Forgive me, because it's been many years since I've read the book... But I remember a ton of stuff that never made it into the movie. Remember the part when the kid fell off the look out tower and took cover from the raptors by hiding in a protective cage? The raptors rolled the cage off into the woods to have their way with him. While all that's going on, theres a scene with the woman on a motorcycle trying to escape from or catch (don't remember) some raptors for some reason or another. The scene comes to a head when to motorcycle runs out of gas and the woman hides under a broken down car... just when all looks bleak, some other dinos come out and kick some raptor ass. It was an awesome part of the book and completely removed in the movie.. Then the whole ending they decided to add at the end which made it into a godzilla movie... LAME.
Anyway, trust me, there was a ton of stuff not added, and a lot of shitty stuff that was...