislocate a shoulder when he is getting a push again by a guy who injured someone again.
Ambrose with CAW theme music and ring attire.
* Bully Ray is out next. He cuts a promo and thanks the fan for helping him put Dixie Carter through a table. Devon joins Bully and Team 3D gets a big pop. They're interrupted by Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy. They cut promos and we've got Team 3D vs. The Hardys for later tonight. It will be a TLC match.
Who's the greatest heel commentator?
bean breath.
It's time for Shine 20. Act accordingly.
Prepare for bullshit finishes in Havok matches?
I am loving Star Dust.