Yep I actually think this Mania will be a 3 way between rock, Austin , and Hunter.
I'm tired of the Jr tag division
Witcher: Blood & Wine is amazing. Was easily the best expansion I've ever played. Puts the main game to shame. CD Projekt Red are like 5 years ahead of everyone else in terms of staging scenes with actors that move around and do stuff and using movie like camera pans.
As for MITB I'm fearing an Ambrose win. I expect Cena to lose his 1 out of 3 match with Styles since if he didn't that would mean Kevin Owens is better than A.J.
Fuck that shit, Ambrose doesn't need a shortcut to join the Rollins vs Reigns feud, give someone else the briefcase and have him keep it for a couple of months, until the current Reigns feud endsThe odds on Ambrose came waaay in last night. He's 2/9 now. Really don't want him to get it but I guess that Shield triple threat makes too much sense
Maybe it's counting back to TNA's debut on June 19, 2002? Slammiversary VIII was the first numbered one, after all.
The link made me think WWE had contacted Stevie Ray.
I'm tired of the Jr tag division
Guns and racism.
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I'm tired of Okada
So Kalisto was supposed to be the 7th guy.
Tough shit.
I don't know how any of you can see all the shit about Kidani calling Okada their big star to build the company around, see reports of them earmarking $5m to spend on promoting Okada and then STILL bitch and moan when Okada, surprise surprise, wins stuff.
There are other promotions. Okada isn't in any of them.
Austin vs Bret though is the perfect example of a guy not needing to win to get over huge. It's a shame most of the time these days the guy who doesn't win doesn't look as strong as Austin did outside of his matches with Bret.
Think happy thoughts, brother.
When is the Brand Split supposed to happen again?
It occurs to me that I don't really know anything about Okada.
Ocarina of Time?
Majora's Mask?
Also drop the edgy gimmick, Wind Waker is one of the best titles on the Game cube.
Get some new material, pal. Your shit's not working.
F1 time.
Schumacher's run of dominance reminds me of Triple H's reign of terror complete with deliberate fucking sabotage of opponents efforts.
Gotta make Bret look strong
I'm hoping the race is exciting if qualifying is any indication. Perez getting top 5, before penalty, and Ham crashing out were things I did not expect.
We'll see where building around one guy gets them when WWE makes him a big enough offer.
Imagine if it was THE Musketeer instead of Three Musketeers. With ol Poochie Okada.
Doesn't mean middle pack can't be fun, but knowing FIA they wont ever put the camera on the middle pack.
All I see is 3 jobbers who have been mishandled their entire run and accomplished less than Bray Wyatt and a guy stuck in an eternal feud to make Okada look strong
The UFC is promoting brock as a WWE Superstar
Austin never beat Bret.
So it's 2009 when they decided Tanahashi was the guy. I bet you won't be complaining when Naito gets his Wrestle Kingdom moment.
So it's actually being promoted as a WWE vs UFC match?
2009 WWE wasn't in the middle of being Territories Era Promotion Killers with international talent like 2016 WWE is. Naito's moment was him winning the title. If he wins at WK it won't be near as big of a deal because it will have just been him jumping through hoops to get the title back from the guy he immediately lost ito. Not only that, but Sanada booked to tap out to the jobber of CHAOS kills any feud that They could have done wiht Sanada and Okada inbetween then. Can you explain NJPW's booking of everyone in CHAOS and why they always look incompetent outside of Naito?
Smackdown starts live on July 19th so I'd think it'll take place on RAW either the night before or the previous week.
I can see it being network exclusive the previous week. Alternatively make it the live Smackdown show with the split beginning the following RAW, I think Battleground is that week which makes for weird timing.
"WHAT?"This "what" shit is about to make me hurl. Fuck you stone cold for making this shit.