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Justified - Season 6 - The Final Showdown - Olyphant & Goggins - Tuesdays on FX


See, this is how you do Ava centric episodes.

Also like the AV club review note said, I hope to god we get a Boyd vs Walker dialog off at some point this season.


I love this show so much and every time I see an episode I get really sad because I'm one step closer to being done with the series.
Ava was absolutely amazing this episode. You can tell how motivated she is to get closer to Boyd now.

And I keep expecting Boyd to back down, but he never does and its amazing.
The Best Moments And Most Repeatable Lines From This Week’s ‘Justified’














- Matt Zoller Seitz on last night's episode
On top of all this, "Noblesse Oblige" served up so many great lines that it's impossible to quote them all here. A short list will have to suffice.

"Next time you want a slice, order in." —Avery

"Talking while I'm in here can lead to unevenness in my facial tone." —a Speedo-clad Wynn Duffy, speaking to an associate from inside a tanning bed

"Y'all be good now." —Rachel Brooks, channeling Axel Foley in Beverly Hills Cop

"I like trains." —Choo-Choo, of course

Luther to Raylan, reminiscing about their stint working together a couple of decades earlier and how Raylan used to drink everyone else under the table: "You was a skinny little minnie. I never sussed how you managed that." Raylan: "Poured most of it in the plants when you boys weren't looking."

"I come with no more lofty aim than to apprise you of the situation in which you find yourself." —Ty, attempting to intimidate Boyd in his own bar, and sounding rather like Deadwood's Francis Wolcott; "You came here and said what you needed to say, and interrupted my repast in the process." —Boyd, who's not to be out-Milched.

Raylan to a visibly intoxicated Ava: "There's something about you this morning. It's hard to put my finger on it." Ava: "Well, I'm shitfaced, so there's that."

Wynn, providing a reality check on all the prairie-rat eloquence: "Let's just set aside all this poetic, down-home-hillbilly bullshit."


Hunky Nostradamus
By the way, I'm not sure if I get this whole "What kind of life will they have if they dare to cross *hushed tones* Boyd Crowder?" - making it seem like he rules Harlan with an iron fist. He has like 3-ish guys on his side and is constantly getting his ass handed to him.


By the way, I'm not sure if I get this whole "What kind of life will they have if they dare to cross *hushed tones* Boyd Crowder?" - making it seem like he rules Harlan with an iron fist. He has like 3-ish guys on his side and is constantly getting his ass handed to him.

I don't think the people from Harlan no exactly what's going on all the time. These people coming in to get to Boyd are usually from outside of Harlan. So to the public Boyd is the key man in Harlan and you don't cross him. That's how I see it.


By the way, I'm not sure if I get this whole "What kind of life will they have if they dare to cross *hushed tones* Boyd Crowder?" - making it seem like he rules Harlan with an iron fist. He has like 3-ish guys on his side and is constantly getting his ass handed to him.

by out of town folks

Can't forget that outside of him, his family has basically ruled the town for decades
By the way, I'm not sure if I get this whole "What kind of life will they have if they dare to cross *hushed tones* Boyd Crowder?" - making it seem like he rules Harlan with an iron fist. He has like 3-ish guys on his side and is constantly getting his ass handed to him.

You cross Boyd you have to listen to long-winded speeches while Wynn cavorts around in his speedo.

Sounds pretty frightening to me. I'd keep my mouth shut.
By the way, I'm not sure if I get this whole "What kind of life will they have if they dare to cross *hushed tones* Boyd Crowder?" - making it seem like he rules Harlan with an iron fist. He has like 3-ish guys on his side and is constantly getting his ass handed to him.

It's not necessarily just crossing Boyd. It's the distrust of the Lawman/Outsiders (which Raylan is at this point despite his shared past in Harlan), so it's more than just crossing the Crowders it's your family lineage being known as snitches, helping outsiders, etc.

There is a fear of Boyd for sure, I mean he has outwitted the best and craziest who have come in and despite everything is still generally found to be the last man standing. That kinda thing feeds into making him a near mythical figure (A prime example of his accepting that role is when he declares himself an Outlaw).

