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Jury awards $25M more to Hulk Hogan

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I have no real opinion on Hogan, I've never been a fan of wrestling at any point and thus I have no partiality to him or his character. I didn't watch the video but read quotes from it and it's appalling to say the least. It's really disheartening to see someone get rich off of racist comments, especially when that money comes partially from the labor of honest folks at places like Kotaku.

But Gawker had it coming. Denton and Daulerio are scum.


I hope Hogan gets sued by the family of the guy Nick Hogan made a vegetable to have enough money to pay for the care of their son. As someone said elsewhere, make these two chase each other's tails for money until the end of time
What was the comment, exactly?

AJ Daulerio - editor at Gawker, was asked if any celebrity sex tape qualified as newsworthy He said yes.The lawyer followed up by was there any situation in which a celebrity sex tape would not be considered newsworthy and he said if the person in question was four years old.


AJ Daulerio - editor at Gawker, was asked if any celebrity sex tape qualified as newsworthy He said yes.The lawyer followed up by was there any situation in which a celebrity sex tape would not be considered newsworthy and he said if the person in question was four years old.

To be fair he said older than four!
70% , even worse , even though I have nothing i'm still signing a prenup when I get married, thats insane

You realize that a prenup only applies to assets you owned prior to the marriage right? If your assets are $100, signing a prenup just means that if you were to get divorced, that $100 would not be a part of the asset pool that you'd have to split. If in between the marriage and the divorced you and/or your spouse made $100,000,000, you'd have to split it in the divorce. But you still get to keep the $100 in assets you owned prior to the marriage.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Yeah I dont think Hulk Hogan is a high character dude (RIP childhood) but Gawker was in thew wrong here and I agree with the verdict. This will help protect peoples privacy in the future.


As awful as gawker is, knowing this bigoted piece of shit is walking away with 135 million is appalling.
Honestly, this is nothing compared to that former Clippers owner that was "forced" to sell his franchise at 2 billion when he bought it for like 15 million or some such after his racist scandal.

Both cases are appalling, I'm just saying it's unfortunate that it isn't anything new.
Honestly, this is nothing compared to that former Clippers owner that was "forced" to sell his franchise at 2 billion when he bought it for like 15 million or some such after his racist scandal.

Both cases are appalling, I'm just saying it's unfortunate that it isn't anything new.

That was a situation where because Donald Sterling was a rich racist white man, the transgression against him was ignored. The NBA was within their right to force him to sell but the woman who illegally taped him should have been charged with something.
Honestly, this is nothing compared to that former Clippers owner that was "forced" to sell his franchise at 2 billion when he bought it for like 15 million or some such after his racist scandal.

Both cases are appalling, I'm just saying it's unfortunate that it isn't anything new.

As much as I dislike Sterling, the 2 billion had nothing to do with his racist remarks, just like Hogan's 135mil had nothing to do with his racist remarks. It's more to do with how much the team was valued at that time as he was the owner. You can't just force an owner out without him getting his money. Yes, it sucks to see shitty people get the win, but it happens everyday.


nothing stops the Hulk train

lol at that linda video, salty as fuck when she took half his stuff x money,

The guy must be some kind of asshole for her to clean him out the way she did and still care that he isn't going to be broke because of this windfall. Thats some serious ass bad blood there, goddamn; must be an even bigger asshole than we know behind closed doors.
Florida law requires the company to put up a bond covering a portion of the final amount for an appeal, and since they would probably lose the appeal there is zero chance of anyone (including themselves) putting up the bond since it would be in the $40-50m range. So barring any sudden surprises there is probably not even going to be an appeal.

The judge could still set aside the amount and lower it, but dunno how often that happens.

Not sure really what happens from here. Its doubtful the company has much in actual assets, so they could simply blow money rapidly - give the top execs big golden parachutes as they all are "fired" or quit and then declare bankruptcy and dissolve the company. That would probably trigger a bunch of bad faith lawsuits though.

It wouldn't make sense to sell parts to anyone else, since any money that comes in would be basically handed over to Hulk.

