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Justified - Season 6 - The Final Showdown - Olyphant & Goggins - Tuesdays on FX


Hunky Nostradamus
Oh I was just being sarcastic. It'll come up again but I feel like most it'll do is incense Raylan, I'm sure Boyd would pin it on one of his flunkies worst case. Ideally at least, they're usually pretty good about not being that transparent early on (like the Quarles gun jamming thing).

I hope you're right.

Took a whole two episodes to wash the taste of Michael Rapaport completely out of my mouth.

That... came out wrong.

I get what you mean - the Crowes were really 'meh' characters. I much prefer Dillahunt, Choo-Choo, etc. even though we've only gotten 1-2 episodes with them.

What a cool guy.
that Boyd-Raylan staredown at the end though. mm-hmm

Some obvious flashing arrows for the full season (potential ending spoiler):
- Avery Markham (Elliot) is pretty much guaranteed Walker's boss
- we've seen the baby more now than in the previous season combined. Boyd mentioning it specifically kind of suggests there is going to be something to do about it. Well at least that way Raylan got out of Harlan I suppose. And considering the show started in Miami six years ago, it might as well end there too.
- Dewey's ghost has clearly possessed Choo-choo. Dumbass from beyond the grave! YEAH!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Dillahunt's teeth are especially scary hidden behind that mangy beard.

Good episode, lots of fun moving parts. Lots of cross agendas.

T.M. MacReady

Choo choo, Dillahunt, Raylan/Tim banter, and an excellent Raylan & Boyd showdown.

Thats what I'm talking about.

Also i love when anybody on the show makes reference to Boyd's "peculiar, long winded" way of talking. Though nobody did it better than Nicky Augustine.
Pretty fun episode. Seems like we have a great cast of villains to close out the show. I'm still not clear on how all this is going to tie together and, frankly, I don't really care. Right now, I'm just happy to be entertained by these characters.

- I really, really wish we had more Raylan and Tim buddy cop stuff over the years. They're pretty damn badass together.

- Choo-Choo is the best. It's going to be a shame when Raylan puts him down.

- I love the lack of Art. I've really grown to hate that character.

- The dialogue was so on point this episode. I know that's usually the case, but this week seemed exceptionally sharp.

- It was weird seeing Sam Elliott without his handle bar. I'm sure he's the Big Bad, which will make the inevitable three way showdown between him, Boyd and Raylan even better.

T.M. MacReady

- I love the lack of Art. I've really grown to hate that character.


I don't agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


Such a great show, great cast, great dialogue. Funnier than most comedies too.


This was a weird sequence to me at least. They're walking into that house and as I remember the next scene they're at the Pizza place when Raylan and Tim are there.

I think they were doing a fake-out of sorts. Just before this happened, Walker first heard about Boyd. Who just left his place (getting booze) leaving Ava all alone.

Didn't really work that well, but I was worried about Ava for a second.
"Get outta the road, cock holster!"
"Well that ain't polite. You just about hit me, now you're gonna sling foul utterances in my direction?"

There was some stuff straight outta Deadwood in this episode.
- Interesting conversation with the Justified casting directors over on the production blog this week

A couple snippets:
Would you say that there’s a common denominator among the actors you pick for this show? Any kind of tonal similarity?

Cami: Yes, completely. We read more actors on this show than on any other show I’ve ever worked on, including pilots. And it’s because the tone is incredibly specific. It’s not enough that they feel authentically Southern, it’s not enough that they have humor. It’s a specific kind of humor that comes from a very real, grounded, believable place and is just a little bit twisted. And people can love this show and think they understand it and not be able to do it.

Christal: You can intellectually understand it but not be able to channel it.
Do you have any great audition stories? Love at first sight?

Cami: We do. Actually two of our favorites happened in the same season. When we got the first episode of Season 2 and we had the Mags Bennett character, the very first person I thought of was Margo Martindale. But she’s never in LA, she lives in New York, and it seemed impossible to get excited about somebody who doesn’t live here. I called her agent just to see if, by any chance, she might be here. He said actually, she’s in LA right now.

