Tna will outlive us all.TNA will not exist by the end of the year. they literally sold partof the company to fund the new set of tapings
Tna will outlive us all.TNA will not exist by the end of the year. they literally sold partof the company to fund the new set of tapings
I think he's right. As people like JesseEwiak, strobogo, Cagey, and Data West routinely show, the opinions of wrestling fans are so ignorant and uninformed that they simply don't matter.
I won't be shocked if the "contract" said no interferences from Gallows and Anderson, and the match is when they choose to get Finn Balor to make his entrance. Depends on if they're going to keep pushing face with him or not, because obviously you can't fight help Styles beat Cena without Michael Cole calling you the worst human being - sorry, demon - who ever lived.I'm looking forward to Cena vs AJ. I hope we have a non finish to be honest as I want the feud to keep going before AJ takes the loss.
didn't you constantly shit on Okada for having main event matches instead of your fave?
RKO outta nowhere on EC3.EC3 is better than Orton.
There are a few points that need to be made besides the obvious one about Raw delivering what the audience is looking for. The worst thing about these ratings are the intangibles. Raw is in. Nitro is out. Wrestling fans have grown to hate Nitro and WCW for all the reasons written about here every week and WCW is doing everything every week to only make the problems worse. Nothing short of a total overhaul is the answer.
There were problems a few months back that led to some of this, but the free-fall the company is taking is largely based on some of the worst booking ever over the past three months. One can make excuses that are valid, that it's going to take months of rebuilding before this can be turned around. But what has been happened of late, with the exception of one excellent show a few weeks back, is not rebuilding at all but simply digging the hole deeper by emphasizing all the things that have made the gap this wide. WCW had nothing as far as ratings were concerned going for it except Goldberg and Flair for the past two months, and now, due to Goldberg becoming just another guy after not being protected as he needed to be, and Flair being a heel and while remaining the most entertaining person in the company, he's playing a role the audience doesn't want him to play, now both are almost as dead as everyone else as ratings draws.
Bringing back Piper and Savage in prominent roles was exactly what a company painted with an image as being out-of-date and ancient didn't need. The argument that Kidman and Benoit and the likes would get killed in the ratings if made the main focal point of the show and put high on house show cards is true for right now. But at this point, at least they are young and can be built, and who were the Rock, the Road Dogg, Val Venis, Shane McMahon and the Brood one year ago? WCW is going to get killed for a long time no matter what it delivers. The Monday night war and wrestling war as far as being competitive has been over for weeks and it's garbage time in the fourth quarter of a game where the team behind has mentally quit and the score gap continues to grow.
It's time to rebuild, but instead, WCW builds around 40-year-olds. A title reign for Page. A title reign for Nash. Savage looking for the fountain of youth. Retreading Piper. Flair reverting back to the 80s. Hogan coming back as a top face. Sting and Luger in the spotlight continuing to fail when put in a high position. Like Scott Hall is going to make the slightest bit of difference. The money, thought and television time spent on people like Hall, Savage and Piper should have been spent on Jericho, who instead looks to be leaving and at this point he'd be a complete fool not to. And a bunch of younger guys who have been totally devalued in booking as being secondary stars who also can't draw ratings. An entirely new set of stars and a new concept of television is needed. A new set didn't mean crap. Ricky Rachmann, DJ Ran, and putting the announcers to ringside were as effective in the healing process as putting make-up on a cancer wound. There are no answers that are going to lead to winning any time soon. The only answer at this point is to rebuild, like a sports team. Expect a horrible record in 1999. Expect to get killed in the ratings every week. But build around younger talent and get them over as the main players. The older guys need to be used at this point for only one thing, putting over the younger guys. Anything else is basically fooling oneself. A football team that has its entire starting line-up past its prime and is in the middle of a 3-13 season doesn't trade its draft choices in order to sign more people five years past their prime.
And this same poster basically shits on Dana Brooke for DARING to have the match instead of their fave.