In any case in all probability Hulk will never see a dime from this, but at the same time Gawker is pretty much done too.
So if someone takes video of me having sex and posts it online without my permission, I can sue them for 140 million? Or is it just because he's famous.


What has he said or done that's racist?

He cried to his sex partner when he thought nobody was listening about how his daughter's dating a black person, and he's not comfortable with that, but he can't say or do anything about it because he knows those feelings are wrong and he also knows that he has no say in who his daughter likes.

The WWE fired him for racism, and being fired gave Hogan the ability to wreck Gawker.

Damn hopefully this guy starts a space company
He'll probably just buy another Dodge Viper so his son can wrap it around a tree and paralyze his next best friend, and have money left over for the hospital bills.


So if someone takes video of me having sex and posts it online without my permission, I can sue them for 140 million? Or is it just because he's famous.

you would probably be able to sue them for the money you would have made for the job you lost when the tape came out

so yes, but only if they cost you millions of dollars by releasing the tape


People have been profiting off of racism a lot if you think about it.
Hulk inadvertently got millions off his privacy being invaded.

Donald Sterling inadvertently got billions after his privacy was invaded

Paula Deen was dancing with the Stars getting thousands of dollars to destroy the Nè Nè

Follow the money

And this post encapsulates the annoyance I feel when I read how people seem to be emphasizing their hate for Gawker instead of their joy that the right to privacy was being successfully defended in court.

None of these people were awarded for being scumbags. They were given justice for a right we all should but clearly don't cherish.


Not a fan of Gawker, or any of their subsidiaries, and their behaviour in this case. Hogan was a well-known cunt in the Wrestling business before we even knew he was racist too but at least he's getting the pay-off he rightfully deserves here.



We can't forget Gawker's holy-then-thou attitude in deciding not to publish or link the hacked icloud photos all while publishing and vehemently defending the publishing of this tape. It simply came down to "we don't like this guy, so fuck him and his life." Just like it did when they outed the rival businessman.

A bunch of scumbags.


He cried to his sex partner when he thought nobody was listening about how his daughter's dating a black person, and he's not comfortable with that, but he can't say or do anything about it because he knows those feelings are wrong and he also knows that he has no say in who his daughter likes.

The WWE fired him for racism, and being fired gave Hogan the ability to wreck Gawker.

He'll probably just buy another Dodge Viper so his son can wrap it around a tree and paralyze his next best friend, and have money left over for the hospital bills.

that's what's made him a piece of shit for life? oh, brother.


Hogan is a bad person, but so are the people responsible for posting that tape. I really don't want to see the entire company go under because of some shitheads.
The blogs and contributors in question aren't the issue. It's not even the Gawker blog itself necessarily. It's the parent company as a business, the owners, and to a much lesser extent editorial staff that allowed this to happen that people [like me at least] have issue with.

This is around the time when I started my dislike for their practices.

Wow, why did they think putting on a nervous smile and acting like everyone was crazy for being upset was the best defense? They played with fire long enough to get burned. Glad it's costing them. If they survive, here's hoping they change their ways.
I hope Hogan gets sued by the family of the guy Nick Hogan made a vegetable to have enough money to pay for the care of their son. As someone said elsewhere, make these two chase each other's tails for money until the end of time

Not really his fault his son is an asshole. This is also a good fuck you to the vulture media.

Sadly some good people might lose their jobs but the pricks behind these businesses deserve to eat shit since they got rich screwing over people. (although every corporation does this anyways)
As neat as it is for Gawker to get their just deserts despite Hogan being a racist jackass, this ruling does raise some serious and rather uncomfortable first amendment issues. You can't just draw an arbitrary line in the sand at unconsensual sex tapes, the First Amendment doesn't work that way.
I'm not quite sure I'm following your line of thought. Are you saying you think it's okay for a "news outlet" to disobey a judges order because a sex tape falls under freedom of expression, even though the party involved in creating the "expression" had no intention of making it public?
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