Speedy Blue Dude
I hope he beats Cena for the title. And retires with the title, gets the proper send off he deserves.
Looks like it. Yeah the ref did throw up a X sign while DB was laying in ring.So, coming into this late .. Daniel Bryan legit injured?
This has been a great Raw so far. So great, that I'm going to make a prediction: Wyatt Family debuting during this Jericho/Slater fight.
How does Ryback fit into this angle though????
Great RAW so far, though the Bryan thing is still in the back of my mind. It would be the worst possible time for a bad injury.
I missed most of Raw before Cena happened. What's wrong with Bryan?
Duh. You should assume Cena wins every match he participates in. It's like being innocent until being proven guiltyCena is still winning. You guys know that, right?
I missed most of Raw before Cena happened. What's wrong with Bryan?
I missed most of Raw before Cena happened. What's wrong with Bryan?
Cena is still winning. You guys know that, right?
Coming to think of it where's the gif of this from that Royal Rumble advert? i'm shocked it's not in frequent rotation here.
Duh. You should assume Cena wins every match he participates in. It's like being innocent until being proven guilty
He faked an injury and all the marks bought it.
I missed most of Raw before Cena happened. What's wrong with Bryan?