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Justified - Season 6 - The Final Showdown - Olyphant & Goggins - Tuesdays on FX


I shot people I like more for less.
I really didn't know which way they were going with the Ava-Boyd scene, and I'm not sure where that's going to end up. Good episode. Walker's insane.

- YahooTV: 'Justified' Postmortem: Graham Yost on Winona's Return, Ava's Camping Trip

I'm really glad we've been getting all these postmortem interviews. Here are a couple more:

-TV Guide: Justified Postmortem: Walton Goggins Breaks Down Boyd's Shocking Choice

-EW: 'Justified' postmortem: Garret Dillahunt talks about complex bad guys and Walker's sense of loyalty


Yeah, I was like "That is your big question for her?!" Seemed like he would have been more upset about that. Poor Ava, she is just about in the shittiest position at the moment.

Speaking of this (from the Walton Goggins interview I linked above):

When the moment comes and she does confess, does Boyd feel any relief that she owned up to it? That she didn't try to lie further?
Goggins: Well, the thing that was so fu---- up about her admission was Boyd's reaction to it. The first thing he said was, "Are you sleeping with Raylan Givens?" If that doesn't speak to the dance between Raylan and Boyd this season.... Just the asking of that question is the most important revelatory thing for Boyd Crowder's state of mind. Who would fu--ing ask that question? She's working for the U.S. Marshal Service. She is telling on you, and the only thing you care about is, "Are you fu--ing Raylan?" It's so crazy.

So he's on the same page as most of us I guess lol
  • The baby is a good actor. One minute you want to pull your hair out, the next you love them. Also good sound mixing to have the babies cries overwhelm Raylan and Winona's dialogue.
  • The killing of the fake paramedic cops was pretty brutal. Even I was shocked by the violence of it.
  • Ava shouldn't let her emotions get in the way of being able to decipher the weight of blanks/fake bullets and real bullets in a clip (Unless I don't know how guns work either...)
  • That's one hell of a performance by Walton. Quite animated with the self head poking there.
  • I expect a swerve with the real "snitch." Ava is already the female snitch of the story, it wont be Katherine to double-down there either. And I think marking Markham the culprit there is too easy.
  • DEVIL!!!!!!


Hunky Nostradamus
That was half a great episode (Ava & Boyd) and half a mediocre one (Raylan & winona). Honestly, Raylan's interactions with Winona have never been interesting to me. The show always drags whenever she's on screen - her antics in season two were the only bad part of what was otherwise a spectacular season of television. She's even less interesting when strapped with a screaming baby. Ugh.

Boyd and Ava's scenes were absolutely fantastic though, easily some of the best scenes those two have been in since the show began. Great stuff.

RatskyWatsky's favorite!

Boo! Hiss!

I just remembered that Bulletville is the location of the climax of the 1st season. Anxious to see what Boyd has planned.

Oh yeah! Nice callback.

lol. I had a hard time hearing some of the dialogue because of that poor baby.

Being touched by Winona will do that to a person!

(and yeah, I had a really hard time hearing what was being said as well. Kept having to rewind those scenes)

God damn, that was so tense.

I wasn't breathing throughout that entire ordeal. Holy shit.

  • I expect a swerve with the real "snitch." Ava is already the female snitch of the story, it wont be Katherine to double-down there either. And I think marking Markham the culprit there is too easy.

Art is the snitch :O


This seems like an untangled episode, everyone in their own separate threads. Next week seems to basically tangle everyone up.
  • I expect a swerve with the real "snitch." Ava is already the female snitch of the story, it wont be Katherine to double-down there either. And I think marking Markham the culprit there is too easy.

Grady was the snitch. The prison murder/suicide was to put him into witsec. He'll be played by Ian McShane.
Whenever I see Winona in the "Previously on Justified..." montage I cry inside a little.

Such a boring character. Every single scene she's ever been in has been utterly boring. And now it looks like she's staying until the end. Yay.

The scene with Raylan, Tim, Rachel and the baby was funny. We need to see more of Rachel Boss lady. Very hot.
- THR: 'Justified's' Joelle Carter on Boyd's Confrontation: Ava Had to Face Her Fate
It was stressful to watch; I can't imagine how exhausting it was to film.

It's such a turn there. Walton decided to base his journey on this season [on this idea]: this obsessive true love, that in some ways has blinded him along his journey. It's not so much that she did this — which is typical because of their nature and violent history and who they are — it's more, "Do you still love me? Are you in love with Raylan? Is that how you're doing me wrong?" Instead of, "You ratted me out to the cops?" (Laughs.) "I can forgive that, we can turn that around, we can use that, but right now, what's more important is this other thing."

