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Jurassic World |OT| WARNING! Safety Not, uh, Guaranteed | RT: 71?!%

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While I agree that it was dumb, the choice was also a character moment.
The older brother did it to make up for being mean to his brother regarding theit parent's divorce. He thought his brother would like seeing more dinos up close. However, this choice is especially dumb because of the warnings. They should have made the choice before they knew it would be trouble.

What's even dumber is that the gyros are controlled by the user and even allowed to venture off the beaten path like that.

There is no way they would not follow a strict path


The more I let this movie sink in the more I think I actually didn't like it that much. This movie is needlessly stupid and is easily dumber than Age of Ultron


The more I let this movie sink in the more I think I actually didn't like it that much. This movie is needlessly stupid and is easily dumber than Age of Ultron

What did you find dumb about Age of Ultron? To me, the weaknesses of the films are very different.
What I seriously don't get about these movies is how do the screenwriters NOT see how obviously dumb and illogical it is and don't fight to make it at least make SENSE, even if it's dumb. Come one, now.
Of course they know, they've spent years with the material trying to make it work. As to why certain decisions stayed in, we'll possibly never know unless a substantial post-mortem is given in public... Last time I checked, you still have to dig around to find crew reactions to Prometheus' script and it's issues even years after the fact.

But of course they know. Millions have been spent on telling this specific story. Whether any of it matters given the receipts and reception (who gives a shit it's fun and stupid) well, it's not a studio's business to care what detractors think.


Should the title be updated? It's been sitting at 71% on RT for ages now.

On that note, what does it take to be 'certified fresh'?

Certified fresh has to be at 75% or more. :(
RT said:
Movies and TV shows are Certified Fresh with a steady Tomatometer of 75% or higher after a set amount of reviews (80 for wide-release movies, 40 for limited-release movies, 20 for TV shows), including 5 reviews from Top Critics.

And yeah, I'll PM a mod here in a second.
Should the title be updated? It's been sitting at 71% on RT for ages now.

On that note, what does it take to be 'certified fresh'?

I know Inside Out, Spy, and Fury Road were certified pretty quickly. A bit over 100 reviews in, they were certified (spy was certified with less than 100). I think the higher a movie scores, the quicker it is certified because it get harder for it to drop below 60%.

Though I think it's safe to say JW won't drop below 60 by now. Besides, the movie was only ever 69 for a little while, the rest of the time it has either been at 70% or 71%.

Certified fresh has to be at 75% or more. :(

Really? Didn't know.


Those movies probably had a 75% when they got certified, but then more recent reviews put it down.

Age of Ultron had this issue, too. It's at 74% right now, but it had a 75 or above when it was certified.

Certification doesn't stop the meter. :(


Those movies probably had a 75% when they got certified, but then more recent reviews put it down.

Age of Ultron had this issue, too. It's at 74% right now, but it had a 75 or above when it was certified.

Certification doesn't stop the meter. :(
Rottentomatoes is weird like that, lol.


I saw it earlier today and shockingly I enjoyed the hell out of it.

It did have terrible stiff dialogue and bad acting from Pratt and Howard which I would attribute mostly to the level of writing but all and all very entertaining.

Call me crazy but I liked it a lot more than Inside Out.


And Gwen Stacy.

Watched film (more like dragged out) for the second time again. Very very boring.

Spent way too much time on it for how crappy it turned out, if it's Jurassic Wars make it balls to the wall ridiculous, there is no way to do a serious military dino film.

Metal B

Saw it first thing this morning. I loved it, a perfect silly summer movie. All of the nods to the first film was well done. Especially the first time
you see the lead system admin with the Jurassic Park t-shirt and Claire breaks down what happened to the Park.
Well, the scene would have been well done, if there wasn't a big contradiction!
It is hard to believe she being mad about the shirt and the unwanted connection to the events of Jurassic Park, while still using the SAME LOGO for Jurassic World. The only difference between the old logo and the new logo is one word and a different color!

Side note crazy part incoming:

I read that crazy script years ago for the Jurassic film that was going to deal with cross-breeding humans with dino's that fought crime and had the ability to fire weapons.

Based on what they have established with
what Dr. Wu was up to.
it could happen.
I thought. this was the secret, they were build up to.
That they mixed human DNA with T-Rex DNA. Then the next film would be an crossover with the Super Mario Movie.


