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Justified - Season 3 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Arlo off the table, Quarles most likely a one armed prison mate who can occasionally make a cameo for knowledge on future villain Theo Tonin.

Wonder what Limehouse and Raylan agreed upon in regards to the piggy bank.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I just love this show so much. I get the sense more than a few people will say S3 was lesser than S2, I dunno, you can argue that. But for me, I'd say it's just as great. Hardly a single moment, a single scene, I didn't totally love. This show is always crackling with spirit and wit and warmth for the characters. Some may say this season didn't have the emotional impact, (I can agree that it didn't have a Dickie in the woods or Coover in the mines or Helen getting shot) I barely ever felt the show wasn't staying true to it's characters. And when that's the case, for me atleast, there's always gonna be an emotional throughline to hang my hat on. And every character really had it this season - Quarles' deterioration of calculated self delusion into raw id who literally has his skinned burned off and blood pouring out by the end was so enthralling to watch. The coy Limehouse finally having to expose his security to finally tighten the knot he created, Boyd & Ava having to descend to dark places to satisfy the necessary order in Harlan, Arlo's senility ending with the truest gut punch he could give Raylan...this show has so many superlatives, I can't do anything but love it as a whole. I've pretty much watched every episode this season 2-4 times thanks to FX's wonderful 4 hour block scheduling. Loved it all.

Bring on Season 4, 5, 6, 7...til the wheels fall off.
Checking out this Wynn Duffy scene for the second time. So good.
I just love this show so much. I get the sense more than a few people will say S3 was lesser than S2, I dunno, you can argue that. But for me, I'd say it's just as great. Hardly a single moment, a single scene, I didn't totally love. This show is always crackling with spirit and wit and warmth for the characters. Some may say this season didn't have the emotional impact, (I can agree that it didn't have a Dickie in the woods or Coover in the mines or Helen getting shot) I barely ever felt the show wasn't staying true to it's characters. And when that's the case, for me atleast, there's always gonna be an emotional throughline to hang my hat on. And every character really had it this season - Quarles' deterioration of calculated self delusion into raw id who literally has his skinned burned off and blood pouring out by the end was so enthralling to watch. The coy Limehouse finally having to expose his security to finally tighten the knot he created, Boyd & Ava having to descend to dark places to satisfy the necessary order in Harlan, Arlo's senility ending with the truest gut punch he could give Raylan...this show has so many superlatives, I can't do anything but love it as a whole. I've pretty much watched every episode this season 2-4 times thanks to FX's wonderful 4 hour block scheduling. Loved it all.

Bring on Season 4, 5, 6, 7...til the wheels fall off.
Well said.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
In retrospect, who would've guessed that GARY would've been just about the only major character to definitely get killed? Crazy how the season shook out like that. Him, Devil and Tom were the only 3 dead dead.

Makes me worry for next season who's on the block: Art, Ava, Duffy...



Amazing. The fall of Quarles was so much greater than anything I could have imagined.

Gun jamming at a crucial moment? Nope.

Justified is at this point my favorite show of all time. I hope it can keep its steam up for the next, and hopefully following seasons. I'll be counting down the seconds till season 4.

- Sepinwall's review

* I liked that so many pieces of the season came back into play, whether the gun that killed Gary (which Yost had to explain to me was the backup gun that Quarles took off of Raylan, and which Raylan told him he could keep) or even a standalone bit like Pruitt Taylor Vince's Russian Roulette game inspiring Raylan's interview with Wynn.

Shit, the first one flew right by me. This show is so full of awesome details. Just one of the many things that makes this show so amazing.

Arlo thought it was Raylan, didn't he. :-/

Nice call.


*And many more awesome gifs*

edit: Nvm, just didn't see it.


The Wynn Duffy Russian roulette scene was awesome. Great frantic acting.

Those eyebrows need to be series regular in s4 but yea, so many great things!

Anyone else REALLY looking forward to the fallout between Ella-Mae and Ava next season? Definitely going to be some repercussions following that punch.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
What a finale. This season went off the chain in the best way.


Honorary Canadian.
Love that ending. Just a downer.

"He saw a man in a hat pointing a gun at Boyd."