Was there any part of Ava that thought about killing Boyd when he shoved that gun at her?

I think in that moment, it wasn't about wanting him dead. It was about, "This is the position you put me in, this is the position I am in. I'm not a cold-blooded killer. I don't want to kill you. If that's the way you want it to end, then it's your decision." Up until that point, she really hadn't given Boyd up [to Raylan] in any way. She wasn't really giving Raylan a lot to help him. There is a loyalty to Boyd and that relationship, and she doesn't need to kill him at this point. It's almost like how these two fight in a way: they love hard, they fight hard, they live hard. It's almost like he was [saying,] "F— you, you do what you have to do, because I've always done what I have to do, and I'm standing here." It was just a moment where I think … she wasn't in the mind frame to think that was a way out.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
  • The baby is a good actor. One minute you want to pull your hair out, the next you love them. Also good sound mixing to have the babies cries overwhelm Raylan and Winona's dialogue.

Yeah, I thought this was a nice touch, purposefully allowing the baby's cries to play louder than normal.
- Matt Zoller Seitz on last night's episode:
"The Hunt" is one of my favorite episodes of Justified because it's so uncharacteristically stripped-down and intimate. Written by Taylor Elmore and Keith Schreier and directed by John Dahl (The Last Seduction, Rounders), it consists mainly of duets (Raylan and Winona, Boyd and Ava, Avery and Seabass, followed by Avery and Art), interspersed with scenes of Ty Walker wandering around the countryside after being wounded in a gunfight. The Ty scenes involve other characters as well (such as Avery, who talks to Ty on the phone, and those two frat boys outside the gas station men's room where Ty digs a slug from his arm), but they're so intensely focused on the former mercenary's desperation and determination that you could nearly call them monologues — or solos, anyway.

The scene between Avery and Art was a gem, showing how tough guys try to intimidate each other through sarcasm and phony jocularity. Avery asks if Art is the "closer"—the title character on that cop series is a woman—then suggests he's losing his potency along with his hair, and asks if he can still hook a fish with his fishing pole. Art's response is hilarious and perfect: "You know, I've been married for 28 years, I don't get the pole out as much as I used to." Then he gracefully pivots to interrogating Avery about his relationship with Katherine ("...but I hear you do. I hear you pulled Katherine Hale into your boat") and insinuating that he informed on Katherine's husband and his former partner, Grady, back in the day. This is a brilliantly written and acted scene, and the direction is subtly perfect as well: If you watch it again, notice how Dahl always positions the two characters so that they're exactly the same size in the frame, mirroring and sometimes overlapping each other, confirming that they are in every way equals, in forcefulness if not morality.

A lot of the scenes are self-contained and quite long: The first scene between Boyd and Ava at Boyd's parents' cabin clocks in at five and a half minutes, an eternity by TV's standards. The only really graphic violence is Ty shooting the two EMTs who arrive in the ambulance (he just wanted to steal their drugs and would have, until one of them insisted on calling in a chopper to investigate this "hiking accident"). Ava slaps Boyd and Boyd chokes Ava, but this feels less like a self-contained act of mayhem than the logical outgrowth of fearsomely intense emotions that have been boiling up between them over the course of seven episodes. For long stretches, this episode feels like a very cinematic adaptation of a stage play, and I mean that as praise. At certain points it reminded me of "Soprano Home Movies," the lake-house-set season-six installment of The Sopranos that a friend calls Who's Afraid of Virginia Mook? It's just extraordinary: if not the best episode in this already great season, then certainly the most original.


I have to say, I liked last night's episode well enough but I am not understanding the effusive reviews that are being doled out.
just caught up. And I remembered why I love Boyd in this show. Such complexity. Also I know I'm not the only one who would have loved an entire episode of Raylan and his daughter in the office.
i kind of agree
i was expecting at least half of The Shield S7 levels of intensity and they haven't delivered so far but theres still tim

Side note: I just started watching The Shield on Hulu. I'm up to the season 4 finale now. This show is good shit. Funny thing is, the only episode I've seen of The Shield is the series finale but all I remember from it is the final scene.
Hasn't really detracted from my enjoyment so far.
i kind of agree
i was expecting at least half of The Shield S7 levels of intensity and they haven't delivered so far but theres still tim

True but really the Shield's final season didn't kick into high gear until the second half, and we're just now getting to the second half of Justified's final season.

If I recall correctly with the Shield (spoilers for final season)
Vic vs. Shane didn't occur until halfway through the season.
I could see the same happening with Raylan and Boyd this upcoming half of the season, I hope at least.


