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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


Hahahaha, like that will happen, Bryan will have to tap to Cena's shitty STF.

I just remembered this and thought, maybe, just maybe.


Then I remembered that HHH was a heel for most of his career and that he did put many more people over than what Cena has done.


God, at least when Cena was out of the title-picture, I could stand his garbage as some stupid kiddie sideshow that got ME treatment (which doesn't mean much to me, anyway)... but fuck, when he gets back in the title picture, and hogs ALL of the spotlight again, I might just quit altogether (or at least just rapidly skim through shows on youtube).

Thank Christ that TNA (except for their garbage final segments) has gotten it together, because aside from NXT and a few guys on the main roster, this company is garbage right now.


Did you know? Youtube ratings are the newest hot topic of the interweb.

-Deadline had a report on the popularity of Youtube channels and it mentioned where WWE's own page ranked among the top channels.

For the week of June 14-20, WWE's "Fan Nation" Youtube page was #3 among new original content providers that partnered with Youtube. WWE had 3,685,908 total views. This put them behind Sourcefed (6.02 million) and The Warner Sound (5.56 million). It was up from #5 last week.


Did You Know?

WWE Youtube had over 3 and a half million views last week. That's more than any channel who had under 3 and a half million views.


So not worth it
Speaking of the title...

Doesn't it seem like the last time the belt actually mattered was Money in the Bank 2011?

Wow. Belts don't matter in WWE. This is a new and totally undebated topic. How could we have missed this most important fact during the past six months of non-title main events?

I am perplexed.


Wow. Belts don't matter in WWE. This is a new and totally undebated topic. How could we have missed this most important fact during the past six months of non-title main events?

I am perplexed.

Sarcasm aside (we're on repeat lulz), the question was legitimate. Clearly it's not important anymore, but has it been THAT long? Am I forgetting something in between July 2011 and now?


So not worth it
The question should be, was it important before that? I'd wager the belts have meant shit since Hunter's 2008 run.


It would be cool if they got Punk to go heel before the Summer Slam match against Cena. Tell him to do real promos again, really get a nice rivalry going again.

but fuck that, they'll just respect the hell out of eachother until the match, Cena wins, same old shit, yada yada yada
It would be cool if they got Punk to go heel before the Summer Slam match against Cena. Tell him to do real promos again, really get a nice rivalry going again.

but fuck that, they'll just respect the hell out of eachother until the match, Cena wins, same old shit, yada yada yada

We predicted this exact thing.

"You've lost your way, Punk! You used to be a rebel, someone HUNGRY for the chance to shine. And now that you've got what you've wanted...you've gone soft. Well I'll tell you what. I want you to get that hunger back. And I'm going to do that by taking back the WWE Championship!"

*Stares down the barrel of the camera lens and smirks*

"John boy, I'm going to tell you something about myself you probably didn't know...

I respect the hell out of you."

-audience cheers-

You know I've been dealing with people telling me I've sold out ever since I finally broke through the glass ceiling, and I've responded by doing the same thing I've done since I walked into this company and that's BE CM PUNK. I've always been CM Punk. I'm always going to be CM Punk. Just like I'll always... be... WWE... Champion."

Oh god it's exactly what's going to happen. Meanwhile Bryan shows up for a second so they can be "united" against him and easily beat him back. Because they respect each so much, and there is no conflict on this organised fighting show.


"Now hold on, playas! Vince McMahon has brought me back for one night only on our road to the 1000th episode of Raw, playas! And since it seems like ya'll are ready to fight, then we're gonna have a fight...right here TONIGHT, believe dat!"

*audience cheers*

"Tonight, it's gonna be John Cena and CM Punk teaming up against Daniel Bryan...AND KANE. Holla holla!"



So not worth it
In the past year since last years WM the WHC changed hands once after a 2-day reign and once on Wrestlemania itself in an 18 seconds match. Also, more then once it's been the opening bout of a PPV. Once again including both Wrestlemania's.

Wow, that's depressing to write down, considering the legacy of the big gold belt.

Well, I guess Russo, Arquette and Bischoff just giving it to HHH killed the legacy well before that... so, yeah, nvm.


The legacy of the title has nothing to do, what makes a champion is not the strap around its waist but the quality of its reign.

Bryan made the WHC relevant during 4 months. Same as Edge, Jericho, ******, and even Taker and Batista did.

