Got to agree with friends klonere and Monsoon. Summer of Naito upon us. Okada is THE GUY.
Wrestling is pretty great
Wrestling is pretty great
Better work ethic too despite insinuations she slept her way to the top.By the time AJ Lee was finishing her run Nikki was the more interesting performer. Better character, tried harder in the ring, had more interesting things to say out of it.
bjork, I'll forever love you for hating the Rock, but you're in the wrong here
Her character was arrogant heel.
Which is what Sasha Banks is. And everyone seems to like that.
If she was an arrogant heel, why did she constantly pander to crowds looking for cheers?
Heaven forfend they try and elevate a guy. YOSHI-HASHI deserves it, he's built well on his momentum over the past year or so and I'm glad he's getting a shot.
Fucking because that's pro wrestling now!
Hey man, if they have greater plans for Yoshi-hashi then go for it. But I'll need to see it before I believe it on that front.
Alberto Del Rio is winning the MITB.
New Day is losing their titles but wont be pinned.
Rusev is going to crush Titus.
AJ will lose.
Charlotte and Dana will lose too because its not for the title. Leading to a Sasha vs Becky feud at Battlegrounds where the winner takes on Charlotte at Summerslam.
Roman is leaving Vegas as champion. Probably some wacky shit will happen, but Roman isnt losing the title. Period.
I saved you all 3 hours.
I'm not talking about doing fancy moves like Seth, I'm talking about acting like a babyface to the crowd, looking for cheers.
I mean, AJ had that promo of saying 'Guys like you bury guys like me' and I can't count how many times someone has said 'the fans are tired of your lame shtick' to Cena. It's what heels in the WWE do. I think Miz is the only one that doesn't pander to the fans in one way or another.
Weren't you one of the people praising Owens beating Cena (a single time lol)
FixedMonster Heels can get away with tons of cheating. CM Punk types.
Plus I'll take making Okada look strong over anything involving Cena.
Heaven forfend they try and elevate a guy. YOSHI-HASHI deserves it, he's built well on his momentum over the past year or so and I'm glad he's getting a shot.
They had to get the tag belts off GBH because Honma had a shoulder injury, he only returned at the Suzuki-gun show yesterday. It was either give Tama and his shitty brother a shot, or put the belts on TenKoji for no good reason.
As for EVIL, he's a few months back from excursion. Not everyone gets the Okada push (insert snide remark here) and from what I see the crowd's buying into him as a heavy hitter. Goto's infinitely more experienced, Goto was his senior in the dojo and it makes perfect sense that EVIL would struggle to defeat Goto.
Those are the worst people, the creeps in the wrestling scenebeing disrespectful cuntsand some gaming side threads
These guys are just being smarky cunts, "what was that" shouts, not only cheering the heel team over the face team, but even on that heel team chanting for Viper whenever Rhia was tagged in, and "You're not Viper" chants
I would love to know the number of Viper matches they watched from her Stardom tour. Or their ICW On Demand receipt.
I mean, AJ had that promo of saying 'Guys like you bury guys like me' and I can't count how many times someone has said 'the fans are tired of your lame shtick' to Cena. It's what heels in the WWE do. I think Miz is the only one that doesn't pander to the fans in one way or another.
They alao had another chance to put the rocket on him, sigh.So quite a few times I've been in this thread lamenting how Ken Shamrock was a missed opportunity. Sure, in the end that generation produced two of the biggest stars ever at the same time and other quality players like Mankind, HHH, Kane but its also always a shame when someone gets lost in the shuffle.
The other day I finally got to the moment that torpedoed his career forever. The one and only WWF Breakdown. Breakdown is a pretty good show most remembered for the double pin on Austin by the proto Brothers of Destruction but the triple threat cage match for the Number One Contender between Mankind, The Rock, and Ken Shamrock is just about the best possible triple threat cage match you could contest...and it also doomed Shamrock forever.
In the weeks leading up to this show The Rock had started a soft face turn. He saved Mankind from a beatdown (Mankind was a tweener leaning heavily face at the time) and started coming out with the NOD less and less. Breakdown is held in Manitoba and for whatever reason instead of treating Rocky like the heel in this match, or treating all three as faces the crowd decides that Rocky should no longer die and that he's the best thing ever...and boring Ken Shamrock is the heel.
Shamrock...has not one fucking clue how to be a heel. His two big things, explosive moves and snapping, are both going to engender him to the crowd. He's a great interview as proven during the early talk show debates over the UFC but he can't do a heel promo to save his life. Besides rampant steroid/hgh use the guy comes off as a true, boring professional. Dean Malenko is more interesting than he is. Steve Blackman is too.
The next night on RAW the main event is Rock/Shamrock/Mankind versus Taker/Kane and Rock and Mankind spend the five minutes before the match beating up Shamrock and even taking shots at him during the match...pretty much for no good reason. So not only is Shamrock not good at this heel shit but he had no motivation for actually turning heel, that doesn't come until weeks later when the Corporation is formed.
JIMMY! YOU CAME BACK! WELCOME BACK!bjork, I'll forever love you for hating the Rock, but you're in the wrong here
Jesus, that sounds horrific. That was something I can say about NXT that was genuinely great, a "you fucked up" chant started by a few guys was roundly boo'd during the Peyton/Asuka match. A "we are awesome" attempt got mega heat as well, I had a good time booing that down.
Wrestling fans huh.
Hey man, if they have greater plans for Yoshi-hashi then go for it. But I'll need to see it before I believe it on that front.
Don't you ever leave me again!
I think this might actually be the shitty wrestling crowd that people imagined seeing everywhere
.For anyone at @ThisIs_Progress in Manchester today,please buy @jimsmallman a sandwich.He looks like an extra in train spotting
I thought you died or something. Don't play with my heart!I never went anywhere!
I just paused my Nitro watch, i.e. wasn't watching any wrasslin.
Then it's everyone wearing a Curtis Axel avatar right?BERLYN COUNTDOWN IS ON
Fuck me, Scurll and Hero wentShould be a good one30 minutes.
When we get the full list of everyone involved in the Cruiserweight classic, we should run a contest where whoever picks the winner names a certain wrestler the losers have to use as an avatar for a month.
Everyone will pick the same people.
It needs to be a random number gimmick.
Random number = random wrestler.
The 2017 WWE Royal Rumble PPV will take place on on Sunday, January 22nd at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA.
This will be the 30th Rumble in company history, and the sixth time the event will be held in California. The last time WWE held the event in California was back in January 2005 in Fresno when Batista won the Rumble.