Then the look on Winona's face when she realized why Art thought Raylan would be upset as she connects the dots and sees how jacked the whole situation is.

Ugh. Kinda heartbreaking when you think about it.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Love that ending. Just a downer.

"He saw a man in a hat pointing a gun at Boyd."

Then the look on Winona's face when she realized why Art thought Raylan would be upset as she connects the dots and sees how jacked the whole situation is.

Ugh. Kinda heartbreaking when you think about it.

And then you bring it all forward to Raylan not wanting his own child to hate and resent him. That last scene was a great cap to the season.
Wynn was absolutely terrified. Amazing work by Mr. Burns in that scene.

Quarles really did get his comeuppance there. The gun jamming would be too easy and way too cheap a way to go out for a show like Justified. I didn't not see the arm cutting coming in away way. Make sense considering Limehouse works in a slaughterhouse. Luckily we got the "piggybank" line before that. Truly ingenious btw.

In addition to Arlo's deteriorating mental state, there was a lot of weird stuff between him, Boyd, and Raylan. I think it's sad that Boyd essentially because his new son due to their partnership and Raylan is nothing more than a guy in a hat pointing a gun at Boyd. Sadly it doesn't seem like Raylan will be much of father to his future child, thus continuing the bad father stuff this show has presented over 3 seasons.

Poor Ella Mae, punched in the face because of erroneous information.

And damn it Johnny, you wheelchair riding, conniving son of a bitch. How can you follow in Devil's footsteps like that? or did he sell out Devil to further integrate himself?
I knew the writers were too smart to use Quarles's gun jamming after telegraphing it. I also knew Quarles would be going out with a bang... so to speak. Didn't see that coming, though. Damn.

I liked how they made you wonder what Quarles was doing with the young boy hostage. Was it sexual or did the boy remind him of his own son? (I hope it wasn't both...)

Anyway, I will simply state that Quarles not addicted to Oxy might have been a much bigger problem for everyone opposed to him. Quarles really took himself down, in the end. I'm pretty sad to see the character go away at all, as huge a monster as he was.

Or should I say "is?" So many of the characters who were dispatched this season weren't confirmed dead. For example, I don't think for a second that Dickie died. He was shot in the leg, which they made a point of showing in the penultimate episode. And the crazy fucker who ambushed Raylan and Winona in his hotel room didn't die onscreen, either. (Though he was shot in the chest, and it looked pretty bad.) So yeah... you'll notice nobody mentioned if Quarles died or not after being "disarmed."

Maybe I'm being foolish in my hope, but I'd like to see some of these baddies return in some capacity. Quarles and Dickie especially.

More disorganized thoughts:

- I suspected there was a reason we didn't see Raylan dispose of the gun that killed Gary. I though he would plant it on Quarles at some point, right where it belonged. Very slick, writers.

- I am so glad Duffy and Limehouse are still around for certain. I was sure Boyd would be in jail next season, running things through Ava (who, good lord, certainly is showing signs she could handle that if necessary!), a la Avon and Stringer in season 3 of The Wire. I was totally surprised by Arlo taking the fall for Boyd in the end. (And none of it would have been necessary if Boyd hadn't buried Devil out of respect instead of getting rid of the corpse like Arlo suggested.)

- Ella-Mae is no angel, but you have to feel sorry for her, sorta. She went from a piece of shit who beat her to... Ava, who is now proving she'll do the same :/

- So many scenes this season were built around Limehouse's slaughterhouse that I knew something would have to happen there eventually. Makes total sense where he hid his money. (Though it makes you wonder... did he transfer it regularly to a fresh pig? They did say he moves his money constantly, of course...)

- After that rescue, Errol is most likely back in Limehouse's good graces, wouldn't you say? Limehouse is right to distrust him and to consider him a liability after his hit on the Oxy clinic, but Errol has for sure earned himself some sort of debt now...

- So Johnny has had it out for Boyd since he was paralyzed? Makes sense, but... have we seen any evidence of that beforehand? Anything that didn't add up that could be attribute to Johnny's turncoat nature? (Aside from his clearly expressed interest in Ava--and the implication they should run things together--when Boyd was in jail.) It makes me question everything Johnny has had his hands in from the beginning. Though I doubt the writers had Limehouse in mind during seasons 1 and 2.

