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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


Tonight TNA presents Slammiversary. There will be a few Gaf members in attendance including me. Here is the lineup.











oh and this guy is showing up


Hoping it's a good show. May not be the best lineup for an anniversary show like this, but we'll see if it surprises. Intrigued to see what they do with Christian.
Fully expect Matt Morgan to show up to face Crimson. Notably absent from this card are TNA originals like Chris Sabin and Eric Young who are still with the company. I expect either Hogan or Christian to go into the HOF. Obviously them flying Christian there leads me to believe that he will be the one going into the HOF. Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett have both said numerous times they won't be there and if Jeff was getting inducted he would have no reason to lie. I'm hoping they give Joe vs Aries atleast 15 minutes, but this card is too crowded for anything to get much time.


Would be great if TNA's first Hall of Fame inductee is a guy that didn't get over after a massive push and then left when he got bored of them.
Seems both Devitt & Taguchi are legitimately injured after today's finals of the Best of the Super Jr's - Devitt's match
had to be stopped by the ref after Low Ki apparently tweaked Devitt's knee in a single leg crab
while Taguchi was left with an eye injury after
wrestling Low Ki in the final
. Hopefully neither is too badly injured, but
someone needs to tell Low Ki that the idea is to make it look like you're hurting people, not to actually hurt them


Seems both Devitt & Taguchi are legitimately injured after today's finals of the Best of the Super Jr's - Devitt's match
had to be stopped by the ref after Low Ki apparently tweaked Devitt's knee in a single leg crab
while Taguchi was left with an eye injury after
wrestling Low Ki in the final
. Hopefully neither is too badly injured, but
someone needs to tell Low Ki that the idea is to make it look like you're hurting people, not to actually hurt them

Well, that would require him to stop taking himself so serious, and thats never happening


Hey guys, another injury confirmed!

-The word making the rounds is that WWE Tag Team champion R-Truth either severely sprained or broke his foot during the company's tour of Spain. Brodus Clay replaced him in Barcelona, Spain, defending the WWE Tag Team championship.

-Alberto Del Rio was pulled from his house show match against Sheamus in Salisbury, MD last night. It appears the report that we had yesterday about him suffering a concussion at Tuesday's Smackdown taping is true. If so, and he can't work at next weekend's No Way Out PPV, WWE will figure out whether to put Kane or someone else in the World Title match this week. Boy they sure are dropping like flies in Stamford.

-Via PWI

Over/under on how many more people are getting hurt this summer?


Hey guys, another injury confirmed!

-The word making the rounds is that WWE Tag Team champion R-Truth either severely sprained or broke his foot during the company's tour of Spain. Brodus Clay replaced him in Barcelona, Spain, defending the WWE Tag Team championship.

-Alberto Del Rio was pulled from his house show match against Sheamus in Salisbury, MD last night. It appears the report that we had yesterday about him suffering a concussion at Tuesday's Smackdown taping is true. If so, and he can't work at next weekend's No Way Out PPV, WWE will figure out whether to put Kane or someone else in the World Title match this week. Boy they sure are dropping like flies in Stamford.

-Via PWI

Over/under on how many more people are getting hurt this summer?

Why would they fuck up the one good storyline by pulling Kane from the WWE title match? Let Ziggler get the shot ffs
Over/under on how many more people are getting hurt this summer?

Everyone but Cena and Hornswoggle.

Well, that would require him to stop taking himself so serious, and thats never happening

Pretty much. Although seems Ki may not have been responsible for Devitt's knee injury, as earlier in the match he messed up the landing of a double stomp.

Razorskin said:
Remember when Truth and Miz caused a panic in the WWE and faced Cena and The Rock at Survivor Series? :lol

Unfortunately, yes.
Vince, its time to go to a season format of your product. Everybody just needs 2 months off. Period.

Fuck you though, because you never listen.

The best that can happen at Slammiversary is Styles getting the Hall of Fame spot and Daniels coming out with more audio/footage of his escapades with Dixie. Tear that golden boy down.



