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June Wrasslin |OT| MADNESS

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Been watching you guys salavate over this punk shoot so decided to watch it, holy shit it feels like back in the 90's/ early 2000's when I used to watch.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Punk promo should start a new era. Austin vs Vince all over again!
Apdiddy said:
If the Randy Orton in this interview were his character, I would love to watch him. Edgy fraternity guy who makes jokes about things he isn't supposed to....not some 'intense' boring dude.
This actually gives a lot of credence to a story someone told me about Orton a few years ago. :lol

Nelo Ice

lol so wait orton actually thinks cenas better on the mic than the rock? thats what it sounded like based on what ive heard so far of the interview

edit:wait he does think cena is better on the mic :LOL
Apdiddy said:
If the Randy Orton in this interview were his character, I would love to watch him. Edgy fraternity guy who makes jokes about things he isn't supposed to....not some 'intense' boring dude.
So Orton stole Vance Archer's gimmick?


Junior Member
I'm not going to talk about the Punk promo as I have something to show you guys. I had a little fun with Smackdown vs Raw 2011 and did a tribute to WCW with it for my website. Check it out: http://www.jv247.com/2011/06/wcw-smackdown-vs-raw-2011/

The video is in French with English subtitles (besides, I only speak for a few seconds). I hope my subtitles aren't in broken English. If you like it, don't hesitate to share it.

Nelo Ice

just finished the interview wow ortons pretty freaking cool so many great stories and cena shitting and throwing up during a match :LOL

edit:is there any place to watch any of the other interviews they've done? would love to hear the cena interview or any other wrestlers


Nelo Ice said:
lol so wait orton actually thinks cenas better on the mic than the rock? thats what it sounded like based on what ive heard so far of the interview

edit:wait he does think cena is better on the mic :LOL
I remember pre-WM he said something to that regard. Something how Rock had all his material wrote for him, and Cena improvises. If they let Cena do his own thing on most of his promos, then god help us all. They're so bad.

Nelo Ice

Striker said:
I remember pre-WM he said something to that regard. Something how Rock had all his material wrote for him, and Cena improvises. If they let Cena do his own thing on most of his promos, then god help us all. They're so bad.

yeah he talked about that in the interview and apparently he got in trouble for it and the rock called vince to tell him he didnt like it either

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Backflip said:
I'm not going to talk about the Punk promo as I have something to show you guys. I had a little fun with Smackdown vs Raw 2011 and did a tribute to WCW with it for my website. Check it out: http://www.jv247.com/2011/06/wcw-smackdown-vs-raw-2011/

The video is in French with English subtitles (besides, I only speak for a few seconds). I hope my subtitles aren't in broken English. If you like it, don't hesitate to share it.

That's really neat. I like it. Are all the CAWs up on the SvR11 servers for download?


On his Facebook page, Trevor Murdoch wrote, "Well I got a call from Johnny Ace saying they weren't going to go threw with my contract. He told me "budget cut's". I say bulls***. I think I'm done with pro wrestling. Anybody know of any job opening's?"
Wow, that's harsh about Murdoch. Fucking WWE can be such a bunch of scumbags sometimes - how can you go from wanting to hire a guy, putting him in dark matches, offering him a contract, telling him to cut ties with any promotions he works for and finish up his commitments to wanting nothing to do with him in the space of a month and a half? Too many people pulling in different directions, they don't know what they want.


RBH said:

Maybe this dude can put in a word for him.



Bootaaay said:
Wow, that's harsh about Murdoch. Fucking WWE can be such a bunch of scumbags sometimes - how can you go from wanting to hire a guy, putting him in dark matches, offering him a contract, telling him to cut ties with any promotions he works for and finish up his commitments to wanting nothing to do with him in the space of a month and a half? Too many people pulling in different directions, they don't know what they want.
That's ultimately what leads to the WWE sabotaging any good angles/gimmicks that capture people's attention. Too many agendas from Dunn to Hayes to Johnny Ace to Brian to Hunter to Steph on down.

At least if Vince was ONLY "surrounded by glad-handed nonsensical douchebag yes men" - and he largely is below the upper tier - he would be able to see through any ideas he gets without having the rug pulled out from under him.

