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Jury sides with Hulk Hogan in his sex tape lawsuit against Gawker & awards him $115m

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Dear Gawker:



A person being racist doesn't mean that same person isn't injured when a sex tape of them is published online without their consent.

A person being racist doesn't mean that person doesn't deserve to have their harm remedied when a sex tape of them is published online without their consent.

This shouldn't even be an issue.

I also don't see how Hulk Hogan knowing he was being filmed would have any bearing on the verdict.


No Scrubs
I'm not defending Gawker, I'm saying they were terrible as was Hogan. This is all horrible.

Hogan's a racist asshole, but he didn't ruin a dude's life for no reason and then revel in it. Somehow, Gawker are the worse ones here and that's pretty telling.


When a judge literally orders you to take down said sex tape and you refuse because clicks. Gawker had this coming big time.
I don't know what they were thinking. Like, appeal in court that you get to host the video again or something, but just take that shit down after you get an order liker that.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Ya'll are cold blooded. Yea Gawker was in the wrong here, but a lot of good people could lose their jobs over this. Over something they had no part in.

Maybe Gawker should have thought about them when they ignored the order to take down the tape.


A person being racist doesn't mean that same person isn't injured when a sex tape of them is published online without their consent.

A person being racist doesn't mean that person doesn't deserve to have their harm remedied when a sex tape of them is published online without their consent.

This shouldn't even be an issue.

Very strange this has come to this. Rights are rights. We can't base on them if the person is likable or not.

Hulk is a racist shitbag and he's reaping the financial losses, but Gawker ignored a court ruling.
I don't like the media can be held liable for publishing factual damaging information. Many times there are videos or information published about somebody or something that is damaging but that can be a good thing. If we try to judge the information on its benefit to society it becomes an arbitrary and slippery slope.

Can someone like Ray Rice sue the media for damages because they publish video of him him beating his wife?


No Scrubs
Ya'll are cold blooded. Yea Gawker was in the wrong here, but a lot of good people could lose their jobs over this. Over something they had no part in.

This is all on Gawker's editorial staff. They've been stepping over the line for years now, if it wasn't this it would have been something else in a few years.

I don't like the media can be held liable for publishing factual damaging information. Many times there are videos or information published about somebody or something that is damaging but that can be a good thing. If we try to judge the information on its benefit to society it becomes an arbitrary and slippery slope

When publishing something like this the first thing journalists are taught to ask is: does this benefit the public good?

There's also a difference between posting that such a tape exists and posting the tape itself.


Ya'll are cold blooded. Yea Gawker was in the wrong here, but a lot of good people could lose their jobs over this. Over something they had no part in.

Maybe. But I feel in order to pay for this they will start parceling out their sites. I'm sure some of those writers will land on their feet. Others, probably not.


Maybe Gawker should have thought about them when they ignored the order to take down the tape.

Yeah? That doesn't stop a bunch of good people losing jobs over the assholes that run the company, which is what the person you quoted was saying.




benevolent sexism
Beyond "people are shitty", why are people antagonizing him? He's a Kotaku reporter, not Nick Denton. :|

He probably once expressed an opinion on a video game that they did not agree with. Also he's probably a huge SJW or something. So, as you can see, being a completely disgusting cunt to him on a shitty day in his life is quite justified.


I think the gloating at Gawker is a little cold given we have gaffers who work there. There's a lot of regular people completely unrelated to this incident whose jobs are suddenly in jeopardy.


I also don't see how Hulk Hogan knowing he was being filmed would have any bearing on the verdict.

Me either.

Very strange this has come to this. Rights are rights. We can't base on them if the person is likable or not.

Hulk is a racist shitbag and he's reaping the financial losses, but Gawker ignored a court ruling.

Crazy, right?

Hulk being racist has no bearing on whether or not it's OK to post a damn sex tape of him without his permission. He can be a racist fuck and still be a victim, those aren't exclusive things. Hulk Hogan the Racist hit by a drunk driver is a victim. Hulk Hogan the Racist who had a sex tape posted online without his permission is a victim. The racist part just describes if he's generally a good or bad dude. No bearing on whether he's a victim or not in those instances. Hulk Hogan the Racist who gets fired for being racist, that's where it's relevant.