Saw the movie last night. I enjoyed it, but there is no question that this movie is plagued by a bad script, bad characters and bad acting (I guess the characters and acting are also in part thanks to the script)., I'm also completely baffled how anyone in his right mind thinks that this movie is better than The Lost World. But I guess I just have an unnatural fondness for that movie.

I'll gladly watch a sequel, but please give the script to a competent writer.


FINALLY watched it. Just haven't had time despite being so fucking hyped up about it. Family things, too much work, etc.

I truly truly loved it to death. There were times watching it that I was having so much fun and was so into it that I almost declared it the best of the four. I will say it's definitely the best sequel.

- the final fight
- the old park
- the first 40 minutes of Jurassic Porn showing us a functioning park and the behind the scenes
- the sad apato death
- Pratt is actually pretty good - I thought he'd be too silly and campy, but he's got enough machismo for the role when it's needed
- Bryce Dallas Howard was actually pretty awesome and much hotter than I realized and also doesn't get enough credit as the true hero of the film
- Wu returns and is awesomely douchey
- I actually really liked the kids. Both of them. The moving speech about how he was always going to protect his brother, the younger's sadness over the divorce that he doesn't want to face. Their bond was actually really touching.
- Blue!
- Vincent De is actually pretty fun - people said he was kind of campy, but I think of him as more of a hype man. He's got a smile on his face while dealing with Owen, he's not barking orders. The reason is because he's obviously the MONEY, not the authority. He wants military contracts, but cares less about the military and more about the CONTRACTS. He's basically an empowered used car dealer.
- the final roar
- the flatline scene with the raptors was great
- the goggles!
- BDH is seriously really cute when sweaty
- the flying reptiles part was pretty terrifying actually, including the borderline controversial death (see below)
- the dino geek is my new hero. Way to go for it man, even though you got rejected. Open paddock 9 while you're at it.
- Omar Sy lived! I liked his character, truly expected him to die.
- BDH...


- the raptors were nice, but came off more as big dogs. Having gotten a boxer recently I saw a lot of her in the raptors. Especially that last, almost cringey scene with Blue running to the rescue.
- the scenes in the aviary are a little cheesy, the roaring at them to get them to fly and the explosion that barely misses Dom.
- I would have liked more of a dictatorial scene or two after Hoskins takes over. You're meant to feel a bit of dread that he was now in charge but we never get a "they're removing our access!" or "i won't do it *gun shot* okay, I'll do it!" scene.
- I liked the scene with the flyer and moso, but the character didn't really deserve to actually suffer that much. The dunking over and over again to force her to drown was straight up animal kingdom, but it's a horrible way to die and I don't think there's even a villain (in the movies) that deserves to die like that. I LIKED THE SCENE but the character that it happened to didn't deserve it. And no, I wouldn't have been happy if that happened to a random person in the crowd - hell let's say an old white man for the "neutral death that doesn't impact me much" factor - no. I was a villain death. I think they just didn't have enough villains for it to happen to.


- I was worried based on some spoilers that there was going to be a repeat of the "blue has a new alpha" line at the end for the T-rex and that Blue was going to follow her. Thankfully it looks like they went separate ways. I wouldn't have been able to swallow the T-rex permanently packing up with a raptor.
The nostalgia element gets completely different reactions from some people.

I'd love to see a Venn diagram of:

-Gaffers who thought JW's nostalgia was manipulative/trashy
-Gaffers who thought JW's nostalgia was pitch-perfect
-Gaffers who went apeshit at the Final Fantasy 7 remake announcement


I forgot to mention that I liked Masrani a lot. People have said he's a villain or naive, but I found him just as I would imagine a young Hammond was. Naive, fun, eccentric and maybe a bit more social conscious.

The nostalgia element gets completely different reactions from some people.

I'd love to see a Venn diagram of:

-Gaffers who thought JW's nostalgia was manipulative/trashy
-Gaffers who thought JW's nostalgia was pitch-perfect
-Gaffers who went apeshit at the Final Fantasy 7 remake announcement

I didn't mind it at all. It only took me out of the movie twice - the goggles and the "ruled the earth" remake scene.


I felt pretty indifferent at their plays at nostalgia for the most part. When they visit the old center and play with the goggles I thought that was cool, but nothing that I felt added or took away from the film overall.


I saw it tonight. Joss Whedon re-validated. I cannot, cannot believe how bad Claire's character was given how Trevorrow talked up and down about empowered female characters and gender stereotypes. Shit here was trope after trope, and had her running in high heels for Christ's sake! I kinda hope he knew how bad it actually was and was deliberately bullshitting people because it's more depressing to think that Trevorrow, who comes off as a genuinely nice and smart guy, could be so incredibly tone-deaf too.