But he's so erratic in terms of what he wants and all of these guys have their own views on who should be pushed, who's over, who's not and then you factor in the sophmoric non-professional nonsense like pulling ribs on guys like Henry and Ryder or Dunn's personal vendettas against guys like Sheamus and it just leads to so many angles not realizing their full potential.
I fail to be sad about Murdoch. Other than his look, there is not really much that stands out. His mic and in-ring work are okay, but there are others better than him. There really is no other way to push him other than as a stereotypical Texan, and I really don't want to watch that - again.

There are enough quality guys on the roster, in FCW, and getting dark match tryouts right now to build a great product around, should WWE step up. Murdoch would have added nothing.
Exactly. At least Murdoch can work and has a different look from the vast majority of the roster. But regardless, it's disgusting the way he's been treated.


dream said:
Really, talent relations and development has gone to shit without Jim Ross.
THIS right here. Simply cannot be stressed enough. And it was petty politics that pushed JR out of that role. We may not directly feel it but his absence in talent relations is a greater void than the one left having no JR doing commentary.

Now you have Chavo, MVP and Low-Ki outright asking for releases.

Batista disgusted with the PG product, publically bemoaning Fit Finlay being fired as a scapegoat and telling people to quit the WWE.

You've got every burnt out Creative member from the 2000s running podcasts where they trash Kevin Dunn, the WWE work environment and saying their lives are far better for having left all while still being big wrestling fans.

Zack Ryder sought out YouTube to get himself over and isn't rewarded meanwhile everyone not named Cena or Orton trade off wins so nothing matters while feuding with the same people indefinitely.

And yet despite all of that, the WWE still puts out a better product than TNA because they're not polluted by the likes of Vince Russo and Hulk Hogan pulling the strings of "I wuv all the wrestlers of the 1980s & 1990s" in Dixie Carter.

The last couple weeks of WWE programming have been better. They're starting to let faces like Kofi and Daniel Bryan cut promos again. That's a start. Let's hope the CM Punk angle leads somewhere new.
At DDT's show at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo tomorrow Dick Togo, one of the founding members of Kaientai, will retire from wrestling after a career that broke the 20 year mark earlier this month and has taken him all across the globe working for promotions like WWF, Michinoku Pro, ECW, Zero-1, DDT, NJPW, ROH, etc. He'll be wrestling his long time friend Gedo in the main event.

Really can't wait to see his send off, Togo has been so consistently awesome for near enough a decade now and it's great to see a guy leave the business on his own terms, rather than through injury.



Striker said:
Jeez, listening to that Orton thing on The Rock.

What an idiot.
If he has writers write everything before he goes out, and CENNNNNNER does it off the top of his head, then yeah, Cena is better. But it doesn't take away the fact that some of Rock's stuff is some of the most memorable written mic work ever.
Striker said:
Jeez, listening to that Orton thing on The Rock.

What an idiot.
"I did drugs and almost died, made a lot of mistakes."

Good Randy, that stuff'll kill you.

"Also Cena is way better on the mic than the Rock."


"Transformers 3: awesome"

Oh crap, get the adrenaline needle, he's ODing.


zychi said:
If he has writers write everything before he goes out, and CENNNNNNER does it off the top of his head, then yeah, Cena is better. But it doesn't take away the fact that some of Rock's stuff is some of the most memorable written mic work ever.
Considering how bad and boring Cena's promos are, I don't get how it's suppose to help his status.

Seems Orton is a little jealous of Rock's achievements in the company and how he doesn't need them. Comes off as bitter in that interview. For a guy who can't draw Smackdown, he talks a big game.


Online Ho Champ
zychi said:
If he has writers write everything before he goes out, and CENNNNNNER does it off the top of his head, then yeah, Cena is better. But it doesn't take away the fact that some of Rock's stuff is some of the most memorable written mic work ever.

...no cena isnt better he's just embarrassing and needs to write his stuff down and get writers like the rock supposedly does God he's bad on the mic.