And for comparison the WHC probably main events 90% or more of all SD, while the WWE title rarely does on Raw. PPVs are a different story, but on a weekly basis, the WHC matches are the main events.


So not worth it
The legacy of the title has nothing to do, what makes a champion is not the strap around its waist but the quality of its reign.

Bryan made the WHC relevant during 4 months. Same as Edge, Jericho, ******, and even Taker and Batista did.

How many clean decisive wins did Bryan have during his run?

Mind you, I love Bryan's work, but he did nothing to legitimize the belt due to the way WWE booked his finishes.


I just remembered this and thought, maybe, just maybe.


Then I remembered that HHH was a heel for most of his career and that he did put many more people over than what Cena has done.

that was cena and this DB

if john cena was some indy nerd the coo wouldve never tapped


From WWE's mindset: You can't have Cena wrestle in a ladder match. The risk is too great given the minimal rewards in people paying to see that happen. He's already had serious neck surgery and he's clearly the biggest draw in the company. He doesn't need the MITB briefcase for title shot credibility; after all, the WWE hierarchy is Cena >> WWE Title >> World Heavyweight Title.

tl;dr -- Too much pain, not enough profit.
I couldn't seen him in one primarily because they protect him too much. Not by not getting pinned or defeated, but taking bumps. Remember the ladder matches Alberto Del Rio has been in, and the bumps he's taken? Not even Rey took those, let alone allow golden boy take them. Can't risk getting injured. Same reason he/they don't expand the moveset. That's why it is so watered down and boring, because it's always not anything new.

The titles need consolidated anyways, I've said that a while. Just do it already.
What's been clear when watching older wrestling, even from the 90s-early 00s, is that wrestlers cared about winning titles. That was their aim - to win a belt. Sometimes they'd fight over women. Sometimes they'd fight over respect, but most of the time it was for a title. They'd mention the belt.

I can't remember the last time anyone really ever talked about the belts in WWE.


How many clean decisive wins did Bryan have during his run?

Mind you, I love Bryan's work, but he did nothing to legitimize the belt due to the way WWE booked his finishes.

He won clean in his pay per view matches leading up to Wrestlemania. Also, his character he was playing played a part on how he booked during the television.

I know that here its always negative negative, but his title run up to Wrestlemania went very well and was written great. Bryan Alveraz loved his run and it worked because he got over during the run with the writing and the Yes thing. We forget before he title run he was a bland face that got no reaction and with his title run got him over.

Then the 18 second lost made him super over and has been in the main event scene since December.


How many clean decisive wins did Bryan have during his run?

Mind you, I love Bryan's work, but he did nothing to legitimize the belt due to the way WWE booked his finishes.

Have you ever been in thye gaming side? You are asking a question straight from there: What are the best selling japanese games? Nintendo games and Monster Hunter doesn't count.

Bryan booking was great, it gave us great promos and great performances, the matches fininishes might not have been clean but that's usually reserved for faces.

Bryan looked strong in the majority of his matches, and he still does today. Bryan won 2 of the 3 most important matches he had as WHC, the steel cage match against Show and Henry and the elimination chamber against Cody, Santino, Show, Khali and Barrett.

Although Bryan was booked as an underdog at the beginning, the matches themselves were far from that, Bryan always have the upper-hand in them, I haven't seen a more dominating wrestler in the ring (bar shit squash matches) since Batista. I would prefer to think that it isn't because Arn Anderson (or whoever is behind his matches) has booked his matches that way, but just the intensity he puts on every match. But that obviously wouldn't be true since nothing goes on TV without them (Vince) allowing it, or Bryan would have already been told to tone it down and appear to be some weakling underdog which clearly he isn't

tldr: Bryan made wrestling in 2012-WWE relevant.
What's been clear when watching older wrestling, even from the 90s-early 00s, is that wrestlers cared about winning titles. That was their aim - to win a belt. Sometimes they'd fight over women. Sometimes they'd fight over respect, but most of the time it was for a title. They'd mention the belt.

I can't remember the last time anyone really ever talked about the belts in WWE.





Still plenty of time for things to change. Not real happy about rehashing a program they just did last year but I'll take Cena/Punk over the Punk/Kane and Punk/Big Show Summerslam matches that were rumored recently.