I don't like the media can be held liable for publishing factual damaging information. Many times there are videos or information published about somebody or something that is damaging but that can be a good thing. If we try to judge the information on its benefit to society it becomes an arbitrary and slippery slope

But what about when it's private stuff. How about we go through your private videos and photos and share them? What? We shouldn't judge the information on the benefit to society. If we record you having sex we should be able to put it online and share it regardless of your right to privacy or anything?
Yeah? That doesn't stop a bunch of good people losing jobs over the assholes that run the company, which is what the person you quoted was saying.

By the same logic then, should no company ever be guilty of a criminal act because it might be unfair to employees who could loose their job? that should not be a shield against corporate responsibility
Its a shit situation but Gawker are in the wrong here, they are hypocritical and ignored previous court order in favour of earning money


No Scrubs
I think the gloating at Gawker is a little cold given we have gaffers who work there. There's a lot of regular people completely unrelated to this incident whose jobs are suddenly in jeopardy.

All the blame goes on the editorial staff at Gawker. If they weren't such shitheels none of this would have happened. You don't see this shit happening to the Huffington Post or even that waste of space called the Blaze.
He probably once expressed an opinion on a video game that they did not agree with. Also he's probably a huge SJW or something. So, as you can see, being a completely disgusting cunt to him on a shitty day in his life is quite justified.

Ah, so Gaters.

Speaking of which, a second glance at this topic reveals there's a fair few of them right here. Goodie.


By the same logic then, should no company ever be guilty of a criminal act because it might be unfair to employees who could loose their job? that should not be a shield against corporate responsibility
Its a shit situation but Gawker are in the wrong here, they are hypocritical and ignored previous court order in favour of earning money

I can't believe that people would be against criminal acts towards a company because "People work there."



All the blame goes on the editorial staff at Gawker. If they weren't such shitheels none of this would have happened. You don't see this shit happening to the Huffington Post or even that waste of space called the Blaze.

I didn't say Gawker was innocent. I said gloating and posting gifs celebrating their demise is a bit harsh.

I can't believe that people would be against criminal acts towards a company because "People work there."


I can't believe that people would interpret "show some respect to the unrelated individuals affected by this ruling" as "gawker is innocent."

Oh wait, yes I can, this is the internet.


A Good Citizen
Been a long time coming for Gawker. Surprised they didn't get hit back when they bought a stolen iPhone prototype and profited from hits by publicly revealing it.


No Scrubs
I didn't say Gawker was innocent. I said gloating and posting gifs celebrating their demise is a bit harsh.

They've gone out of their way to ruin people's lives for no reason, the fact of the matter is the world is better off without Gawker. I hope the innocent writers can find other work, but fuck their editorial staff.

Wasn't there another high profile fuck-up Gawker had? The executive they ended up outing with info from a guy who was trying to blackmail the exec?

Yup. I posted that on the other page. If this didn't get Gawker something else would have. They've been begging to be smacked down like this for years now.


By the same logic then, should no company ever be guilty of a criminal act because it might be unfair to employees who could loose their job? that should not be a shield against corporate responsibility
Its a shit situation but Gawker are in the wrong here, they are hypocritical and ignored previous court order in favour of earning money

That's not what I'm saying at all? I'm more saying that people gleefully laughing at "Wow, guess gawker got what's coming to em' Hulkamania" are doing so very distastefully and ignoring the fact that good people may lose their jobs because some of their employers are scum. Lumping all of "gawker" under the same umbrella is unfair.
I think I would have been more sympathetic to Hogan had he not been revealed to be a racist piece of shit recently. Is there some way the ruling can be changed to charge both parties the $115M?


I didn't say Gawker was innocent. I said gloating and posting gifs celebrating their demise is a bit harsh.

I wouldn't take it personally. There are good people working at bad companies all over. No one is celebrating these particular people losing their jobs. Just those responsible.
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