Anyway. I thought the movie was fine. Pretty dopey, but after rewatching it for the first time in years the first JP was pretty dopey too. I actually liked the kids here and thought they were integrated into the plot better than the first movie. Pratt was okay, a little too non-ironic strapping badass, and all of the relationship stuff between him and Bryce was ridiculous.

Most of the CGI was bad. Thought
Blue coming to t-rex's rescue
was pretty hokey, but I liked the conclusion to that fight. Jake Johnson's scenes were funny.

So yeah, it was okay. If nothing else it made me appreciate Mad Max and its feminist approach a hell of a lot more.
I saw it tonight. Joss Whedon re-validated. I cannot, cannot believe how bad Claire's character was given how Trevorrow talked up and down about empowered female characters and gender stereotypes. Shit here was trope after trope, and had her running in high heels for Christ's sake!
Originally she was supposed to change footwear, but Bryce Dallas Howard really wanted to stay in the heels. I don't think you can count this in the Whedon re-validated column.
I kinda hope he knew how bad it actually was and was deliberately bullshitting people because it's more depressing to think that Trevorrow, who comes off as a genuinely nice and smart guy, could be so incredibly tone-deaf too.
Wait, aside from the heels, what are you specifically talking about when you say Whedon was re-validated? To my eyes, I see that
she had a clear character arch, she saves Owen from the flying reptile, she saves everyone by drawing out the T-Rex, etc. Do you have anything that outweighs that?


Claire was the
actual hero in the movie
and she did it in heels, Joss Whedon has no validation here

Yep, I left the theater thinking she was a badass and the most likable character by the end. Her story arc of
her developing a bond with the kids was just a copy of Alan Grant's arc from the first film
I think Whedon's comment made him look foolish.
Yep, I left the theater thinking she was a badass and the most likable character by the end. Her story arc of
her developing a bond with the kids was just a copy of Alan Grant's arc from the first film
I think Whedon's comment made him look foolish.

Wouldn't call it a copy as it was different but Whedon actually actually took the comment back saying he was just tired and annoyed after all the Avengers publicity.


Claire was the
actual hero in the movie
and she did it in heels, Joss Whedon has no validation here

I've seen many comments about her running away while being in heels was stupid, but I personally thought it was a great. I feel it went with her whole development as a character and especially
the ending with her running away from a T-Rex in heels is one of my fave scenes throughout all the movies. The strut and the elegance of it all. She just made it happen. The movie overall was so fun and if they bring anyone back in the sequels I hope for Claire the most.
I just realised that the Jurassic Park movies have the same critical and thematic trajectory as the Fast & Furious movies. The 1st movie is a classic, the 2nd is shit, the 3rd is basically a spinoff that polarises people, and the 4th is both a soft reboot and thematically similar to the 1st film.

I bet the fifth movie will be a heist movie involving military dinos, bringing back all the main characters from the previous 3 movies. It will be considered the greatest film of all time and make $3 billion dollars.


Originally she was supposed to change footwear, but Bryce Dallas Howard really wanted to stay in the heels. I don't think you can count this in the Whedon re-validated column.
Wait, aside from the heels, what are you specifically talking about when you say Whedon was re-validated? To my eyes, I see that
she had a clear character arch, she saves Owen from the flying reptile, she saves everyone by drawing out the T-Rex, etc. Do you have anything that outweighs that?

Come on.
Her change from stiff to "hero" happens immediately at the pull of a trigger. She takes constant direction from Owen. The kids rally behind him as the cool one. Their first kissing scene is laughable, and suddenly she's in love again with him too (though I admit this is a great set-up for the "I have a boyfriend" scene with Johnson later). Their leaving together scene at the end is just as bad -- both hokey and condescending.
I'm not saying she doesn't have an arc, I'm saying that it's exactly as stereotyped as Trevorrow said it wasn't.

All I could think of when they were
walking away together in the hall at the end
was Furiosa would have none of this shit. :lol

Forgot to mention: goddamn at how they killed
the assistant. They went out of their way to just completely, repeatedly, fuck her up. A split second where you think she's safe? Nope, another dinosaur swoops out of nowhere to ensure she's going nowhere.
What a bizarrely over the top way to knock off such a minor character.
Joss Whedon needs to STFU.

His Ultron movie was pure shit! I had a hell of a lot more fun watching JW than his crap. And this is coming from a die-hard Marvel fanboy.