Probably likely looking at Cena/Punk at Summerslam now and Daniel Bryan/Kane with AJ in the mix. Add in Triple H/Brock and possibly Sheamus/Orton or Sheamus/Jericho. That's actually a pretty strong show on paper. It all comes down to booking then to make or break the show. Hopefully by then we've got Cody or Ziggler in possession of the MITB briefcase and not someone like Big Show.


So not worth it
He won clean in his pay per view matches leading up to Wrestlemania. Also, his character he was playing played a part on how he booked during the television.

I know that here its always negative negative, but his title run up to Wrestlemania went very well and was written great. Bryan Alveraz loved his run and it worked because he got over during the run with the writing and the Yes thing. We forget before he title run he was a bland face that got no reaction and with his title run got him over.

Then the 18 second lost made him super over and has been in the main event scene since December.

Yes, true. But he's never made into a legitimate threat. Here's a rundown.

-He won the title by pinning an unconsious Show.
-He defended by tricking Mark Henry to attack Big Show to get a DQ.
-He defended again by having Show run into AJ.
-He defended against Henry by having the Lumberjacks in their match attack him.
-He managed to climb out of the ring by slipping out of Big Show's grasp at the Royal Rumble. (Which, although a win, wasn't a decisive win by any stretch of the imagination).
-At elimination chamber he got a decisive win via LeBell Lock... On Santino Marella...
-At Wrestlemania he died via Kick to the face.

And that's just his title matches, he won his WWE Title shot by beating Jerry Lawler. He got Punk to tap out after he was pinned 1,2,3. He was nowhere in sight for 5 minutes in the last match.

Bryan is over, despite WWE's best efforts. He has been gold in his promo's, he is the best worker in the company and he puts on the most entertaining matches. Yet every damn time WWE books him to look like shit.

Lets look at TNA. Bobby Roode is a heel and uses heel antics. But he wins matches by knocking people the fuck out, he makes them tap, he smashes beer bottles over their head and it makes the guy look tough and unbeatable in the process. It's such an easy thing to do, yes, you can do finishes like the ones above, but the guy is supposed to be a submission expert. Is it that hard to have him win every other match by making people tap out?

It's such basic stuff it blows my mind WWE isn't booking any of their heels in any form to be a legitimate threat. They manage it maybe once or twice a year. Look at how fucking over Henry was as a heel because people actually thought he could kill his opponents. Same goes for Kharma when she came in, it was good. They could do it with smaller guys, but they choose not to.

Sure, we like to be negative here, but these are legitimate concerns. It's the reason why WWE is having such a hard time in the ratings. Why heels rarely get over in WWE and it takes guys like Bryan, who have fought hard and worked on every aspect of their character to get over. It's also the reason why their ratings just drop and drop and drop each year. We know wrestling is fake, but is it too much to ask that they at least pretend this is real, that these guys are fighting over chamionships and that both the heels and faces are tough guys that could kill you if you looked at them wrong? Don't need to be 7 foot, 400 pound guys for that either, as long as you make them look tough by having them beat people with actual finishes.

Look at Christian for fucks sake, during his Heel run I'd be suprised if he hit the Killswitch succesfully more then 5 times. He's managed to hit more of them since his return last month then he did for the whole of last year. It's ridiculous.

Terribly sorry about the rant, but this is so basic it's amazing they won't do it.


Yes, true. But he's never made into a legitimate threat. Here's a rundown.

Respected as your opinion, but I think you are blind to not see Bryan's in-ring performance and only the "after the bell ring results".

The only time I've seen Bryan displayed weak in the ring was at Wrestlemania, but never as WHC or after WM.

Do you think Sheamus destroyed Bryan in their ER match, did Punk actually dominated OTL and NWO matches? Far from it, so you better rewatch your matches or start marking out for the Ryback and his squashes since results are the only thing that matter to you.
Kane is the devil's favourite owl*

I approve, he should get a beaked mask, it could hide his rather oddly shaped nose, no doubt squashed down due to the mask.

Seriously, I would love for AJ to be the one to continue Kane's legacy. She would do great with the role.

I can't say I agree, Kane and Taker will retire taking their awesome gimmicks to the grave and the new wave of bland people in tights with fake WWE names like Freddy Hiller, Gordon Dart and Reginald Drawbatch will be the new gimmicks with the gimmick of no gimmick, because it brings LEGITIMACY.
I can't say I agree, Kane and Taker will retire taking their awesome gimmicks to the grave and the new wave of bland people in tights with fake WWE names like Freddy Hiller, Gordon Dart and Reginald Drawbatch will be the new gimmicks with the gimmick of no gimmick, because it brings LEGITIMACY.