It's like the people who complain about womens wrestling not being taken seriously but they only care about a 'womens revolution' if it's the women THEY want. how dare nikki bella be champion. she's a model, she doesn't count! dana brooke? she's blonde and not our darling, how dare she get the match over the injury prone sasha banks. let's make sure to chant for our favorite to shit on someone else's angle because it's not what we want
Cena and Styles are old, sure, but Reigns Rollins Ambrose Owens etc are not.WCW in 1999 or modern day WWE??
I think he's right. As people like JesseEwiak, strobogo, Cagey, and Data West routinely show, the opinions of wrestling fans are so ignorant and uninformed that they simply don't matter.
The Shimmer Weekend shows are sually good due to all the talnet coming inSHINE's upcoming show actually has some juice to it:
SHINE 35, Friday, June 17th, 2016, 9pm Eastern from Ybor City, Florida and on iPPV.
SHINE Championship vs. SHIMMER Championship vs. TNA Knockouts Championship Match - Whomever is pinned or submitted will lose their championship
SHINE Champion Taylor Made w/ April Hunter vs. SHIMMER Champion Madison Eagles vs. TNA Knockouts Champion Allysin Kay
SHINE Tag Team Championship Match
B.T.Y. of Marti Belle & Jayme Jameson w/ April Hunter defend vs. Evie & Shazza McKenzie
Money In The Bank
Kellie Skater vs. Mia Yim vs. Santana vs. Nicole Matthews
Su Yung w/ April Hunter vs. Kay Lee Ray
Tessa Blanchard w/ April Hunter vs. Rachel Ellering
Kellyanne vs. Chelsea Green (from Tough Enough and Daniel Bryan's infidelity storyline)
Maria Maria & Luscious Latasha vs. Rhia O'Reilly & Viper
A winner take all match for those three championships is actually pretty cool, and I wonder if they'll actually have a ladder match for their MITB match or if they'll have a four-way.
2003 - 2009 Noah was so good they had just the right mix of older veterans and young up and comers.
Really miss Takeshi Morishima his run as GHC Champion was so good.
They were also smart in putting over the young talent even in losses to the old guard.
WCW in 1999 or modern day WWE??
Redesign, Rebuild, Reclaim.
The true poster has returned.
There's not a day that goes by where I think about a 6'3 Dean Malenko and how much he could've been a bigger star than he was. Luckily wCw had him and not wwf because I could only imagine what gimmick they would've thrown him. But who knows, Bret could've vouched for him during his run as top guy to let him and Dean tear the house down.Jay White needs a new photo for ROH ASAP. He looks so emo in that picture.
I started my Dean Malenko viewing project today with Joe and Dean Malenko vs. Ricky Steamboat and Nikita Koloff from Clash of the Champions XIX. Dean Malenko in 1992 is surprisingly agile and fast, and Joe Malenko and Steamboat have a beautiful sequence starting with their intense knucklelock test of strength fairly early in the match. At about 13 minutes long, it's a nice appetizer to Dean Malenko's work and well worth a watch.
"you do this"i'm trying to figure out what the fuck is going on here
i'm trying to figure out what the fuck is going on here
I love it. It's somehow the trolliest thing he does. (I mean, most of his opinioneering comes right from the Internet fans. People hate Cole, and Owens basically quotes them.) I really want him to come out in a scarf one day, as tribute.Kevin Owens's Jericho-worship is almost as funny as his random hatred of Michael Cole.
She says as long as it helps develop someone else and get them over, that is the ultimate goal of her character.
I'm sure Vince Russo has his fans too.If she's shit, you're saying all the people that like her are just wrong? Because she seems to have a fairly sizable amount of fans.
Surprised that's not a Kayfabe News article.
I can't recall one incident in the past year she has put anyone over. All she does is have a segment in which she insults someone and then nothing comes of it.
Has anyone seen this video of Al Snow's thoughts on TNA/Wrestling Fans?