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Justified - Season 3 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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- I suspected there was a reason we didn't see Raylan dispose of the gun that killed Gary. I though he would plant it on Quarles at some point, right where it belonged. Very slick, writers.

was it planned?

I was thinking that the gun was the one that was taken from raylon's back....

he did quip that "he could keep that one" though
Ugh, really? Do I have to pay attention to a show on TNT? Jon Bernthal too, huh?

Regarding the finale, what can I say? This show is a consistently beautiful ballet of words, emotions, and action. Some great twists, acting, a gut punch or two... Yup, must be a Justified finale. Now to deal with the soul-sucking realization that I won't have this to brighten my week for at least a year. Sigh.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
was it planned?

I was thinking that the gun was the one that was taken from raylon's back....

he did quip that "he could keep that one" though

Raylan has Supervillian foresight powers. He's been carrying around a murder weapon, that at one point, was used to frame him. Yet somehow, plans on Quarles taking the gun back on his own, and to top it off, even uses it (kills Errol with it), so any gun residue test, will have Quarles possessing and firing, the Gary Murder weapon.
Or he went back to his lovely new apartment, searched it out from his hiding spot, and did so because he knew he was meeting Quarles and his teenage hostages?







Gifs from over on Warmingglow
Didn't beat the glorious, downright poetic finale of season 2, but this was still really great. "He just saw a man in a hat" line was great, and the russian roulette with angry Raylan was perfect.

My only problem would be that when Raylan waved a gun around at Limehouse's place the room was filled with dudes immediately. Where were all of those guys when Quarles was threatening to kill Limehouse? Same thing with the whole travel to Limehouse from the moment Quarles takes Raylan's gun. There were several clear openings where Raylan could have easily overpowered Quarles without any more risk than he usually takes. Instead he followed along with everything quietly because they have a climactic ending scene to get to and nothing ain't gonna stop them.
Kind of felt like the writers had this excellent ending scene ready and were so excited about getting to that one scene that they couldn't really focus on the part leading up to that.


Great finale. I only got one thing right in my prediction, and I'm glad Duffy wasn't killed. :D

One thing I didn't like: how Raylan doesn't seem to care in the slightest for Boyd. :(
One thing I didn't like: how Raylan doesn't seem to care in the slightest for Boyd. :(

Because Boyd, as much as we like him because he's one of the leads, is as bad as any of the 'big bads' in the show, and so Raylan wants him behind bars?

Anyway, amazing finale, and as terribly cheesy as it would be, an AV Club commenter suggested a way of making the Quarles' death scene even more awesome: have Raylan turn the arm back on Quarles and pull the trigger :D :D :D :D

Yes, I realise that would be terrible, but god damn it would be awesome at the same time.


Great finale. I only got one thing right in my prediction, and I'm glad Duffy wasn't killed. :D

One thing I didn't like: how Raylan doesn't seem to care in the slightest for Boyd. :(

Im not sure thats true. He had that little chat with Boyd. Which, at the end of the episode after we find out what was bothering Raylan, takes on much more meaning.

Edit: I was hoping for a team up of some sort, sure, but alas, not this season.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Ugh, really?

You should anyway, Southland is phenomenal.

My only problem would be that when Raylan waved a gun around at Limehouse's place the room was filled with dudes immediately. Where were all of those guys when Quarles was threatening to kill Limehouse?
When Raylan was in the joint, they had all just gotten back from the standoff on the bridge with Boyd. When Quarles showed up nothing of note was happening around the holler.
- The Wrap: 'Justified' Trying to Land 'Modern Family's' Eric Stonestreet Next Season

Heh, lots of amusing casting wishlist rumors in the article:
Yost also hopes to bring aboard several actors he's worked with on past projects -- including Jeff Goldblum, with whom he worked on the NBC drama "Raines." He also noted that "Luck" star Jason Gedrick is free since the show's cancellation.

"You know, if Donnie Wahlberg wasn't doing 'Blue Bloods,'" he said. "Anyone from 'Boomtown,' anyone from 'Band of Brothers,' anyone from 'The Pacific,' anyone from 'Raines' ... getting Goldblum on, that would be funny."