C.M. Punk’s interview at the end of the 6/27 Raw, ripping on the McMahons, employees kissing Vince McMahon’s ass, John Laurinaitis, talking about being a Paul Heyman guy just like Brock Lesnar, vowing to leave the company with the championship with 7/17, and teasing taking it to New Japan Pro Wrestling or Ring of Honor will end up likely being the most talked about wrestling promo in years.
The promo went farther than any promo in recent memory, perhaps WWE history, as Punk talked about breaking down the “fourth wall,” and talked about what many criticize WWE for, and about the only thing seemingly off limits was any mentions of TNA. As far as worked shoots go, this was as far as WWE has ever gone, including the acknowledgment of previously forbidden subjects such as if Vince McMahon would die, and if so, how the company was being turned over to Stephanie and HHH.
The angle continued on the already taped 7/4 Raw show. It was first announced that Punk was fired and his title shot at John Cena’s WWE title on 7/17 in Chicago would go to the winner of a match later on the show, which turned out to be Alberto Del Rio (which should lead to Del Rio being in the SummerSlam title match in some form). However, Cena protested, saying that he believed in freedom of speech and that he thought WWE did as well. He called out Vince McMahon, and discussed some issues including confiscating signs at shows, and that he wanted to face Punk for the title. McMahon said that he could not afford having Punk win the title when his contract expired and then leave with the championship belt, as a play off of the 1997 Survivor Series where he felt he had to screw Bret Hart for fear he would leave without losing the championship.
Cena then handed McMahon the title and walked off, with the idea that if he was being a protected champion, he didn’t want to be champion and the championship wasn’t worth anything if McMahon was afraid to have him defend against Punk, who beat him in a non-title match. In the final segment of the show, McMahon agreed to take Punk off suspension, and put the title match back on. But McMahon said that if Cena were to screw up and lose the title, he would fire Cena. That probably was a flaw in an otherwise excellent angle, because they just did an angle leading to Cena being fired last year with Wade Barrett, and Cena never even missed one television show and was quickly reinstated. That was recent enough that nobody was going to buy the Cena being fired aspect so it shouldn’t have been done.
Exactly where reality ends and storyline begins is in question, and that’s a good thing. If there is a negative, and there is, the idea of McMahon being afraid of someone that his champion couldn’t beat would be more suited for a Brock Lesnar WrestleMania appearance or someone who is more of a physical threat as a shooter as opposed to a manipulator. However, from a promo standpoint, there are very few people who could have pulled this one off at the level Punk did. Lesnar couldn’t, but Paul Heyman talking for Lesnar could. Other positives is this does put focus on the title, and in its own way, makes the title seem more important and creates a wrestling version of reality around it that has been lacking. The big negative is the timing. Casual Fans have become conditioned in recent years to order the big three or so shows, so the amount of added business you could spike for Money in the Bank would not take full advantage of what would hoped to be the potential for the angle. For SummerSlam, this would make the company a lot more money and I’m kind of surprised with a dynamic angle like this they didn’t save it for that show.
Of course, if 7/17 ends up as a prelude and actually kicks off a bigger angle for SummerSlam, that would make more sense. Punk’s contract actually expired a few days before the PPV but signed an agreement to stay on through the show. There are a lot of ways you can go with it, but they had the outsider dynamic last year with Nexus that was super hot at first, but by the time they got to SummerSlam, it had been cooled off to where business was a disappointment for that show. But if Punk is leaving on 7/17, and both talent believes and creative has been outright told that is the case, then this only has a few week shelf life, unless they have a great idea to follow up on this if and when he signs a new deal.
The interview and show had an awesome ending, almost perfect, as Punk, who for no apparent reason was wearing a Stone Cold Steve Austin T-shirt (the idea of Punk vs. Steve Austin is a live issue going forward but the ball is in Austin’s court. He does personally like Punk and praised this segment highly, and Punk no doubt would love to work a program with Austin), was starting to rip into Vince personally. At that point his mic was turned off. He continued talking but you couldn’t hear him. Then the show faded to black and immediately, the next show on USA began. However, because they were taping two Raws on the same night, for the hardcore audience, and a lot of this promo was hardcore audience driven, they would have known it was all angle by how it played out during the second show.
