Cena is back and Orton is soon to be. You still lose.Is it bad that I wish for Roman to be injured for a few months forcing Vince to give us something different.
Cena is back and Orton is soon to be. You still lose.Is it bad that I wish for Roman to be injured for a few months forcing Vince to give us something different.
Is it bad that I wish for Roman to be injured for a few months forcing Vince to give us something different.
Is it bad that I wish for Roman to be injured for a few months forcing Vince to give us something different.
Cena is back and Orton is soon to be. You still lose.
I think I'd rather have a manatee book and choose than both of them.Basically, the sooner Vince retires the better, Triple H might be egotistical but he knows what works and what doesn't.
Basically, the sooner Vince retires the better, Triple H might be egotistical but he knows what works and what doesn't.
Orton was never a mic talker, even in his OVW days. He's just do action instead of talking about. I guess some fans dislike people like that.
fuck them.
The Seth doc is legit good, damn.
Perhaps Roman, Cena and Orton could all get injured and we could then ring in the era of indestructible, never loses, Big Cass.Is it bad that I wish for Roman to be injured for a few months forcing Vince to give us something different.
Just like Brock WWE tame his character down a lot. Had it his way they would be a lot more wrestlers with concussions due to Orton's Viper/Legend killer anticsHe's not a big mic talker.
His character is the most boring e-Fed shit ever.
Outside of his crazy RKO spots, his wrestling style is boring as absolute fuck.
Orton was never a mic talker, even in his OVW days. He's just do action instead of talking about it. I guess some fans dislike wrestlers like that. But then again people mark out for Brock and he's much more of a boring wrestler as Orton
fuck them.
I votes for Coach to fight Jericho so Jericho would have an easy match. Instead he went against Shelton and lost. I was pissed.Taboo Tuesday and Cyber Sunday.
Even if it's rigged I always liked the idea of fan voted matches, even if we get another PPV where every match is underwhelming.
Or match type choices where they were all essentially the same thing.
A) No DQ
B) Street Fight
C) Hardcore Match
The power of the illusion of choice.
Seth is back and within a week he is a CAW.
Gotta hand it to Vince, hes willing to tank the entire promotion so Roman looks strong and tall.
I wonder if that's why Roman is always in the ring looking down on the heels like Seth. Its not enough he has the belt and a vest but he also needs to stand on a ladder so he is even biggerer and betterer than the crossfit nazi.
hopefully the entire promotion dies as a result
that would be so great
"the downfall of wwe" would be a sweet documentary
and just like Bret
also preview of Money in the Bank
Cesaro will shoot climb the ladder
Yeah it is. Time to end Blue's reign.This power trip is bullshit.
I know its fun to think about but if WWE dies, wrestling as a career, artform, entertainment genre will all but die out in the West and probably affect greatly Japanese wrestling as well.
Vince will never retire, ever.
Vince will never retire, ever.
He will drop dead in Gorilla one of these days and that will be that, I agree.Vince will never retire, ever.
Vince will never retire, ever.
You speaking in third person?
Pretty much. He's either going to need to be forced out of his job or die.
He will drop dead in Gorilla one of these days and that will be that, I agree.
Is it bad that I wish for Roman to be injured for a few months forcing Vince to give us something different.
Pretty much. He's either going to need to be forced out of his job
"They just want to have fun, Maggle. Look at how much they're all having!"
This is factually correct.Vince will never retire, ever.
I know its fun to think about but if WWE dies, wrestling as a career, artform, entertainment genre will all but die out in the West and probably affect greatly Japanese wrestling as well.
Have to wonder about Shane as well, the whole booking team needs a shake up.
Pretty much. He's either going to need to be forced out of his job or die.
I actually give it a couple of years. He clearly has no clue how to salvage ratings (i.e. push Roman constantly) and when the TV deal comes up, there's no way USA or whatever network picks them up is gonna sign on with him at the Reigns.
Nothing will stop the tower of power brother.Yeah it is. Time to end Blue's reign.
Just the one, Brain Damage committed suicide. Trent Acid OD'd, but I don't think that was on purpose, while JC Bailey died of an aneurysm, thought to have been brought on by years of severe head trauma.
I think Steph wouldn't allow any serious change as aren't the rumours that she is equally as stubborn as her Dad? If Vince steps down isn't it ion Steph to run the company not Triple H?
This power trip is bullshit.
I mean, I guess that's optimistic (depending on your point of view), but USA literally forced the brand split because they felt like they were getting short-changed on the deal. The reason WWE is profitable at all is the TV deal.
Cesaro will shoot climb the ladder
They'll land some kind of deal on the basis of all of their Twitter followers and YouTube views. Their ability to command any sort of decent ad rate will diminish so they'll try to address that with sheer quantity of commercials like always.I actually give it a couple of years. He clearly has no clue how to salvage ratings (i.e. push Roman constantly) and when the TV deal comes up, there's no way USA or whatever network picks them up is gonna sign on with him at the Reigns.