Amazing finale. I really enjoyed this season, maybe more than past ones, and just for one thing: Quarles. Great character with some truly epic moments. It's sad to watch him go, but the bastard deserverd it.

Oh, and Arlo...I want to hate him, but I can't. Is this normal? The worst thing about last ep is that we have to wait almost a year for the new season :/.

Eric Hall

Didn't beat the glorious, downright poetic finale of season 2, but this was still really great. "He just saw a man in a hat" line was great, and the russian roulette with angry Raylan was perfect.

My only problem would be that when Raylan waved a gun around at Limehouse's place the room was filled with dudes immediately. Where were all of those guys when Quarles was threatening to kill Limehouse? Same thing with the whole travel to Limehouse from the moment Quarles takes Raylan's gun. There were several clear openings where Raylan could have easily overpowered Quarles without any more risk than he usually takes. Instead he followed along with everything quietly because they have a climactic ending scene to get to and nothing ain't gonna stop them.
Kind of felt like the writers had this excellent ending scene ready and were so excited about getting to that one scene that they couldn't really focus on the part leading up to that.

I think all the guys showed up when Raylan threatened Limehouse because they were all just getting back from meeting with Boyd on the bridge. So they were all nearby, as opposed to when Quarles showed up and they may have been all over Nobles


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I think all the guys showed up when Raylan threatened Limehouse because they were all just getting back from meeting with Boyd on the bridge. So they were all nearby, as opposed to when Quarles showed up and they may have been all over Nobles

I beat you by two hours :p


So yeah, not much to say that hasn't already been said. Great finale, Raylan's face when he tells Winona that Arlo didn't think he killed a trooper, just "a guy in a hat", was heartbreaking. Was not expecting Quarles to go out like that, but I love the way they ended him. I assume at this point the Detroit people are done with Harlan, so it'll be interesting to see where Wynn "JESUS CHRIST" Duffy goes from here. Was nice to see Tim and Rachel for 30 seconds or so, hopefully they'll be able to get more episodes next season.

Funky Papa

Catched up. Absolutely amazing episode.

I love how the writers managed to send Quarles into the sunset in a completely tense, shocking and yet funny manner. Arlo taking Devil's kill to spare Boyd and then being revealed as a cop killer (if not something worse) was a total sucker punch, so it was seeing Ava going off the deep end. Girl's beyond salvation now and I don't even think she gives a shit about it.

Hats off to the writing room. That was some of the best TV I've seen in years.

Oh, and Arlo...I want to hate him, but I can't. Is this normal? The worst thing about last ep is that we have to wait almost a year for the new season :/.
I just feel pity for him.

Edit: Dickie and that trashy waitress made it alive. Wohoo!


and to think Boyd was supposed to die off early in season 1.

LOL yeah, after I watched the pilot, I went straight to IMDb to check how many episodes he was credited in, I liked him so much and was surprised he got shot.

IMDb hadn't credited him for season 3 at the time, so I thought he died in season 2.
Can anyone explain the piggy bank joke ? I know the expression, I understand it's from the pig but what is a piggy bank ?

Also, am I the only one always embarassed to see Raylan walking ? What's wrong with him ? I always feel like he's walking with a curved stick instead of the spine


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Can anyone explain the piggy bank joke ? I know the expression, I understand it's from the pig but what is a piggy bank ?

Also, am I the only one always embarassed to see Raylan walking ? What's wrong with him ? I always feel like he's walking with a curved stick instead of the spine

Are you from America? This is kind of a mildly common thing, not to have but atleast know about:

Great finale. How Quarles went out was hilarious and fucked up, though I hope he's still alive. Ava, you bitch. Punching Ella Mae is like kicking a little kitty cat, that's just mean. So Arlo's off to prison then and Johnny's the turncoat, whoaaaaaaaa. And that depressing bit at the end with Raylan, that's just messed up.

Oh, and Raylan playing Harlen roulette, that was awesome. Wynn's increasingly frightened reactions were hilarious.


Hunky Nostradamus
Great finale.

Man, that final scene where Raylan realizes that Arlo killed the cop thinking it was him...wow. What a kick in the guts. I mean, clearly there was no love lost between those two, but still, to realize that your father wanted (and tried) to kill you... :(

Quarles got his arm chopped off. He got his arm chopped off by a meat cleaver. Holy. Fuck. It was a cool way to send off that character, even though he wasn't nearly as fleshed out as I would have liked. I'm assuming that he's dead, though it would be cool if they brought him back at some point sometime down the line.

