Kingpen said:So this game was completely off my radar.... ( I never played the first JC).
So in a simple analogy, is this the game that Mercenaries 2 should have been? If I liked the Mercenaries series, would I like this?
I don't think I have time for a game of this scale though in my current life (getting married soon, and have a big backlog of games already)
45 bones is nice for day one, but I probably should wait for a price drop....
Big Ass Ramp said:Anyone with the PC version having activation key problems? It says my key is invalid when I know I'm entering it correctly.
some guy earlier said that something that Looked like an O was supposed to be a Q.Arpeggio said:I'm having the exact same problem.
MThanded said:some guy earlier said that something that Looked like an O was supposed to be a Q.
DeadGzuz said:Something doesn't add up. If you screen tear with a 30fps cap, then you are under 30fps by definition. For the PS3, if there is no tearing for sub-30fps section, then how are they doing it, triple buffering?
Edit the 360 version does not stay at 30fps, you can see in the screen grab at DF the dip into the low 20s.
I like how people are dismissing the youtube feature because they don't want to get the PS3 version. It's only the coolest feature in a video game in a long time and perfect for a sand box game with so much mayhem. If you want to get the 360 version, don't pretend to be objectively weighing the features, just get it.
In my case it would be a decision between the better looking and cheaper PC version and the PS3 with youtube, the 360 has nothing to offer for someone with all three.
MThanded said:some guy earlier said that something that Looked like an O was supposed to be a Q.
EvaPlusMinus said:Anyone know how to Fast Travel? Can't seem to figure it out and I guess I missed when they explained it.
MiDNiGHTS said:The best part about this game is that it is huge but only takes 4GB of space. Props to devs.
:lolFuttBuck said:I almost got owned, check out my youtube video =P, it's a little longer but wait for it, :lol
I was actually referring to this one: said:yeh my earlier should be ok now, it wasn't done processing, damn youtubes.
Mechanical Snowman said::lol
That chopper looks amazing too, nice. And is that a PS3 upload? It looks like better quality than the last one that was posted.
brain_stew said:You can do that recording malarkey on the PC with all manner of third party tools (think someone suggested Xfire, then there's FRAPs and likely plenty more) so its not a good reason to pass up on the PC version if you have the hardware for it. "BoloPatch" made the PC demo so much more interesting and who knows what crazy mods people will come up for the final version if they managed such awesome hacks for the demo.
Kingpen said:So this game was completely off my radar.... ( I never played the first JC).
So in a simple analogy, is this the game that Mercenaries 2 should have been? If I liked the Mercenaries series, would I like this?
I don't think I have time for a game of this scale though in my current life (getting married soon, and have a big backlog of games already)
45 bones is nice for day one, but I probably should wait for a price drop....
I did. It almost turned me off on the game completely.RedStep said:Who thought it was a bad demo?
EvaPlusMinus said:They sure made these bases hard as hell to get a 100% on.
Artadius said:Here's a good tip to might help.
Anytime there are communications/radar towers, there's a generator nearby that is easily overlooked.
bridegur said:I'm only a couple missions in, but so far I'm having an awesome time. And call me crazy, but the voice acting this far has been no worse than GoW3 (not that that means much). Plus, I like that the protagonist sounds like this guy:
haven't experience any stuttering, and I just did a mission where I'm on top of a snowy mountainCloakedPuppet said:Is anyone having issues with the PS3 version and slight stutter when camera panning big backrounds? I'm in the beginning bit on the mountain tops. Does this get less noticeable as you get further along? I'm assuming this is the v-sync doing it's thing but I'm not sure if I'd prefer it to 360's screen tearing. :/
bridegur said:I'm only a couple missions in, but so far I'm having an awesome time. And call me crazy, but the voice acting this far has been no worse than GoW3 (not that that means much). Plus, I like that the protagonist sounds like this guy:
Salaadin said:Does Vsync still kill the FPS for this? Not like it matters since my copy is in the mail but I was just playing the demo again. 30-60 FPS with it on but a solid 60+ once I turn off Vsync.
I really dont like tearing but I might put up with it for this game if it stops the dips. I wonder if the 10.3 Catalyst drivers will help any.
No, this is the game Just Cause 1 should have been.Kingpen said:So this game was completely off my radar.... ( I never played the first JC).
So in a simple analogy, is this the game that Mercenaries 2 should have been? If I liked the Mercenaries series, would I like this?
I don't think I have time for a game of this scale though in my current life (getting married soon, and have a big backlog of games already)
45 bones is nice for day one, but I probably should wait for a price drop....
bathala said:haven't experience any stuttering, and I just did a mission where I'm on !op of a snowy mountain
NIN90 said:The wait is killing me!! ;((
Just so you know: gifting a US copy on Steam DOES NOT circumvent the EU release date. ;((
MThanded said:map is huge. Game is great
The ol' 8.8Wizman23 said: