so uh, unfortunately,
Best: CM Punk Gets Shook
A few talking points from the Punk/Bryan verbal showdown:
1. Daniel Bryan continues his role as the Voice Of The Voiceless by saying what needed to be said: since Punk blew up last summer, hes changed. Hes become that soulless, pandering asshole up top who throws his weight around and tries to look like the coolest and smartest and toughest guy on the show. Punk smirks, in the way that Summer Of Punk Punk never would, and says the only thing that has changed about me is nothing. I guess Titus ONeil is writing his comebacks now.
2. Bryan points out that Punk is a sellout. Punks response is funny coming from the guy in a YES YES YES t-shirt. You know, the t-shirt WWE had to appropriate from Barbershop Window because the WrestleMania and Raw crowds in Miami wouldnt stop yelling YES YES YES throughout the entire show, even when Bryan wasnt in the ring. The shirt Bryan had to announce in a blushing promo at the end of a dark match to thunderous applause. The one the voiceless raised their voices and demanded. I guess Punks suggesting that we shouldnt listen to those people, or maybe that they want to buy that shirt with an ice cream bar on the front that f**king nobody demanded.
3. Punk hasnt changed since last summer. But, as my good friend Casey said, you sure put on Triple Hs jacket, didnt you.
4. When Daniel Bryan calls Punk out on this stuff, what happens? Punk doesnt pipe bomb him in response like he should (or like everyone assumes he could), he backs up and starts insulting the way Bryan looks. Calls him goat face. Hey, you know who else doesnt pay attention to criticism about himself and calls them ugly queers for hating on him?