For the casual audience, whether they were intrigued past normal level and if they didn’t know the conclusion, the follow-up show airs on 7/4, which is likely to be the lowest rated Raw of the year, simply because of the date. Even if this angle worked to perfection, and brings ratings for 7/4 up, it would not be probably anywhere close to the level of rating you’d do for 7/11. Of course, that’s the go-home show, and it’s far better to have your main event in place two weeks out.
It would have been more effective having this done a week earlier, letting it simmer for a week, and hopefully build to a bigger rating the next week but that’s a moot point today, and who knows if anyone had come up with it by then.
Where things stand on Punk’s negotiations are being kept very close to the vest. WWE creative has been told Punk finishes up on 7/17. Those with knowledge of the situation said that he has not signed a new deal, but that they are in negotiations for a new deal. At least as of a few months ago, he had openly said he wanted a lot of time off, and it was a decision he made probably not long after Chris Jericho left, since when Jericho left, we were first told not to be surprised if Punk is the next one.
Originally, among those in the company, when the angle played, it was considered the feeling that he must have signed or else they wouldn’t have done something to get him so hot when he’s only got a few shows left. There were things done like removing him from the roster page on the web site to play into the angle. The idea of, in this case, keeping quiet that a deal had been reached from everyone would not be a surprise. No matter what creative is being told or what people assume and are told, anything is possible.
From those close to the situation, we were told in the McMahon interview that airs on 7/4, where McMahon claimed Punk was asking for a ridiculous amount of money and stipulations to stay, far more than he’s worth, is something right out of reality and there is an impasse in that regard. Again, where storyline ends is not certain, but multiple sources close to the situation (who in this case, everyone could be misdirected here), his demands to stay are legitimately very high, much higher than someone at the position he’s considered at would be getting.
One person noted that the mention of every name, Colt Cabana, Heyman and Lesnar, all play into different current talks. Apparently he recently asked for Cabana, his longtime best friend, to get a main roster position as one of his deal points to return. But most feel that no matter what happens short-term, he will eventually be back even though he does not live high, he has made a lot of money, saved a lot of money, and will be under no financial duress to sit for a long time. In addition, he’d be able to make a deal anywhere in wrestling and at least make a decent living and can time going back to WWE when they would need him, given that talent depth on top is likely to get worse as the years go by, not better.
Heyman and Lesnar have either made a deal or at least are in very serious negotiations to have a business relationship with WWE. In the case of Lesnar, it is not to wrestle and as far as what we’ve heard, would also not be as a television character. Heyman would be as best we can tell, similar to the Lesnar deal, but mentioning either name right now would not be something forbidden, plus it also works in the sense people watching don’t know that.
The storyline of Lesnar coming in as an outsider and challenging for the title at Mania and Vince being afraid a non-contract shooter would take his title elsewhere would be far more money (particularly with Heyman as the mouthpiece as Heyman, like Punk, is one of the few people who could pull this angle off), than a guy who was doing even-Steven booking with Rey Mysterio a few weeks ago on the Money in the Bank (a show that did not do well last year on PPV even though it was one of the better shows of the year in the ring) show. But the argument is that it will be a long time, logically Mania in 2013 at the earliest and if Lesnar can make a successful UFC comeback, longer than that, before that angle could have been done and I don’t think they ever think that far in advance on what ifs that are far from guaranteed to ever happen.
The WWE in storyline on the web site, where they first pulled him and announced he was suspended, then, since they are not taking him off house shows, said that Punk has agreed to fulfill all his house show dates and that for the time being both sides have agreed to work together without disparaging the other.
Right now, the two major title matches on the Money in the Bank show are Cena vs. Punk for the WWE title and, Orton vs. Christian for the world title. Based on a Smackdown angle, this could change to a three-way involving Sheamus. The Raw Money in the Bank match has Jack Swagger, The Miz, Alex Riley, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne (to do the spectacular stuff he can do which is why he’s had more TV team the past few weeks), Alberto Del Rio and R-Truth. There will also be a Smackdown Money in the Bank match but the participants haven’t been named, although Daniel Bryan, Kane, Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, Sin Cara and Wade Barrett are all possibilities. Kelly Kelly vs. Brie Bella for the Divas title has been announced. Ezekiel Jackson vs. Rhodes and Big Show vs. Mark Henry are also programs that have just started.