I mean you think about who he's outfoxed/outlived it's pretty impressive:

- The Marshalls
- Carpetbaggers (in the form of Robert Quarles)
- Detroit Mob
- Mexican Gangsters
- The Crowe Clan (yes they seemed stupid, but they were still destructive)
- The Bennet Clan
- The Coal Company
- His own Father (who was a influential figure in his own right)
- The Elite/Corrupt businessmen who seemed to have the town in their pocket.
- Dixie Mafia


Hunky Nostradamus
I don't think the people from Harlan no exactly what's going on all the time. So to the public Boyd is the key man in Harlan and you don't cross him. That's how I see it.

Can't forget that outside of him, his family has basically ruled the town for decades

I guess my problem is that we don't really know what the people of Harlan think, outside of a throwaway line here and there. The show has neglected to properly flesh out the regular citizens of Harlan/Harlan itself for a really long time.

There is a fear of Boyd for sure, I mean he has outwitted the best and craziest who have come in and despite everything is still generally found to be the last man standing. That kinda thing feeds into making him a near mythical figure (A prime example of his accepting that role is when he declares himself an Outlaw).

I mean you think about who he's outfoxed/outlived it's pretty impressive:

Would most of the people even know about all of those things though?

You cross Boyd you have to listen to long-winded speeches while Wynn cavorts around in his speedo.

Sounds pretty frightening to me. I'd keep my mouth shut.

Was it a speedo? I thought it looked more like a g-string/posing pouch...
I guess my problem is that we don't really know what the people of Harlan think, outside of a throwaway line here and there. The show has neglected to properly flesh out the regular citizens of Harlan/Harlan itself for a really long time.

A valid complaint. Last Season Harlan really took a step back as a Character in it's own right which was a shame considering how much the area had grown as just as dynamic a character as Boyd or Raylan. I think they're returning to it, which is rough considering it took an off season for sure with the Crowes story arc. I think the season to really look at, if you're inclined to go back, was two seasons ago and even the a few scenes last season where Boyd kills Lee Paxton mentions such things,

“Death will not be the end of your suffering. For generations, your children and your children’s children will have a mark against their name. And that will be your legacy.” ~ Boyd Crowder to Lee Paxton.

So I mean it's there, but yeah Harlan County played a much smaller role last season than it did when they were looking for the Fugitive.

Would most of the people even know about all of those things though?

I don't know if they'd be expected to know the details, they'd certainly know about Mags death, possibly the Detroit Mob coming down, The Fall of the Dixie Mafia (this is all speculation), but I mean, even if they only knew partial truths and saw the result is still Boyd Crowder alive and well and these figures either disappearing or dying off probably only feeds into the fact that Boyd is not a man to cross. Again that's just speculation.


Really dug the episode. The exchange between Boyd and Avery was amazing, if Avery hadn't mentioned Boyd was playing pretend it would all have been fine. He crossed a line there.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought that too for a second, but it's the gunshot wound from when Dickie shot her. Pretty sure at least.

Yeah I saw that and though, "wow can't believe FX actually showed that", then remembered she had a bullet wound somewhere.

Perhaps we need some screenshots, you know, for science.
Really dug the episode. The exchange between Boyd and Avery was amazing, if Avery hadn't mentioned Boyd was playing pretend it would all have been fine. He crossed a line there.

The part where Avery said Boyd was just playing pretend reminds me of those corrupt businessmen from season 4 who looked at Boyd like he was a token, a joke basically, someone to do their bidding basically.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I love that someone made a compilation of Wynn Duffy sucking on a straw:

I wonder
in the end , how Avery stacks up with all the other antagonists from past seasons? I will definitely stay tuned.
Just caught up with the most recent episode: damn Markham is terrifying and a great villain. All the bad guys on Markham's side are great addition, much better in all their respective ways than the Crowes last season.

So much intrigue and so many different sides at play. You can tell this is a final season. I'm going to miss this show.


Unconfirmed Member
I kinda don't mind last season with the Crowes so much anymore since it set up this season so well

I feel like they could have just gotten here from season four though, without missing anything.

Art was shot, leading to Rachel in charge, but the rest of the stuff is inconsequential aside from the Boyd-Ava rift.
New episode tonight:
The Trash and the Snake

Raylan declares war on the deadly men who are forcing Harlan's most valuable real estate to change hands, while Boyd and Duffy seek out a crackpot safecracker to help do their dirty work.
I'm not going to around too much for the next couple of weeks, so if those of you doing fine work posting reviews and promos can continue to do so, that'd be great. Thanks!
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