- I half expected the pill Boyd made Arlo take to be poison. Threatening Boyd's woman is not a smart idea, no matter who you are. But it seems Boyd cares for Arlo much more than Raylan does. I can't blame Raylan for that.

- Arlo's little scene with Raylan was great. I totally bought Raylan's reaction, too. After all those years of conflict, an apology, even a heartfelt one, would fall on deaf ears. Raylan had to develop a tough skin, in relation to his father, to survive growing up around his father.

- I don't see Arlo doing much time for the killings. He is clearly not in his right mind. Hell, he thought Tom (R.I.P. :( ) was Raylan, and he's confused Boyd for Raylan a couple of times, too. I suspect he'll be in a mental institution or something.

- Anyone else surprised so little was said about and done with Quarles's wife and kids? They were mentioned in this episode, but I just thought so much more would be done with them. (I thought it was interesting how the family he took hostage--a woman and two boys--reminded me of their photo, the one that showed up when they called his cell.)

- Living with or marrying a guy who gets shot or shoots someone every other day can't be an easy thing. But I am sick of Winona and her moodiness and the ways she jerks Raylan around. I hope he moves on from her somehow next season. (Oh god, the baby's going to be born in season 4 :/ )

- In terms of finales: 2>1>3. I really wanted a louder and more glorious send-off for Quarles than we got. I'm hoping that didn't happen because Quarles isn't dead.
Hey guys this is my first post in this thread (yeah I know a few seasons late lol)
This show is awesome. I love the way the season ended tonight. I would say that this season is on par with season 2, imo. I thought the twists were great (Johnny turning on Boyd and Arlo who shot the trooper.)

I didnt expect the arm cutting scene at all :0

Can't wait for next season. Show is good, real good.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
- Living with or marrying a guy who gets shot or shoots someone every other day can't be an easy thing. But I am sick of Winona and her moodiness and the ways she jerks Raylan around. I hope he moves on from her somehow next season. (Oh god, the baby's going to be born in season 4 :/ )

The actress got cast in a pilot, so she might be busy. But I think I heard her deal would allow her to show up for a couple episodes if needed, unless I'm thinking of another actress/show combo.

Eric Hall

Just finished watching it and I have got to say I almost enjoyed it as much as the second season finale. I was expecting a much higher body count, but I'm pleasantly surprised by what we got. That last scene was just brutal as well
The actress got cast in a pilot, so she might be busy. But I think I heard her deal would allow her to show up for a couple episodes if needed, unless I'm thinking of another actress/show combo.

Yeah, I figured it was something like that. Either she has another show or she's pregnant IRL and they had to write her out of the show.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Yeah, I figured it was something like that. Either she has another show or she's pregnant IRL and they had to write her out of the show.

Here's Graham Yost talking about it in the finale post-mortem:
And Natalie Zea is doing a network pilot.

She's doing a pilot, and I believe we've carved out three episodes subject to availability that we can use her in if her pilot goes to series. I would foresee seeing Winona in some way for the life of the series. It was fun for us to get to that last scene: to restore her to the position she's in in the pilot, which is despite all their problems, she's the one person Raylan can go to to really open up a little bit, and that would be fun to keep on using her in that way. We'll see where Winona's life goes: is she going to meet someone else, where is the baby going to live, is Raylan going to meet other people? Exactly what the path is, I don't know, but they are fun to have together, and I'm happy to have gotten to a point where we can use her in that way.

Natalie has said in interviews that there are times when she got frustrated with the amount she got to do. Is her leaving the result of all of you recognizing that there's only so far you can take Winona as an ongoing, every episode kind of character?

