lol Nintendo have nothing to show at E3
lol Nintendo
Mario, Xenoblade 2, Pokken and I'm happy <3
lol Nintendo have nothing to show at E3
lol Nintendo
Do we love Bobby?
Depends on if you consider the rock black. And even you do that was like what 8 , 9 years.
Mario, Xenoblade 2, Pokken and I'm happy <3
It was 4 years ago 😂😂😂Depends on if you consider the rock black. And even you do that was like what 8 , 9 years.
When was the last time a black man appeared in the main event?
It something I been thinking about for a while, that black people in the WWE are treating like jokes and/or can dance especially black man . Like the main black dudes on raw are Apollo, a super black name, Titus and r thuth. And all of them are jokes. The same can be said for Smackdown, like is there even a black single wreslter on it?
It something I been thinking about for a while, that black people in the WWE are treating like jokes and/or can dance especially black man . Like the main black dudes on raw are Apollo, a super black name, Titus and r thuth. And all of them are jokes. The same can be said for Smackdown, like is there even a black single wreslter on it?
Mario, Xenoblade 2, Pokken and I'm happy <3
"June 6th: WWN is allowing Riddle out of his bookings on July 8th and July 9th to pursue another opportunity. We feel it is only fair for Riddle's career. However, we do deeply value the fans who will attend our debut events on July 8th in Charlotte, NC and July 9th in Atlanta, GA. Trent Baretta has been added to EVOLVE 88 and EVOLVE 89 as a replacement."
The fuck are you talking about?Known Jinder hater specifies black man rather than colored man
wonder why 🤔
Has Mario ever had a history of delays like Zelda?
The fuck are you talking about?
"June 6th: WWN is allowing Riddle out of his bookings on July 8th and July 9th to pursue another opportunity. We feel it is only fair for Riddle's career. However, we do deeply value the fans who will attend our debut events on July 8th in Charlotte, NC and July 9th in Atlanta, GA. Trent Baretta has been added to EVOLVE 88 and EVOLVE 89 as a replacement."
What is the crowd turning going to do?
I almost got worked by their 2014 E3i bet people are going to be really disappointed with nintendo's e3 this year
even though you should all know by now that when they aren't struggling in the market place, they give zero fucks at e3
see: e3 2007 and 2008 when wii and ds were destroying
i'll be happy if i see mario.
I'd rather see WiiU ports than Xenoblade
most overrated rpg series of all time
of all time.
Data East only made one good game
I'd rather see WiiU ports than Xenoblade
most overrated rpg series of all time
of all time.
That title goes for Elder Scrolls.
Okay? Again what does that have to do with anything I said. My whole conversation is about how black in particularly black males are view in the WWE.You'd get a black man in the main event then complain about their 'workrate' and that they don't deserve to be champion like you do with Jinder.
Data East only made one good game
I'd rather see WiiU ports than Xenoblade
most overrated rpg series of all time
of all time.
Sit down, mark.
How can it be overrated if so many people love it?
Xenoblade Chronicles is a personal Top 5 GOAT for me. Havent played the rest of the xeno series.
Ha, you beat me to it. Karnov is still fantastic.
Damn, son. Rolled me right up.Sit down, mark.
Mix race in the African American community is a complex that if more about we can continue in the PM. As for the rock he doesn't really talk about his race especially now in any serious conversation.What ???? Please tell what he is? As a mixed person myslef with a black parent I love when people pull this. is there a chart ? Do we need to break down percentages ? What does this even mean? At what point are you considered black does your mom need to be black does your dad need to be black?
Why do you want to love a bad game?
That's going on your headstone.I'm a mark for Goofy.
Saying something is overrated is dumb. I hate it. And I hate you.
Kingdom Hearts was great until they decided to make a bunch of side story games and skip an entire console generation before deciding to make Kingdom Hearts 3.
JFC, Kingdom Hearts 2 came out 11 fucking years ago
YOU are overrated.
the worst thing that ever happened to video games was the hd generation
longer dev cycles = higher, unrealistic expectations from fans = impossible standards to reach (not to mention insane budgets for games and ridiculous sales numbers required to turn a profit)
square is easily the poster boy with their fucking 10 year dev cycles for games crossing multiple generations
FF7 - 1997
FF8 - 1999
FF9 - 2000
FF10 - 2001
fuck me. was hd really worth it kids?
the worst thing that ever happened to video games was the hd generation
longer dev cycles = higher, unrealistic expectations from fans = impossible standards to reach (not to mention insane budgets for games and ridiculous sales numbers required to turn a profit)
square is easily the poster boy with their fucking 10 year dev cycles for games crossing multiple generations
FF7 - 1997
FF8 - 1999
FF9 - 2000
FF10 - 2001
fuck me. was hd really worth it kids?
the worst thing that ever happened to video games was the hd generation
longer dev cycles = higher, unrealistic expectations from fans = impossible standards to reach (not to mention insane budgets for games and ridiculous sales numbers required to turn a profit)
square is easily the poster boy with their fucking 10 year dev cycles for games crossing multiple generations
FF7 - 1997
FF8 - 1999
FF9 - 2000
FF10 - 2001
fuck me. was hd really worth it kids?