It definitely took a monster b-movie approach at times but so did the other three. I think people need to understand that these aren't documentaries.
The pterosaur attack could have really used Hatzegopteryx/Quetzalcoatlus.
Imagine flocks of these massive things landing amidst crowds to eat people (Presumably with their size a bit exaggerated like the Mosasaurus). Fucking scary.
Holy shit, I never knew they were so bigThe pterosaur attack could have really used Hatzegopteryx/Quetzalcoatlus.
Imagine flocks of these massive things landing amidst crowds to swallow people whole (Presumably with their size exaggerated like the Mosasaurus). Fucking scary.
What on earth??? That needs to be in the next movie!!!The pterosaur attack could have really used Hatzegopteryx/Quetzalcoatlus.
Imagine flocks of these massive things landing amidst crowds to swallow people whole (Presumably with their size exaggerated like the Mosasaurus). Fucking scary.
Yeah, when I first saw that a blend of thoughts came to mind immediately:The raptor running in slo mo made me laugh
Who did the dinosaur designs in JW? I've said it before, but it's a pretty sharp step down from all three previous movies in terms of character design. Those Dimorphodons, man, holy shit.
It definitely took a monster b-movie approach at times but so did the other three. I think people need to understand that these aren't documentaries.
Yeah, when I first saw that a blend of thoughts came to mind immediately:
1. Wait--really?2. That looks goofyI thought she was dead.
Dimorphodons were pretty hideous in a weird comedic-sorta way. I think waaay earlier when they first debuted on GAF someone said they put a T-Rex head on a pterasaur body. Sounds about right, which is silly considering the concept art had it much more "accurate":
I love that. Is there more concept art out there?
Oh no... already with the overkill rhetoric... :-(I saw Inside Out. Friends dragged me into seeing Dumber and Dumber 2: Mercedes Benz Electric Boga-loo, so I didn't have to pay for it. This is an Asylum movie with a budget.
Woah there! We really shouldn't take you seriously after such a comment. You either don't really remember JP2 and 3 or you were in a bad mood after having to see a movie inferior to Inside Out or something, but the worst of JP2 and 3 is faaaar worse than anything in this movie. Watch them again and you'll see...The Bad:
This takes the worst of JP2 and 3 and blends into together into a movie. It's really astonishing.
I agree to a certain extent on this, in particular with Claire and Owen. That was the low point of the movie. The kids did well, though, and I prefer them to Lex and Tim and certainly over Kelly (not the actress' fault, though).I was cringing throughout most of the dialog. My god, there just so much shit. I can't even list the amount of times I rolled my eyes from the idiotic human characters, to the complete lack of chemistry the cast had, to... fat military man's acting.
Nah, the beginning of the movie shows us the tense relationship between the mom and dad, and the conversation between the mom and Claire gives us more hints that there's something deeper going on than her simply wanting her sister to relate to her kids. The reveal on the monorail shows us what was brewing, and the little kid's acting in that scene is excellent. And this plot point is really what starts the older brother's change in how he's relating to him. The impact to the story is that it affects their relationship and character arc. Having plot points that affect characters and their relationships, causing them to change, is impactful to the overall story. I think you'd agree on that and that you weren't looking for the divorce plot point to be what saves them from the dinosaurs or something.The kid suddenly crying about his parents divorce out of nowhere. It would have been touching if it wasn't for the fact that this plot point had 0 impact at the end. Fucking JP3's divorce plot actually had a point.
I disagree wholeheartedly. I think you're reacting more to the Raptor color scheme than anything else, but this is something I won't be able to convince you of. I was more convinced by the CGI dinosaurs in this movie, more often, than I was by those in JP1, 2, or 3. This is not to say that the CGI effects in any of them were consistently bad and devoid of convincing shots. Rather that this one more consistently achieved believabilty for me.The CGI was terrible. Not a single scene of the Raptors looked convincing. The animation of the Mosasaur jumping out of the water in the final scene is SyFy channel level of bad. For me, the most important thing about CGI is blending in with the rest of the live action shots. Barely any of the shots blended in. The first closeup of the Indominus eye in the tree is down right low budget crap. Looks as bad in the movie as it does in the trailer. Even the nighttime shots weren't great, you can hide stuff well at night! JP3 had better effects, hands down.
Oh and before people use the animatronic excuse, two of the Raptors in that JP3 shot are CGI. Skip to 4:56 in that link below.
Man, I'm really starting to think the combination of nostalgia goggles and the drop off in quality from Inside Out are clouding your perception here! The animatronic apatosaurus was excellent and shows much more advanced movement than the Tric ever did! Maybe you didn't like the color scheme?The animatronic Apatosaurus looks awful. They were made by Legacy Effects, not Stan Winston. Nowhere does it recapture the magic of the original Triceratops scene. Same could be said for most of the rehash JP1 scenes in this movie.
Sounds like you were disappointed with what the trailers conveyed to you versus what the movie was about. It's surprising that you were so tied to that idea that it made this entire movie dog-shit by comparison, though. I thought that what the movie was actually about - the I-Rex and our society's incessant desire for MORE and NEW - was engaging.The idea of the movie is now we have dinosaurs running lose with a fully functional park, right?Of course you never really get to see that. You got a remake of the Pterandon scene from JP3. I mean, you would think they'd do something about that, but no. I mean, HOLY FUCK! That's what most people thought they paid money to see.
It was certainly weakened toward the end, which is whyParts of it feels like a remake of the 1998 Godzilla. Is the Indominus immune to bullets too? Cause I could have sworn by the end, they had lethal weapons when Call of Duty showed up. Christ Pratt's gun shot bullets AFAIK.
How is she sexist? She's the one whoClaire's character is incredibly sexist. Again, her and Chris Pratt just share one awkward scene after the next.
