Wait, wait.
So, Lana is going to be a wrestler?
Is she any good? What is happening?
No. Desperation
Wait, wait.
So, Lana is going to be a wrestler?
Is she any good? What is happening?
Wait, wait.
So, Lana is going to be a wrestler?
Is she any good? What is happening?
The intention is never to destroy a wrestler. It's always about what they need at a certain time, and arranging things like they can. It's the result of it that counts.
It's always accidental. At first you're protected, then less and less. Sure he can take a loss here, and there. Then people stop seeing him has a legit threat... Then they stop caring.
I can tell you that Owens smark love has died considerably after the universal title run already. You can see it easily online. He doesn't really have massive support like other indy stars. They did the worst with him cause they killed teh whole "breaking the glass ceiling" expectation. He was a champ, and it was lame cause of booking. So.. It's not like people will cheer for his push. The whole idea was to kill his smark reaction from the day he became a champ on raw.
So now he's not funny anymore, he loses, he has an horrible look... They did it. They killed the internet hype. Now he's just an employee they can use like they want.
Lol Lana just listing of nicknames and has to make up one for Tamina: Godzilla
Lol Shane is such a prick. Just talking down to Lana.
The most ravishing WWE superstar of all-time...?
Lana has passion, but she's literally repeating the same line over and over and over again. She was floundering.
Shane corpsing over Breeze.
Edit: AJ gon fade Shane if he wears a romper. lol
Who can't the JB defend?Damn. When not even the Jinder Brigade can defend you, you really fucking suck.
Rusev will probably be another top heel.
She'll get better.
She's being thrown in deep here.
It went too long true.
Shane is just a complete prick tonight.
It really looks like Owens had the flu or some shit out there.
He just looks rough even when he made it out to the ring. Just not himself.
It's weird that they totally just gave up on it after heath and rhyno won, like they didn't even try anything muchI love how quickly they've turned the SD tag division around. They still need another credible heel team - hopefully the Fashion Files case leads to something good - but Breezango, The Usos, and New Day are all killing it.
I love how quickly they've turned the SD tag division around. They still need another credible heel team - hopefully the Fashion Files case leads to something good - but Breezango, The Usos, and New Day are all killing it.
Uso's right now feel like attitude era "pumped up version of themselves"
How come they, New Day and select others can do this, where everyone else is force fed scripts?
The plan was clearly for American Alpha to be top face team, but then Heath and Rhyno got super over so they put the belts on them without really having a plan for them. So they got stuck in limbo because they weren't ready to give up on AA being top team, which was easily their biggest mistake because it trickled down and killed every team's heat. No one was given anything to do when that really didn't need to be the case, and I think part of that was feeling like they had to protect AA.It's weird that they totally just gave up on it after heath and rhyno won, like they didn't even try anything much
They did a little with the usos heel turn but they kind of just let it be until late
Breezango could be the 1B to New Day's 1A. New Day's merch sales mean they'll always be on top, but Breeze and Fandango are proving they're every bit as talented. They need to get some Fashion Police merch on the shop ASAP.Breezango should definitely be the lead face team, they're fantastic, and Tyler Breeze can really wrestle.
American Alpha should be a no nonsense heel team, they're too vanilla to be a good face team.
The Usos should continue to be the lead heel team, they have been doing so damn well. They should also still fuck with AA every now and then since they have a history.
Uso's right now feel like attitude era "pumped up version of themselves"
How come they, New Day and select others can do this, where everyone else is force fed scripts?
American Alpha should be a no nonsense heel team, they're too vanilla to be a good face team.
It's interesting to see it's happening across all televised sports and not just WWE. The article notes the moment to digital platforms. I really think that despite their best efforts, WWE's social media and digital platforms really struggle with creating compelling content.Heh, not only is wrestling getting an older demographic, it's actually losing under 18's.
It's just not attracting new fans.
It's interesting to see it's happening across all televised sports and not just WWE. The article notes the moment to digital platforms. I really think that despite their best efforts, WWE's social media and digital platforms really struggle with creating compelling content.
Im surprised WWE hasn't turned itself into a viral content factory. It's what all the late night shows have done.
The only time my non wrestling fan friends ever talk about WWE are spots like Braun flipping the ambulance. Stuff like that should happen 2-3 times a week.
Great googly moogly.I honestly don't know if Great Balls of Fire is a joke intended ot go viral or not at this point.
Naito 'Tanahashi says he'll fix the belt with his bare hands if he has to if he wins? Really? For real? Film it, put that footage on world'
'Why am I smashing this? Really, if we have the new US title, we don't need this.
'And nobody's stopping me. Liger maybe. Fans sending death threats but no wrestlers doing anything.'