When I think about it, Christian isn't a bad choice for hall of fame. When you think of a hall of fame, it should be inactive roster members. AJ Styles is still active. Jeff Jarrett hasn't retired at least and could come back anytime he wants to. Christian was a big name in TNA from around 2005 - 2007. Why not Christian?
Good god, dude needs to trim/wave/shave his legs
He's a manly rugby player, he shall do no such thing, this will no doubt be brought up on commentary at some point as Cole explains the mysterious foreign art of hairy legs.

Why would they fuck up the one good storyline by pulling Kane from the WWE title match? Let Ziggler get the shot ffs
Kane going to pull double duty and main event both Raw and Smackdown title matches.
But yes Ziggler will fill the spot perfectly even if he has spent the last month losing to Sheamus.

First that ppv lost Jericho, then it lost Orton therefore losing a entire match, now one half of the tag champs are down (you know they were on standby for a impromptu match) and the SD title match has to be altered, all of this on one of the thinnest starpower lacking WWE rosters ever, amazing!
Sadly I'm not gonna be able to make the PPV in Arlington tonight. All is not lost though because my nephews are big wrestling fans and love Austin Aries so hopefully Joe and Austin get some time to put on a decent match. TNA is going to have a decent crowd so they need to put on a good show, before I gave my nephews and my brother the tickets I purchased they had called the ticket office and there wasnt much left at all, they expect a sellout come show time. Good for TNA, the bigger they get the more healthy wrestling will be all across the board. I really miss the Monday Night Wars and I hope one day we will have another round of that.


So not worth it
Because it's saying "look at what a huge deal we're making over another companies mid-tier champion".

Or: "Look we recognise his talent and contributions to wrestling even if another company screws him out of holding major titles by having him lose it to fucktard steroid-abusers two days after winning it to a humongous pop from the crowd."


Or: "Look we recognise his talent and contributions to wrestling even if another company screws him out of holding major titles by having him lose it to fucktard steroid-abusers two days after winning it to a humongous pop from the crowd."

But to be fair, Christian's WHC victory over Del Rio last year was pure politics, Edge asked for it and Vince gave it right away. Christian deserves a better planned title run, and to be honest he could get one without any lobbying.


Kane is obviously supposed to be a major part of the WWE title match, they can't pull him out now.

This is a total disaster for WWE. Henry is recovering from surgery, he's not there as a backup. Jericho and Orton are suspended, Kane and Bryan are in the WWE title match. Khali is Khali. Christian is in the IC title hunt now. Smackdown is falling to pieces roster wise.

Now Del Rio is out?

Maybe they'll take Ziggler instead, even though it would make no sense.


So not worth it
But to be fair, Christian's WHC victory over Del Rio last year was pure politics, Edge asked for it and Vince gave it right away. Christian deserves a better planned title run, and to be honest he could get one without any lobbying.

I think it was Orton who got the title as part of a deal to put him on Smackdown actually. Clearly Orton thought he was too good to waste on Smackdown, so he got the title as a reward for taking that bullit.


more money than God
Why would they fuck up the one good storyline by pulling Kane from the WWE title match? Let Ziggler get the shot ffs
I don't think they'll pull him out of the match, they may just have Kane be in both matches. You guys know why? Because Kane is one of their most consistent workers who is a complete professional and is absolutely reliable in these types of situations.



pwinsider said:
Fozzy, the heavy metal band fronted by WWE's Chris Jericho, will release their latest CD "Sin and Bones" on 8/13.

Jericho has 14 days left in his suspension, so he'll be free to return to WWE action (and boy do they need him) on 6/24. Raw is in Ft. Wayne, Indiana for a live broadcast on 6/25.

Jericho noted on his Twitter that tour dates for Fozzy would be announced tomorrow.

I can't wait to hear the new Fozzy album. The last one was great.


I think it was Orton who got the title as part of a deal to put him on Smackdown actually. Clearly Orton thought he was too good to waste on Smackdown, so he got the title as a reward for taking that bullit.

In the Orton side, that probably happened that way. But Orton could have gotten the title straight away against Del Rio, and not Christian. And Christian got it a second time for a month.

So I guess it was a case of Orton whining because he was sent to SD and wanting to take the title, and Edge asking for Christian to be champion.

We can only hope that he will eventually get one more match.
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