The final battle was once again inferior to JP3, and I think JP3 stinks. What was the point of having the T.rex there? The T.rex gets out, gets its ass kicked, and is saved by the Velociraptor, then the Mosasaur takes it down. The entire scene was so surreal and stupid. The Raptor comes running in in slow motion. Then the T.rex and Raptor looks at each other like a bunch of cartoon characters and walk off.
Companies never come back from bankruptcy? Really? Go read up on that. And they have control basically over the animals they produce. Makes total sense if you're not looking to take a hate-dump on things.What the fuck is Ingen even doing in this movie? Why does it have so much control over the park? They when Chapter 11 in TLW. Where is that consistency? Oh wait, yeah, Colin Trevorrow probably never seen the original movie.
?? Jurassic World is "this" minus the thing that makes "this" "this"?Jurassic World is this
Plus the park being open. Minus the human DNA in the raptors.
Catch what you can here. It seems that Universal has been asking to remove the concept art from the internet.![]()
Perfect, thanks. It seems like JP concept art is hard to find in general. Wish they would release a concept art book like the excellent Pirates of the Caribbean books.
Ingen isn't bankrupt in the original movie. But aside from that, Masrani bought Ingen. How else would he have access to their island?What the fuck is Ingen even doing in this movie? Why does it have so much control over the park? They when Chapter 11 in TLW. Where is that consistency? Oh wait, yeah, Colin Trevorrow probably never seen the original movie.
Adrenaline and the happiness of being alive.The two boys laughing and all happy-go-lucky literally 30 seconds after they jumped off a waterfall from a gigantic, monstrous, man-eating monstrosity?
Because he knowsThe IT Geek dude deciding "someone has to stay behind" for no apparent reason at all. Why did someone have to stay behind? So that he would randomly be there to open the T-Rex gate?
It was the catalyst for Zach toThe "parents divorce" subplot that went absolutely no where and really added nothing to the film.
They are a financially well-off family that could afford toWhy would the parents be sent TO the island at the end of the film? Why wouldn't the kids be sent off the island? Really confusing.
Legitimate criticism.Hamfisted and unnecessary romance between Pratt and Howard. Cheesy lines galore.
Overblown reaction to something that Bryce Dallas Howard herself insisted on repeatedly.The heels. Gah.
The T-Rex/raptor bromance at the end.
The way the I-Rex died. How ridiculously random that the giant water dinosaur happened to leap out of the water at the exact right moment to kill the I-Rex. Just strange.
The owner of Jurassic World randomly demanding that he pilots the helicopter that's supposed to chase & gun down the most lethal creature known to man when he literally just got his copter license like 5 minutes ago.
Research intoWeaponizing raptors because drones can't go into caves? What??
Go on!I could go on and on and on.
Go on!![]()
I liked it, but I can go on.
But yet they had 4-way split screen raptor video for their pads.Not being able to check the I-Rex GPS from the actual facility that houses it (She said she had to go check it from the control room)
Going into the I-Rex den without first determining its location
(Did nobody have a dog?)Not having any redundancy for the I-Rex GPS and putting it a place that could be scratched or chewed out.
He was supposed to be the smart one?Pratt going into the I-Rex den without knowing where it is
Ok, I really had an issue with that entire scene.No secondary back up security plan for the I-Rex given the history of the island.
No chain of command for the facility once the owner died, who was rarely on site.
Going through all that effort to rescue the kids, but then bringing them back out into the field.
One helicopter on the entire, volcanic type island, yet they had a spare gatling machine gun to mount on it.
No automatic return to base override for the bubble thing.
and the one thing the movie actually did get right.
Put it offshore of Costa Rica so the massive lawsuits and worker violations for gross negligence and willful, nay criminal misconduct take place outside the US.
Edit: On reflection, the movie was possibly trying to show how corporate greed results in death and destruction. Which is fairly ironic given the almost obnoxious level of corporate sponsorship that occurs throughout the entire movie.
Yes! His new theme fits so well. It is sweeping and majestic befitting the true realization of John Hammond's dream in this park. I especially loved how they showed the Hammond statue front and center in the main building. There was no doubt that even if Masrani was now in charge it was still Hammond's dream.That was great but I honestly liked the presence of Giacchino's new theme more as it gave it its own identity. It was good that the old themes appeared, but I'm glad he didn't rely on them. When they played it was sensible, but I liked the new theme a LOT.
That was also pretty much the turning point for Claire's character for those that didn't noticeYeah. It was tremendous. Pratt and Howard were great in that scene too.
Dimorphodons were pretty hideous in a weird comedic-sorta way. I think waaay earlier when they first debuted on GAF someone said they put a T-Rex head on a pterasaur body. Sounds about right, which is silly considering the concept art had it much more "accurate":
I'm about to watch Jurassic World in 1 hour. I only watched the first one when I were a kid, and I have never seen The Lost World or Jurassic Park 3.
Dunno what to expect. Guess I'll just go in and watch it casually. But I don't like the talk about Chris Pratt being able communicate with the new dinosaurs. Really not up my alley.
That bit was actually okBut I don't like the talk about Chris Pratt being able communicate with the new dinosaurs. Really not up my alley.
Finally saw it and the movie is the most ridiculous thing ever.
I mean it's fiction but come on the story line couldn't be any more lazy.
I'm sure the producers went like this:
Lets build another park but this time we need a more deadly dinosaur.
Ok, lets mix the 2 most dangerous dinosaurs together to create a new uber dinosaur, not only that but also give him extra predator abilities so they are super fucked once it escapes.
Once escaped, task the wort person to fly the helicopter with machine gun on it.
Since he can't fly for shit, let him crash into the bird house, setting them free, creating even more havoc in the park.
I mean I still loved the movie because I felt like a little kid, but come on.