I'm so glad that Limehouse lived. It would have been a huge mistake, IMO, to have killed him off. There's just way too much potential for that character, and he wasn't sufficiently developed for a one and done deal like Mags was. Let's hope they can get Mykelti to sign on for season 4.

I'm was pretty taken aback by the revelation that Johnny has been working against Boyd this entire time. Damn. I wonder if that was the intention of the writers all along, or if they decided it at the last minute? I can't think of any moments in season 2 or 3 that gave me any sort of indication that he hated Boyd that much.

I'm worried about the dark path Ava has set out on. Punching innocent hookers? Not cool gurl. :( And even before that she decided to work with hookers which is something that she was staunchly against just last season. She's becoming more...villainous, which is fun to watch for sure, and I'm sure Joelle loves the meatier material, but...I like the sweet girl next door (with a shotgun) Ava more.

Reading that Sepinwall interview with Yost:

I'm liking what I'm hearing in regards to Winona. As much as I don't like her, I think giving her 3 episodes per season is smart. Let Raylan visit occasionally, maybe do a few scenes per season with the baby, and just keep it at that. The biggest problem with season 2 was the money stealing plot, which was shoehorned in there just to give her something to do, and this is a way to avoid that.

Chopping season 4 into three, four episode arcs would be really interesting I think. I hope they go that route. I wasn't always feeling the "arc" of this season; it felt sort of aimless at times to be quite honest. Several mini arcs could be really cool, and allow for a more focused story. Maybe they could even do a Tim and Rachel centric arc!


Man, that final scene where Raylan realizes that Arlo killed the cop thinking it was him...wow. What a kick in the guts. I mean, clearly there was no love lost between those two, but still, to realize that your father wanted (and tried) to kill you... :(

I didn't see it as Arlo wanted to kill Raylan, just that he was willing to do so to save Boyd. Still a pretty big deal of course. Great writing.
Also, am I the only one always embarassed to see Raylan walking ? What's wrong with him ? I always feel like he's walking with a curved stick instead of the spine

It's the Olyphant swagger. He was like that in every role. From Hitman to The Girl Next Door to Go.

I'm was pretty taken aback by the revelation that Johnny has been working against Boyd this entire time. Damn. I wonder if that was the intention of the writers all along, or if they decided it at the last minute? I can't think of any moments in season 2 or 3 that gave me any sort of indication that he hated Boyd that much.

The Justifiedcast reminded me that Johnny was trying to make a move on Ava when Boyd was temporarily in jail. Watching the scene in Ava's house when Boyd questions him and Arlo, he was scared of being fingered as the leak. There's just a couple of things peppered in to give credence to it. I don't think anyone expected it though.
I'm confused by the fact the cop wasn't pointing a gun at Boyd when Arlo shot him, unless I'm completely miss-remembering. Wasn't Boyd knocked out on the ground from the explosion? Cop was pointing his gun at Quarles.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I'm confused by the fact the cop wasn't pointing a gun at Boyd when Arlo shot him, unless I'm completely miss-remembering. Wasn't Boyd knocked out on the ground from the explosion? Cop was pointing his gun at Quarles.

Senile old man saw a man in a hat pointing a gun at a dude at Boyd's place. Arlo fudged up a lot of details.


Hunky Nostradamus
The Justifiedcast reminded me that Johnny was trying to make a move on Ava when Boyd was temporarily in jail.

I completely forgot about that. It's strange, but I don't think it's concrete enough to support the theory that the writers had planned for his betrayal that far in advance.


I'm also in the 2 > 1 > 3 camp. Great episode to a still-stellar season, but there are aspects of this season's narrative I fundamentally didnt think worked to its advantage.

Maybe a retrospect in a few days will help my opinion. Certainly did for season one.
And then you bring it all forward to Raylan not wanting his own child to hate and resent him. That last scene was a great cap to the season.

God damn, yeah.

I didn't think this season overall had the poetry of S2 with Mags but that was probably the best scene of the series right there at the end.
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