The angle got almost universal praise within wrestling, with some thinking it was a landmark moment. A big part of it was just being allowed to do it, because a lot of the shock wasn’t how well it was pulled off as much as it just being done. In that sense, he was handed the ball in a way few have been over the years. But if he really gets all this momentum and then leaves, while he can come back as a new level superstar (and he will be a huge babyface when he returns, and will almost surely be a huge babyface in Chicago the night of the PPV), I wonder about the thoughts of not striking when the iron is hot because this is a business where a lot of people can be stars if given opportunity, but being the next level up of star is a result of both ability and opportunity, but just as important is timing. And thinking back a year, that Nexus angle was awesome, even more talked about when it was over than this one. And look at where all the parties involved are today.
The actual promo went like this:
John Cena, while you lay there (Cena had been put through a table by R-Truth and was in the ring selling), hopefully as uncomfortable as you can possibly be, I want you to listen to me. I want you to digest this, because before I leave in three weeks with your WWE championship, I have a lot of things I want to get off my chest.
I don’t hate you, John. I don’t even dislike you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the back. I hate this idea that you’re the best, because you’re not. I’m the best. I’m the best in the world.
There’s one thing you’re better at than I am, and that’s kissing Vince McMahon’s ass. You’re as good at kissing Vince McMahon’s ass as Dwayne (Dwayne Johnson). He’s a pretty good ass kisser, always was, and still is.
Oops, I’m breaking the fourth wall. I am the best wrestler in the world. I’ve been the best ever since day one when I walked into this company. And I’ve been vilified and hated since that day because Paul Heyman saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit.
That’s right, I’m a Paul Heyman guy. You know who else was a Paul Heyman guy? Brock Lesnar. And he split, just like I’m splitting. But the biggest difference between me and Brock is that I’m going to leave with the WWE championship.
I’ve grabbed so many of Vincent K. McMahon’s imaginary brass rings that it’s finally dawned on me that they’re just that. They’re completely imaginary. The only thing that’s real is me. And the fact that day in and day out, for almost six years, I’ve proved to everybody in the world that I am the best on this microphone, in that ring, and even on commentary. Nobody can touch me. And yet, no matter how many times I prove it, I’m not on your lovely little collectors’ cups. I’m not on the cover of the program. I’m barely promoted. I don’t get to be in movies. I’m not on any crappy show on the USA Network (that line is interesting also that he was able to get through, but I’d expect USA was buzzed about it ahead of time and really given the circumstances of the goal of the promo, it shouldn’t have been hard to make them understand it’s a key line for the big picture). I’m not on the poster for WrestleMania. I‘m not on the signature (the open of Raw) that’s produced at the start of the show. I’m not on Conan O’Brien. I’m not on Jimmy Fallon. But the fact of the matter is, I should be.
And trust me, this isn’t sour grapes, but the fact that Dwayne is in the main event of WrestleMania next year and I’m not makes me sick.
Oh hey, let me get something straight. Those of you who are cheering me right now, you are just as big a part of me leaving as anyone else. Because you’re the ones sipping out of those collector cups right now. You’re the ones that buy those programs that my face isn’t on the cover of. And then at 5 in the morning at the airport, you try to shove in my face thinking you can get an autograph and sell it on eBay because you’re too lazy to get a real job.
I’m leaving with the WWE championship on July 17, and hell, who knows, maybe I’ll go defend it in New Japan Pro Wrestling. Maybe I’ll go back to Ring of Honor. Hey Colt Cabana, how you doing?
The reason I’m leaving is you people. Because after I’m gone, you’re still going to pour money into this company. I’m just a spoke on the wheel. The wheel’s going to keep turning.
And I understand that, that Vince McMahon’s gonna make money despite himself. He’s a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he’s not a billionaire? It’s because he surrounds himself with glad-handing nonsensical douchebag (they edited that word out) yes-men like John Laurinaitis, who’s gonna tell him everything he wants to hear.
And I’d like to think that maybe this company will be better after Vince McMahon is dead, but the fact is, it’s gonna get taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law (again, supposedly Punk was mad when HHH came back for Mania and basically ran down the entire locker room as nobody being at the level or being worthy to face either he or Undertaker in a Mania match, which did upset a lot of people) and the rest of his stupid family. Let me tell you a personal story about Vince McMahon. You know we do this whole bully campaign (mic cut off at this point, he talks without any words being audible other than screaming `I’ve been silenced’) and they faded to black.

