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Just got Paper Mario :-\


But I still haven't beaten Pikmin 2, or touched Donkey Konga. And prior to those, I had just beat Tales of Symphonia, though I started playing that midway through SSX3. In the meantime, I got Skies of Arcadia, which I haven't touched either.

Err...and then there's like 6-7 games that I still haven't beat but just left hanging (from REmake to F-Zero to Metroid: Prime, etc........).


Why'd you pick it up then?
The games aren't going to run away from you man.. the only thing you're going to do is risk having the ones you haven't finished buried under the new ones, I just don't get why people do this.


METROID PRIEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1 TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111122!



^Oh god, amen.

As I put my preorder for Halo 2 down today, I remembered I still have about 10 important games I still need to beat.


Actually my brother picked it up on the way home, I was deliberately not buying it myself (since I'm usually the guy who buys the games, we split the costs).

Worst part is I have two part-time jobs, I volunteer (tutoring), and I'm in school fulltime. I don't have time for games as much anymore...

...though I've been on GAF the last hour :lol


I only came into this thread to beat your fucking face in, but now I see that the ":-\" wasn't a result of you disliking the game. Carry on.

I'm kidding. I think.

I played the first couple chapters a while ago. Really fun game. Too bad I won't be able to borrow it again until next year.


That's harsh man, I know the feeling, I've only just finished my uni semester after juggling that full-time with a full-time job as well, it left pretty much no time for games. Boy it's good to be able to play again :D


Yeah, I'm working 5 times this week and 5 times next week, on top of tutoring once/week. Life is suuuuuuuuper hectic right now, and I just came out of midterms! And my family's going away for Xmas holidays, so I don't get to play then either :(


miyuru said:
Actually my brother picked it up on the way home, I was deliberately not buying it myself (since I'm usually the guy who buys the games, we split the costs).

Worst part is I have two part-time jobs, I volunteer (tutoring), and I'm in school fulltime. I don't have time for games as much anymore...

...though I've been on GAF the last hour :lol

Heh! Are you sure you aren't me?


miyuru said:
But I still haven't beaten Pikmin 2, or touched Donkey Konga. And prior to those, I had just beat Tales of Symphonia, though I started playing that midway through SSX3. In the meantime, I got Skies of Arcadia, which I haven't touched either.

Err...and then there's like 6-7 games that I still haven't beat but just left hanging (from REmake to F-Zero to Metroid: Prime, etc........).

wtf.. you aren't allowed to list good GC games here..


Deku Tree

You should just keep working ten jobs, keep buying lots of games and keep playing none of them. I mean you need to work all those jobs so that you can afford buy all those games that you don't have the time to play!


:lol so true. Now that I have money (i.e. ever since I've been 16 and able to work decent jobs, 19 y/o now), I seem to buy a lot of games but I don't play them nearly as much. But that also has to do with me losing interest in certain types of games, i.e. the ones I seem to buy. Maybe it's time for a new system, not really sure. I love SSBM, but a lot of Nintendo stuff as of late hasn't been doing quite the trick, not nearly as well as in the SNES/N64 days.

Ah well, at least the industry is promoting multiplatform games, so the 'Cube isn't getting screwed a lot.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Dude. QUIT MM CM, and PLAY Skies of Arcadia. You won't regret it.
GaimeGuy said:
Dude. QUIT MM CM, and PLAY Skies of Arcadia. You won't regret it.

Just make sure you keep playing even if you're getting frustrated by the number of random encounters. You can get certain items to decrease or increase the frequency of them, and once I decreased them, the game became a lot better.


I heard GC version already has less random battles than the DC, though I almost fell asleep watching my brother play (did I mention he beats all the games we have pretty much, to the MAX? He put in 20 hours into Tales after beating it I think...).


i'll never in a million years understand why people buy games then dont open them and wont play them for months. it absoultely boggles my mind.

oh and yes, thank you for the update.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Joe said:
i'll never in a million years understand why people buy games then dont open them and wont play them for months. it absoultely boggles my mind.

oh and yes, thank you for the update.

Yeah I know, because when you actually find time to play them, they would have dropped in price. Stop the madness!


Bah! Don't criticize those of us who have shrinkwrapped games. In my case I've got a legitimate excuse: I've got to support the Gamecube, for Nintendo, for the gaming industry! :p

Stupid games in their shrinkwrap (GC: Animal Crossing, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Pikmin 2, Mario Paper: The Thousand-Year Door; GBA: Advanced Wars 2, Metroid: Zero Mission)! But hey, at least these are far fewer in number than all the shrinkwrapped DVDs I've got :p


Oh, well the games aren't in their shrinkwrap or anything. By 'haven't touched', I mean, 'haven't played'. The reason being I was going through another game at the time of purchase. But you know, I just HAD to buy it regardless :lol
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