True but really the Shield's final season didn't kick into high gear until the second half, and we're just now getting to the second half of Justified's final season.

If I recall correctly with the Shield (spoilers for final season)
Vic vs. Shane didn't occur until halfway through the season.
I could see the same happening with Raylan and Boyd this upcoming half of the season, I hope at least.
Whatever they do with Raylan/Boyd i don't want it to happen until either the last episode or the very end of the episode before the last. Resolving their shit in the next episode or 2 would be foolish IMO because that destroys the climax.

Unless old man blasts Raylan in the finale.

Side note: I just started watching The Shield on Hulu. I'm up to the season 4 finale now. This show is good shit. Funny thing is, the only episode I've seen of The Shield is the series finale but all I remember from it is the final scene.
Hasn't really detracted from my enjoyment so far.
Does Hulu air it in 4:3 or 16:9? I know that 16:9 is arguably better but i watched the original run in 4:3 and the sony set is 16:9. The show feels more tense and in your face in 4:3.
Whatever they do with Raylan/Boyd i don't want it to happen until either the last episode or the very end of the episode before the last. Resolving their shit in the next episode or 2 would be foolish IMO because that destroys the climax.

Unless old man blasts Raylan in the finale.

Does Hulu air it in 4:3 or 16:9? I know that 16:9 is arguably better but i watched the original run in 4:3 and the sony set is 16:9. The show feels more tense and in your face in 4:3.

Oh I agree, I'm hoping for Raylan vs. Boyd to close out the series. Resolving that story in the next two episodes would be disappointing.


That Boyd , Ava scene was riveting. Really well played by Boyd. I thought for sure it was real, but Boyd was playing her the whole time. Even the "sleeping with Raylon" thing was to throw her off the scent of his anger over her betrayal.

Handing her the gun was genius ...and then, haha unloaded.



Winona proving once again why she's the best.

Though I'm not particularly fond of her staying as the chances of her biting the bullet rise dramatically this way.
- 'Justified' Creator Graham Yost Talks Boyd, Raylan And The Showdown That Ends The FX Series (note this a multi-page, Forbes contributor interview)

A few highlights:
I noticed in another interview that you talked not only about Garret’s Deadwood connection, but his role in Winter’s Bone. What’s the connection with that film?

It’s like two people who are from the same tribe nodding and saying “I get what you’re doing.” It was kind of a vote of confidence to see a movie out in the world that was that good and was the kind of thing we were trying to do.

We took a couple of runs trying to get [director Debra] Granik to do an episode but he’s just too busy. And there was even a character at one point we were trying to get John Hawkes for. We did get Dale Dickey and we did get Garret, so that’s pretty good.
Joelle has been pretty amazing this season. We’ve got a great actress playing the character Ava who’s a pretty bad actress. Or at least a pretty bad liar and constantly freaking out about getting found out. In any case, it’s a very interesting and nuanced performance.

That is true. I showed up on set one day and I said to her, “My God Joelle you’re doing such amazing work this season” and she looked at me with the same look you get when you tell someone you lost a lot of weight. “What are you saying? Are you saying you didn’t like me before?” <laughs>

The reality is as much as we gave her to play Ava in the past, we’ve given her that times two or three this season. We knew she’d be great and she’s great. It’s fun to write a meaty scene for Ava.
Really, GAF? No mention of the terrible CGI bullet holes on the paramedics?

Also, anyone else find it totally ridiculous that Boyd alone skinned an entire boar, cooked it and set up the perfect campfire and rolled those big sitting logs together? Television. smh

But yeah the screaming baby scene was great. You don't see realistic portrayals of parenthood like that very often.


Really, GAF? No mention of the terrible CGI bullet holes on the paramedics?

Also, anyone else find it totally ridiculous that Boyd alone skinned an entire boar, cooked it and set up the perfect campfire and rolled those big sitting logs together? Television. smh

But yeah the screaming baby scene was great. You don't see realistic portrayals of parenthood like that very often.

It's a hunting cabin that's been in his family for ages. I'm sure the camp with the sitting logs has been set up for a long time.
although I did remark to my wife on just HOW LONG they were supposed to have been out there what with him having that big ass pig carcass just hanging back there. Because that isn't the kind of job that tends to take a couple hours maximum,I don't believe.
Okay i have not watched the last season at all yet loved the other seasons, the one before this was a little lackluster but still good.

how is this season so far?
Okay i have not watched the last season at all yet loved the other seasons, the one before this was a little lackluster but still good.

how is this season so far?

This season is also lackluster so far imo. There have been a few bright shining moments, like every time Sam Elliot is on screen, but it damn sure doesn't feel like a final season to me.
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