The fuck? Are he and Olyphant friends or something? That's the only way that tweet makes sense.
Man, Wilkins really nailed Raylan here:
And this is where we start to unravel the genius of Raylan Givens: Its not that hes corrupt as much as he exists in the negative space of forthright and upstanding. Hes the Schrödingers cat of law enforcement malfeasance, existing in both the good and bad states just as long as he isnt observed. Thats why Art knows better than to look closely at what hes doing, and why Rachel ultimately agrees. But its worth noting that both Rachel and Art assume theyre covering up for Raylan quite a bit more than they actually are.
Man, Wilkins really nailed Raylan here:
Let's all take a moment to laugh at Kurt Sutter:
Man, Wilkins really nailed Raylan here:
7 episodes left![]()
Zach set the trap for him. He wasn't supposed to survive.Boyd set the whole almost falling to his death thing up so he doesn't have to keep working in that mine or was that trap for Zachariah?
"Hes the Schrödingers cat of law enforcement malfeasance"Man, Wilkins really nailed Raylan here:
Zach set the trap for him. He wasn't supposed to survive.
Excellent episode. Shame we lost Choo Choo, his scenes were hilarious, but the writers made the right call - you don't want a character like that outstaying their welcome. Also, when Markham was telling Walker he had to take out Choo, I was getting serious Of Mice and Men vibes.
Can someone remind me of the current Boyd/Limehouse dynamic? I forgot where they last left off, does he owe Boyd a debt?
GastonM said:Raylan said he read it somewhere. Googled it. It was in a book called Glitz by some guy named Elmore Leonard. Might have to try one of his books sometime, could be good.nknotz said:"Wonderful things happen when you sow seeds of distrust in a garden of assholes"
Well it wasn't on the best terms. End of season 4 he tells Boyd and Ava that they can have Ellen May and Drew Thompson for $150k each. Then when they get the money together he changes the deal so that it's $300k for one of them, so they chose Drew. Then he tells them that if they get another $300k they can have Ellen May too. He ends up feeling bad for her though and lets her go. Ava ends up getting the money but he tells her that Ellen May is gone. Not exactly friends at that point![]()
This is from the comments section of that excellent AV Club review:
I don't want this show to end.
Edit: Kurt Sutter is so fucking clueless.
Gotcha, so it sounds like Limehouse is trying to get his reputation back within the criminal underworld? Given he was known for offering reliable services and neutrality, I imagine stealing the Bennett money and reneging on deals like Ellen/Drew cost him a lot of business. And the law enforcement attention probably didn't help either.
Limehouse's angle is simple: "Fuck you, Ava".
Ava was basically going to fuck him over. Earl didnt catch a tasing from constable bob and stay hushed up about it, I bet. Wouldn't be too hard to figure out from there what happened.
So you are telling me there is still time for Ian McShane to make a cameo?They all do at this point.
7 episodes left![]()
So you are telling me there is still time for Ian McShane to make a cameo?
Like have him in the background eating peaches?It'd be funny if Ian McShane had some super minor almost unimportant cameo, so it was this really amazing moment that is virtually meaningless in the context of the show.
Like have him in the background eating peaches?
It'd be funny if Ian McShane had some super minor almost unimportant cameo, so it was this really amazing moment that is virtually meaningless in the context of the show.
The camera loves Joelle Carter this season.![]()
Limehouse gonna make sure Ava gets what's coming to her![]()
"You ever wish that things would not be the way they are?" Choo-Choo asked his captive during the drive up to the woods. "You know, like, if you close your eyes, open them, things'll be different?" The really sad part is, Choo-Choo died just as he was making a sincere attempt to change his life and be a better person. He died, like so many fictional criminals, on the cusp of evolution. And again, you might wonder: How many Justified characters will go out this way?
And will Raylan be among them? He's been given so many chances to get the hell out of Dodge, as it were, and start a new life as a quasi-retired, quasi-respectable husband and father, but he's still futzing around in Harlan, always looking for one more snake to kill. Every week there's another reference (usually by Boyd, who's also been given multiple chances to leave) to the fact that Raylan really should have left for Florida by now. What's keeping him around? A death wish, maybe.
There was some nice character work for a lot of other players this week beyond Raylan and Boyd: the Katherine/Markham situation is getting messy, RIP Choo Choo, Ava's conversation with her uncle, and I liked the Rachel and Art mental math on Raylan.
My one complaint is the way that the shootout was put together. They've been on point over the years with filming things in such a way that it's obvious who's standing where and what the situation is, but I thought this week was a little messy by Justified's standards. Small criticism and not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
We're over halfway to the end.
So you are telling me there is still time for Ian McShane to make a cameo?
- Promo for next week's episode (please spoiler tag any discussion)
what's up with those marks all over Ava's neck? And what are the chances Raylan and Walker end up working with each other in some small way
Have you given up MMA fighting now that you're an actor? You don't want to mess up your face, do you?
I fought amateur for two years, and I won a light-heavyweight belt. Once I booked a role, I realized how important it is to maintain your look. So I had to retire from MMA because it would be so dumb to screw my big dream just to see how far I could go as a fighter. A friend of mine, Jonathan Lipnicki, trained in MMA, and he told me he got a black eye and casting directors looked down on him.
Jonathan Lipnicki, the kid from Jerry Maguire?
Yeah, I went to high school with him. That's what you get when you go to industry high-schools in L.A.
Has your size ever held you back from getting certain types of roles?
Definitely. I do worry about turning into a henchman forever. If people like me and want me to stick around, I'm going to have to shape-shift my body. I'll never get rid of being six five, but I fought at 205 [pounds], so I can get down to 200 pounds and kind of look like a normal person. I can pull a Chris Pratt.
" Wonderful things can happen when you sow seeds of distrust in a garden of assholes."what was the comment raylan made about seeds of distrust in a garden of assholes? that was pretty funny. Thought it was a good episode. Lots of tension I honestly have no idea how this is gonna shake out
" Wonderful things can happen when you sow seeds of distrust in a garden of assholes."
haha That's awesome, thanks
Turns out it was actually written by Elmore Leonard too.
Good episode.
One thing i didn't get. Boyd fell in the trap that was set up by Zachariah, but he wasn't very deep. Then Boyd's guy threw a rock down that hole and saw that boards were cut away. And then Zachariah pushed him. Why Boyd's guy died and Boyd himself wasn't very deep in the hole?