(This may not be as awesome as I think it is. I've been fooled by rad music and Southern accents before)


So not worth it
Respected as your opinion, but I think you are blind to not see Bryan's in-ring performance and only the "after the bell ring results".

The only time I've seen Bryan displayed weak in the ring was at Wrestlemania, but never as WHC or after WM.

Do you think Sheamus destroyed Bryan in their ER match, did Punk actually dominated OTL and NWO matches? Far from it, so you better rewatch your matches or start marking out for the Ryback and his squashes since results are the only thing that matter to you.

You are missing the point I was trying to make though. I am debating the way WWE books their champions and the legitimacy it gives their titles. In this case the WHC. Yes, Bryan is awesome, yes, he has amazing matches.

NO, he was not booked as a strong champion. I was debating against WWE's booking choices. They do not book entire matches for veterans like Bryan, they book the finishes and maybe some key-elements here and there. And they have been doing a piss-poor job for most of the heel champions they've had for a long time and some of the faces as well.

I do not credit creative for Bryan's amazing work. And mind you, I'm typing this in my Yes! t-shirt so to say I'm partial to the guy is understating this, but WWE Creative -and this will mostly be Vince McMahon's doing I'm sure- are doing their best to make the best wrestler in the world appear incapable of beating people fair.

Now you make a decent point for ER, although it's rather weak to not give Bryan at least one clean win (remember, Sheamus never actually tapped to the Yes-lock and the finish was rather sudden). His one on one match with Punk was the first time he looked great, but I suspect that was Punk and Bryan's doing as I imagine Punk told them to just let them go out there and do their thing.

Once again, I'm not discrediting Bryan, who got over because of his awesome work, but I'll be damned if WWE gets ANY credit for that, because they certainly didn't expect him or book him to get over.


more money than God
I can't say I agree, Kane and Taker will retire taking their awesome gimmicks to the grave and the new wave of bland people in tights with fake WWE names like Freddy Hiller, Gordon Dart and Reginald Drawbatch will be the new gimmicks with the gimmick of no gimmick, because it brings LEGITIMACY.
AJ could be the beginning of the return of people with real gimmicks. Besides, without it, once this angle ultimately ends, I fear that she will go back to the same Divas revolving hell and never escape.

And yes, Bray Wyatt really is good.


If they want belts to matter, they need to either get rid of the number of titles, or at least only allow wrestlers to compete for titles only on their show. Bryan, a SD wrestler, lost his feud with Sheamus and then all of the sudden is going for the WWE Championship? Same with Jericho. Lost to Punk, and then tries to get Sheamus' championship. It kind of makes it seem like it doesn't matter which title is which, and anyone can just challenge for any random title they'd like. The roster is thin enough as it is, so I don't mind seeing wrestlers on both shows, but they should at least make wrestlers only compete for titles on their main show. It makes feuds seem more important and unique.
If they want belts to matter, they need to either get rid of the number of titles, or at least only allow wrestlers to compete for titles only on their show. Bryan, a SD wrestler, lost his feud with Sheamus and then all of the sudden is going for the WWE Championship? Same with Jericho. Lost to Punk, and then tries to get Sheamus' championship. It kind of makes it seem like it doesn't matter which title is which, and anyone can just challenge for any random title they'd like. The roster is thin enough as it is, so I don't mind seeing wrestlers on both shows, but they should at least make wrestlers only compete for titles on their main show. It makes feuds seem more important and unique.

For the titles to matter, the titles have to matter, period. It doesn't make a difference who's on what show as long as the belts are just meaningless trophies, the midcard feuds are like one-off house show affairs, champions get beat but it "doesn't matter" because it was non-title, Cena's above everything, no logical #1 contender rotations, no championship rankings/ladder, the titles aren't goals for anyone not in the feud, miodcard champs go months without title defenses and just lose them out of nowhere, tag champs constantly looking like losers, etc. etc. etc.

Making titles matter is easy. Insanely easy, really. But the WWE has a super boner for making 99% of their roster look like absolute losers so of course that translates to the championships not meaning a damn. I don't think I've ever seen a TV show so anti-badass. It's like their goal week-to-week is to create the most vanilla bunch of nothingness ever compiled in one company.
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