Hmmm. Since Splinter isn't around for my customary opening vote and there are a few new faces (mostly to me) I'll do some prodding.
VOTE: NeckToChicken
Are you scum?
Show your work please and thank you.
I claim town and nothing more.
TIME TO SHOW MY WORK. (Warning: NERD ahead)
FOR Day 1 and little voting record or other information:
IF I am vanilla town THEN
-Claiming generic town gives no information other than making me seem more untrustworthy in a game of untrustworthies.
-Claiming vanilla town puts me potentially low on scum kill lists, removing me from harm but endangering power roles by depriving them an "unknown" as a decoy.
-Claiming a generic power role magnetizes scum to me, but also puts day phase heat on me when I am unable to back up later with results. This will cause problems and confusion for town later.
-Claiming a specific power role is putting a gun to my head both in day and night phase AND might force a counterclaim marking two town for death.
THEREFORE I claim generic town to cause the least damage.
IF I am a town power role THEN
-Claiming generic town gives no information other than making me seem more untrustworthy in a game of untrustworthies.
-Claiming vanilla town lowers my scum target rating, but is a lie. This lie's exposure could be lethal to me unless I get out in front of it and claim truthfully later. This marks me for death to scum later BUT misleads town. Town can run wild with misinformation...
-Claiming a generic power role draws scum to me, BUT possibly allows for a doctor save should one exist. This is not assured by any means. If I make it a few days my results will speak for themselves... but I could just do that in a few days then.
-Claiming a specific power role is putting a mafia gun to my head (and hoping for a doctor save), BUT dissuades a counterclaim from happening as my death will turn a laser focus on the other claimer. This narrows the places scum can hide at the cost of my life.
THEREFORE I claim generic town to keep myself alive and not mislead town.
IF I am a neutral THEN
-Claiming generic town gives no information other than making me seem more untrustworthy in a game of untrustworthies.
-Claiming vanilla town protects from scum slightly but makes me more expendable to town, and is also a lie. This lie's exposure is a very bad not good thing.
-Claiming neutral, whether town-friendly or scum-aiding, is some measure of scum protection as they likely have bigger fish to fry and enjoy the extra breathing room. However, this is just asking to get lynched. If you're a survivor... well, good luck.
-Claiming a generic power role is an interesting play. You might receive protection from town and the scum might not kill you fast enough for it to matter. Dangerous, but workable.
-Claiming a specific power role is a lot more dangerous. You might be a serial killer and claim vigilante, but once the kills keep rolling out townspeople are going to get suspicious. Scum will put one in you unless you've got bulletproof...
THEREFORE I claim generic/vanilla town to stall OR generic power role to bluff depending on my power and predilections.
IF I am scum THEN
-Claiming generic town gives no information other than making me seem more untrustworthy in a game of untrustworthies.
-Claiming vanilla makes me expendable to town, and is also a lie. This lie's exposure looks pretty bad. However, I can spin this as protecting myself as a power role for later if caught.
-Claiming a generic power role is similar to the neutral claim, but you are much more restricted. You have to make it to the end of the game to win, and claiming some power role day one will have everyone looking for results that you must falsify or fail to deliver.
-Claiming a specific power role might force a counterclaim, but you will die the death unless you pull some next level mind trickery.
THEREFORE I claim generic or vanilla town to hide for now and lie my ass off later.
RESULT: I claim generic town.
Again, these are for the current situation and information level. I welcome any criticism of my rationales because I have no idea what I'm doing...
This may seem like me saying "oh look I could be any of these har har", so I'll add one last bit. To put it plain and so that you can rack me with it later: I definitively claim I am neither neutral nor scum.