So she came in, she read seventeen pages of material, and we had goosebumps. She just owned it. She was unbelievable. It was just so exciting to be in that room and to have her actually be here and be exactly the image of what we wanted. And on that same episode…

Christal: We were casting for Loretta. Anytime you have kids it’s a much bigger search because they change so quickly…

Cami: And the Southern accent is really hard, if you’re from California.

Christal: Exactly. And they come with their parents, so there’s a huge overwhelming amount of people in the office, and Kaitlyn wasn’t someone we were super familiar with. She had just done one thing for HBO. But her manager called, and she came in, and during the audition the camera literally broke.

So we have a waiting room full of kids and no camera, and halfway through Kaitlyn’s audition, we were saying, “This is the girl– we have to get this on tape. We cannot let her leave, this is so amazing!” Because it’s a hard role! She looks so innocent, but to be able to throw the dialogue around, do the Southern accent, be a pot dealer and be as tough as she was…

Cami: To be able to go head to head with all these people on our show…

Christal: As a fourteen year old! She actually looks that age. The poor girl had to sit there for over twenty minutes waiting for us to get a new camera. Cami and I are the only ones in the room when people audition, and we had to get it to the writers. We didn’t have a ton of time and there were so many people in the waiting room…

Cami: It was a nightmare.

Christal: But we knew this was the girl who had to get the part. She was just so great.
What are some common misconceptions about casting TV?

Cami: Whenever casting is mentioned there are people who will jump in with an opinion. People think we’re pencil pushers or list-makers, that we just go to the same people over and over again, and that’s such a misconception. It is our job to find out who’s new and to constantly be searching for people from all kinds of different places. At the beginning of this season alone, there was one new role as a member of Boyd’s gang who had maybe one line of dialogue. We didn’t know anything about him except that they called him the Pig. But we knew if he was good, they would lean on him because he’s one of the few members of Boyd’s gang, at this point.

I got a postcard from an actor that had a URL for a comedic short he did called “The Gunfighter,” and just based off his picture, it looked like he could fit in our world. I watched his short and it was hysterical and really good, and it was obvious that the actor would work in the world of Justified. I had nothing for him to read, but we sent the link to the short to Graham and Fred and Dave, and they loved it, and he got the part. That’s the kind of thing that I think people don’t realize, that we’re trying to turn over rocks everywhere. We see so many people, we talk to so many people, we get so many submissions. We go through every single submission. This week alone on the Pretty Girl role, we had how many submitted?

Christal: I think it was 1,128.

Cami: A thousand. And we looked at every one of those pictures because you never know where you’ll find someone.


Man, that was great. Justified + Dillahunt has been an unsurprisingly wonderful pairing. His awkward fake smiles, his runny nose/tissue work, and his dialogue slayed me all episode.

And we may have lost a Dewey, but we gained a Choo-Choo.

(btw, if Choo-Choo manages to survive this season can he take a trip down to Banshee, Pennsylvania pls?)
Pretty fun episode. Seems like we have a great cast of villains to close out the show. I'm still not clear on how all this is going to tie together and, frankly, I don't really care. Right now, I'm just happy to be entertained by these characters.

- I really, really wish we had more Raylan and Tim buddy cop stuff over the years. They're pretty damn badass together.

- Choo-Choo is the best. It's going to be a shame when Raylan puts him down.

- I love the lack of Art. I've really grown to hate that character.

- The dialogue was so on point this episode. I know that's usually the case, but this week seemed exceptionally sharp.

- It was weird seeing Sam Elliott without his handle bar. I'm sure he's the Big Bad, which will make the inevitable three way showdown between him, Boyd and Raylan even better.

Some shit I just thought about that might be obvious to everyone else on how this season will play out:

So we discovered this Sam Elliott character who is seeing Katherine is most likely in charge of Dillahunt and Choo Choo. Buying land for his weed oprations with mysterious money.

-Then, we discovered that the gang is already located at the Pizza Portal where the money is?

-So Katherine is knowlingly organizing the robbery of Sam Elliott's character?

-What card does Boyd play if he figures this all out? Who does he side with. Seems like Katherine considers him a liability and he's quick to catch on to shit.

Can't believe the season is already this awesome.


It's really disappointing how underutilised Tim has been throughout the entirety of the show. He and Raylan could've had an amazing bromance.
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