There was that feeling at the end of the second season, which is why she only appeared in the number she did this year. We worked out a different feeling for the third year. We love her, and we love Winona, but at the same time, you can even sense in the character, she doesn't want to be the person who says, "Don't go save the 14-year-old girl." And yet she felt compelled to say it, and that makes her unsympathetic. We really felt it was our goal in the third season to rehabilitate her character in the eyes of the audience, so they could see how Raylan and Winona could be in happier times and get along if she's not riding him, not upset that he's not coming home, and she's just accepting of him. And then the kicker is that she's accepting because shes' already made the decision to leave. But she still was accepting, and she enjoyed that time with him. That was a goal for the season.
- So Johnny has had it out for Boyd since he was paralyzed? Makes sense, but... have we seen any evidence of that beforehand? Anything that didn't add up that could be attribute to Johnny's turncoat nature? (Aside from his clearly expressed interest in Ava--and the implication they should run things together--when Boyd was in jail.) It makes me question everything Johnny has had his hands in from the beginning. Though I doubt the writers had Limehouse in mind during seasons 1 and 2.

The turn had to be setup in the scene where Devil convinces Johnny to confront Boyd. To prove his impeccable loyalty, Johnny sells out Devil and he ended up dead over it.
Here's Graham Yost talking about it in the finale post-mortem:

Ah. Reminds me of how Megan Gallagher felt playing Catherine Black in Millennium: her character was absolutely crucial to the show, but she didn't really have much to do as an actor. (And in both Gallagher and Zea's cases, they were given their own episodes to make up for it!)

It must be frustrating as hell to play a supporting character in a series :/

The turn had to be setup in the scene where Devil convinces Johnny to confront Boyd. To prove his impeccable loyalty, Johnny sells out Devil and he ended up dead over it.

Yeah, you're probably right. But if any show has writers that would have thought that far ahead, it would be Justified.


liked the finale. Season was good but sometimes it felt it moved a bit too fast especially with all the double crossing last episode.
I forgot to mention... Duffy calling in the tip on Quarles? Wow! You've got to work hard to offend that sociopath's sense of morality! (Though maybe Duffy had figured out by that point just how crazy Quarles had gotten and knew he had to start covering his own ass?)


I got some late night studying to do right now so I'll post complete thoughts later, but man that last scene with Winona and the whole messed up situation with Arlo was heart breaking.

Also Quarles getting "disarmed" was awesomely unexpected.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
- After that rescue, Errol is most likely back in Limehouse's good graces, wouldn't you say? Limehouse is right to distrust him and to consider him a liability after his hit on the Oxy clinic, but Errol has for sure earned himself some sort of debt now...

I don't think he made it. Bullet to the center of chest, and Limehouse's reaction at the end of the scene, makes me think he's dead.
Love that ending. Just a downer.

"He saw a man in a hat pointing a gun at Boyd."

Then the look on Winona's face when she realized why Art thought Raylan would be upset as she connects the dots and sees how jacked the whole situation is.

Ugh. Kinda heartbreaking when you think about it.


Arlo shot the man in the hat (who he sees as present day Raylan) because he was pointing a gun at Boyd (who he sees as young Raylan). An interestingly complex dynamic.


The delivery on the piggybank line was absolutely hilarious, plus the ending was phenomenal with the whole "man with the hat" aspect.

Personally I think it rivaled S1 for epicness.


Incredible finale.

-Raylan and Wynn Duffy. You know the writers have a lot of fun when sitting and writing the dialogue. Wynn's "We were on our way to midnight mass" line was awesome, and just fits exactly what Wynn would say. Followed by his reaction to the Russian Roulette, one of the best scenes of any show, ever.

-The way Quarles went out, only Justified could pull it off and make it believable, and at the same time, humorous. Also, I didn't know if anyone noticed, but Raylan also had the gun Quarles used to kill Gary. Raylan's "that one you can keep" line was perfect. Great touch.
-Boyd/Raylan's scene in the office. Amazing.

-I had a feeling something was coming, when in the beginning of the episode, you see someone carrying the officer's hat up to Raylan and Art. I immediately thought "Wow, that almost looks like Raylan's hat". Then at the end, when Winona puts the pieces together (just as we the viewers are doing the same), it really hit home. Raylan will never have a close relationship with his father, as much as he wants to.

I cannot wait to see what is brought to the table next season. The show could go in any direction it so chooses, but I'd imagine the powerplay with Boyd and Limehouse is going to pick up.
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