All of the eras are ~30% good.
Not sure about the Golden Age, and definitely not The New Generation.
All of the eras are ~30% good.
Foley's best work is as the original Mankind character, but he's still instrumental in getting alot of the Attitude Era going.
Austin/McMahon? Foley kept that going
The rise of The Rock? Shit everyone talks about Taker but where would The Rock have gone without the Foley feud
HHH? Pretty much the best part of the whole Mcmahon/Helmsley thing was Foley
The Hardcore Title was my favorite thing from the Attitude Era. It was so fun and goofy how it was defended 24/7. Plus my boy Raven practically owned the thing.
Tagyhag, I need your loyalty if you're going to have a spot in WrassleGAF.
Anyone who says the Attitude Era began in 1991 is wrong. For what it's worth, in my opinion the Attitude Era officially starts the moment Austin becomes Stone Cold
Anyone who says the Attitude Era began in 1991 is wrong. For what it's worth, in my opinion the Attitude Era officially starts the moment Austin becomes Stone Cold
The fuck is going on here in this gif?
Edit: Also, The Attitude Era ranges from 1991 to John Cena based on who you ask
Well, WWE officially says the Montreal Screwjob is the start.
The start kind of varies, but most people pretty much agree that X-7 is the end right?
The fuck is going on here in this gif?
Edit: Also, The Attitude Era ranges from 1991 to John Cena based on who you ask
I think what it all comes down to is that the Attitude Era was really, really good at making you believe in it.
The modern era doesn't. In comparison, most of the modern era just seems to happen "just because" and there's nothing to get invested in.
When wrestling is dead in 5 years we can still reminisce about the attitude era.
Puppies! Woohoo
When wrestling is dead in 5 years we can still reminisce about the attitude era.
Puppies! Woohoo
WWE seems to be doing more long term (well long term to them) storylines now with who attack enzo/who attacked cass, having Goldust and R-Truth cut promos each week, Kurt Angle/Corey Graves.
EXCLUSIVE: Will @HideoItami return home to Japan? He puts the rumors to rest once and for all before @WWENXT. #WWENXT
Attitude Era for me started when Stone Cold showed up, or at least when he gave the Austin 3:16 promo. The Attitude Era ended with WrestleMania X7, and unfortunately the Attitude Era has a shitty ending because it ends with Vince winning.
This interview is almost like someone heard Meltzer and decided to build a storyline around it:
Taken like that, it is kind of a depressing story.
After three years of Austin witnessing first hand how greed can corrupt an individual and how Vince McMahon can drag down the lives of so many, an exhausted Steve Austin succumbs to his demons and joins with him to become the champion.
Austin's heel run may have been ill-advised, but that actual turn[/], at that moment, was great.
This interview is almost like someone heard Meltzer and decided to build a storyline around it:
EXCLUSIVE: Will @HideoItami return home to Japan? He puts the rumors to rest once and for all before @WWENXT. #WWENXT
This Freedom's Road taping is pretty tasty
Dijak in PROGRESS makes me happy, he's such a try hard I love him. Bought my ticket when they announced Isla Dawn before though, she really impressed me at the first London EVE show, and haven't had chance to see her since.
lmao @ "Jack Sexsmith"
Is this the first you've seen Sexsmith?
You know he almost got this thread shutdown right 😂
Never heard of him until I just saw that.
I'll never think Austin's heel turn was ever a good idea. For me it was the first sign that Vince was going back to shitty booking now that WCW was out of the way
I'll never think Austin's heel turn was ever a good idea. For me it was the first sign that Vince was going back to shitty booking now that WCW was out of the way
Comey will disappear before he says anythingIt's gonna be a slobberknocker.
Comey is pretty much going to say that Trump committed obstruction of justice
Well that idea to turn heel was austin's. He thought he was getting stale as a babyface. The problem with turning him was they didn't have a babyface at his level to replace him.
Who the fuck wants to hear Baron Corbin talk over Owens v Nakamura?