gotta run I'll paste the rest later


I've come to learn that some people in this thread just hate on Cena to hate on him because he is the top of "sports entertainment" *cough* wrestling*cough*.

I'm not a big fan of his because of his lame wrestling skills, but he made his "stamp" on the WWE with his mic skills. Did you all forget "thuganomics?" If he does all of that off the top of his head. it's better then writing it down and repeating it verbatim, or via satelite with multiple takes, like Dwayne does.

It's the tinted glasses effect, Rock has some great stuff, but when you're limited by the pg era, and don't have a great class of wrestlers to rip on: Jericho(who out shined Rock in his first WWE appearance I might add), Austin(better mic guy imo, "What!" was STILL being used before he had his tough enough comeback), DX, an actual tag team division, the boss, the boss' family.

It's harder to come up with such witty things as, "do you smell what i'm cooking", "smackdown hotel", "LALALALALALALA"and making "jabroni" a relevant word when you have to appeal to kids, the FCC, Linda's political career and a lack of other mic workers in the business(Punk excluded)

Again, I'm not a Cena supporter, but it's funny how wrestling fans forget things 3 months after it happens, but continue to want a Morrison or a Cody Rhodes push, when the guys can't even speak on the mic.


The thuganomics shtick was nothing but toilet humor and gay jokes. And that angle was six years ago.

Wait, did you say Cody Rhodes can't speak on the mic?


zychi said:
I've come to learn that some people in this thread just hate on Cena to hate on him because he is the top of "sports entertainment" *cough* wrestling*cough*.

I'm not a big fan of his because of his lame wrestling skills, but he made his "stamp" on the WWE with his mic skills. Did you all forget "thuganomics?" If he does all of that off the top of his head. it's better then writing it down and repeating it verbatim, or via satelite with multiple takes, like Dwayne does.

It's the tinted glasses effect, Rock has some great stuff, but when you're limited by the pg era, and don't have a great class of wrestlers to rip on: Jericho(who out shined Rock in his first WWE appearance I might add), Austin(better mic guy imo, "What!" was STILL being used before he had his tough enough comeback), DX, an actual tag team division, the boss, the boss' family.

It's harder to come up with such witty things as, "do you smell what i'm cooking", "smackdown hotel", "LALALALALALALA"and making "jabroni" a relevant word when you have to appeal to kids, the FCC, Linda's political career and a lack of other mic workers in the business(Punk excluded)

Again, I'm not a Cena supporter, but it's funny how wrestling fans forget things 3 months after it happens, but continue to want a Morrison or a Cody Rhodes push, when the guys can't even speak on the mic.
I agree with 99% of this. Cody Rhodes plays that gimmick brilliantly, and his feud with Daniel bryan is one of the better things on T.V. right now.

yes a midcard feud. You know, those things that supposedly don't exist
Striker said:
The thuganomics shtick was nothing but toilet humor and gay jokes. And that angle was six years ago.
Ah yes i forgot how classy the Rock was.


Striker said:
The thuganomics shtick was nothing but toilet humor and gay jokes. And that angle was six years ago.

Wait, did you say Cody Rhodes can't speak on the mic?
don't you mean "thpeak on da mic?"

jokes aside, he's a great in-ring performer, and i agree with whoever just said his work with DB is good, but he has a lack of mic skills imo. even in legacy he was the weak one of the three for mic skill


remnant said:
Ah yes i forgot how classy the Rock was.
Rock used some dirty laundry, but it wasn't something he always relied on.

Again, Cena's thug gimmick ended in 2005. People still use that as a landmark for his verbal success as if it means anything today. Whether or not he gets his stuff written or not, Orton says he does it on his own, but it's far from being top level work even in today's shows where most guys can't even act, let alone talk.
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