A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Buy out TNA and take over the impact zooone
I feel like your posting style changed post Vince avatar. That's where the gimmick accusations come from. I used to think you weren't being completely genuine, but not anymore.
Are we being worked here, friends?
Anyone going to the TNA tapings in NYC? I want to hear a fuck you dixie chant.
Where is Horse?
Wah! Wait, so now you think I AM being completely genuine, right? Because I ain't workin SHIT. Not a gimmick poster. Rafa thought I was too but we got through it. I went with Vince because of how hard I was pushing WrassleGAF.
Yes, I believe you are the real deal.Wah! Wait, so now you think I AM being completely genuine, right? Because I ain't workin SHIT. Not a gimmick poster. Rafa thought I was too but we got through it. I went with Vince because of how hard I was pushing WrassleGAF.
They'll probably get one anyway, no worries.
Given GAF account approval takes 6 years, setting up an alt seems like a lot of work.
I do feel kinda at fault for encouraging it when I got my username changed though. We have a Ric Flair that doesn't post much.
I am not paying enough attention to WWE recently, and it seems everything is blowing up. Why is there a lack of money of a sudden? Why is there talk of strikes. It is pretty much Network not working out, or did everything just turn sour in recent weeks
I am not paying enough attention to WWE recently, and it seems everything is blowing up. Why is there a lack of money of a sudden? Why is there talk of strikes. It is pretty much Network not working out, or did everything just turn sour in recent weeks
People tend to forget their alts when there's no reason to use em...
Cost cutting, especially nickel-and-dime stuff like cutting out travel costs, inspires investor confidence because it makes it seem like the company is "serious" about creating profit, especially in the short term.
All went down hill when the stock plunged. Granted, the budget had no problems when the stock wasn't even that high. It's all a preemptive freakout really, preparing for the worst. But nothing has actually happened yet.
They're projected to lose $45-60 million this year, mostly because of the Network not being as successful as they hoped. Core business (attendance & ratings) is fine, so it's just short-term problems and stuff being cut to save some money right now. Next year they should be back on track with the international Network rollout and stuff.
They'll probably get one anyway, no worries.
They try to make it seem like it's serious but they have Dixie smiling in the back ground.
They try to make it seem like it's serious but they have Dixie smiling in the back ground.
People tend to forget their alts when there's no reason to use em...
I still don't know who Horse was an alt for though. The truth is out there...
I do feel kinda at fault for encouraging it when I got my username changed though. We have a Ric Flair that doesn't post much.
Well I mean it's TNA....and they have Tommy Dreamer in the foreground in 2014.
Has anyone heard anything on why they wrote Roode out of tv and when he'll be back? One of the few reasons to watch TNA and they send him home.
How many people do you think that exciting face to face confrontation will sway into watching tonight?
In best news, the final for Un Busca De Un Idolo is set! Cavernario vs Hechicero! Best match!
This many people
Wah! Wait, so now you think I AM being completely genuine, right? Because I ain't workin SHIT. Not a gimmick poster. Rafa thought I was too but we got through it. I went with Vince because of how hard I was pushing WrassleGAF.
Cancer thread has me down. People have gone through shit way worse than me. Still, tough to deal with. Life isn't the same after. Day in and out, pretty much try not to think of it.
Works most of the time luckily. Staying busy, whether work or fun, helps.
Found Randy Orton's trainer:
Congrats on beating it though.
The wrestling site I usually go to, got some new article writer and he always puts his smark asides into the articles. Shit is irritating. Then they got a new layout, and I said fuck it.
What's a good wrassle site for news
I'd like to think people don't actually think of me as playing a character. I try to be honest and genuine.
Duncan Steel never forgives slander against Bryan though...
Are we being worked here, friends?
Part of the fun of WrassleGAF is you never know where our allegiances lie. It's like WCW.
This many people
Yeah. He's one of those that looked late 30s in his early 20s so it looked like he never aged. Till now.
They would be happy to get that now. Just think we could have had Heyman running the company right now, but they didn't want to give him full control. Shit, we could have had Jarrett running the company and Bob Carter was even at his fucking house, but the deal fell through at the last second, because Bob demanded that Dixie stay on air as a character.