Fat4all is in the hizzie
My current thoughts on who to vote for are leaning towards low post/low information players. I've been more lenient on these kinds of players in past games to a detriment I feel.
Short list includes future gunshot victim Blarg, Lone_Prodigy, and Cewyn.
My usual play on any given day-one is to look over actions and to go with who has the scummiest vibes, but in this game so far the strongest vibe has been maybe kitsunelaine, who is new and could be just getting backlash for their green plays. Giving her more time to demonstrate how she plays feels justified here. Overall, I feel like getting rid of a lower contributing player would be more beneficial to future discussion in the game.
I dunno if voting for a lower contributing player is considered "safe" or not at this point, but it seems like a better option than the no lynch.
Let me know what you (yes, you) think of my short list. I'll be here for the rest of the day, mind, and open for debate and discussion.