Indominus Rex was a 1000000000000000000000000x better villain than Ultron.
I just realised that the Jurassic Park movies have the same critical and thematic trajectory as the Fast & Furious movies. The 1st movie is a classic, the 2nd is shit, the 3rd is basically a spinoff that polarises people, and the 4th is both a soft reboot and thematically similar to the 1st film.

I bet the fifth movie will be a heist movie involving military dinos, bringing back all the main characters from the previous 3 movies. It will be considered the greatest film of all time and make $3 billion dollars.

i am sorry wtf. you can't compare og jp to anything


Joss Whedon needs to STFU.

His Ultron movie was pure shit! I had a hell of a lot more fun watching JW than his crap. And this is coming from a die-hard Marvel fanboy.

Indominus Rex was a 1000000000000000000000000x better villain than Ultron.

lol, what a perfectly head-in-the-sand response. Not liking his movie does not mean his thoughts on sexism in film are invalid.


Forgot to mention: goddamn at how they killed
the assistant. They went out of their way to just completely, repeatedly, fuck her up. A split second where you think she's safe? Nope, another dinosaur swoops out of nowhere to ensure she's going nowhere.
What a bizarrely over the top way to knock off such a minor character.
That felt so mean for no reason.
Come on.
Her change from stiff to "hero" happens immediately at the pull of a trigger. She takes constant direction from Owen. The kids rally behind him as the cool one. Their first kissing scene is laughable, and suddenly she's in love again with him too (though I admit this is a great set-up for the "I have a boyfriend" scene with Johnson later). Their leaving together scene at the end is just as bad -- both hokey and condescending.
I'm not saying she doesn't have an arc, I'm saying that it's exactly as stereotyped as Trevorrow said it wasn't.

All I could think of when they were
walking away together in the hall at the end
was Furiosa would have none of this shit. :lol
Sounds like you're letting go of the heels comment, understanding it was BDH's choice. Cool.

Let's be clear on what Whedon said: "70's era sexism" based on the first clip released of BDH and CP. To say that it's 70's era sexism means it's along the lines of Animal House where women are purely objects to lust after by frat guys or James Bond where women are essentially another notch in the Bond belt. "70's era sexism," when looking at the movie as a whole, is hyperbolic and inaccurate.

Second, let's be clear on what Trevorrow said: He said that just based on that clip, he didn't *totally* disagree with Whedon. However that based on the film as whole, a more apt description would be that the character recalls the femininity of 1940s leading ladies as a starting point, with some of that archtype deconstructed by the end of the movie.

70's era sexism would have her as a useless, vapid liability. Hell, 90's era sexism would have cast Denise Richards in the role (a la Dr. Christmas Jones in The World is Not Enough).

While you may not have liked the approach for the character because you'd like to see something more along the lines of Mad Max (which was GREAT), I hope we can agree that calling JW a 70's era sexist movie is a bit much.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Just watched the movie

why would you do that character like that and not
the villain

Animals dont discriminate based upon character.

Also, birds of prey today will drown their prey sometimes, so the flying dinos doing it isn't very outlandish.


Also, birds of prey today will drown their prey sometimes, so the flying dinos doing it isn't very outlandish.
Pterosaurs like Pteranodon weren't dinosaurs and they hunted nothing like modern day birds of prey. They were unable to grasp prey with their feet (Which were purely for walking) and instead used their jaws. Pteranodon would not have been able to capture prey as large as an adult human (Certainly not fly with one), nor would they have likely been interested in humans; they were fish-eaters.

The entire Pterosaur scene was incredibly outlandish.


lol. I'm amused by the fuss, mostly.

Yeah I know. Being in this thread the entire means having to read a lot of the same criticisms over and over again. I do recognize it as an issue (not necessarily the death), and it didn't make a big impact on my multiple viewings. I just think a few things would have made it a even more great, seamless film.

The entire Pterosaur scene was incredibly outlandish.

They're the only real time dinosaurs are "monster-ified" in JW, even compared to the I-Rex. Having collective "flocks" descend down on humans for a good dose of dino-terrorism came off a bit strangely on screen lol. In the scene when the Dimorphodon was wrestling Pratt to the ground, it was like what, really? I'd rather the I-Rex let the Metriacanthosaurus run free and actually have them running around, frightening and occasionally gobbling up park visitors (I really wanted to see Metriacanthosaurus because they were featured in the JW website, Suchomimus as well).
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