I honestly have a question that i hope doesn't come out as with or against Justin or any one really.
it seems in the US at least. every now and then some woman come on say " oh i got sexually abused by an X super star. " few years later and always under the same excuse
oh i wasnt sure i should say anything / i didn't have the courage .
Like seriously, how on earth people believe that ? if she wasn't ok cops would have been there in 10 minutes. the truth is she probably was ok with it( what girl wouldn't ) and now she is trying to cash on him.
seriously what the hell ? people always assume she is right just because she is a girl ? where is the proof ? do not come online and say oh i was abused.
bring a proper proof. DNA. Kid from him. pictures or video you telling him stop dont do it i dont want it and he does it anyway. not few years later " oh now i got the courage " as if you were living in a cave the last few years thinking about it LoL
I am not saying Justin is innocent. its just he is a famous kid and i am sure he fucked plenty. she being one of them doesnt mean he did it without her approving it. if anything its probably her that wanted to open her legs for him.
if some famous star woman i like and went to her concert tells me wanna fuck? My pants would be on the floor before she ends that sentence.
Again. I am honestly not accusing anyone anything. its just.. cmon man why they are always gotta be right you know ? most probably are but all of them ? lol
For Bieber specifically, he's going to be more open to this kind of accusation because his fans tend to be young. Many under the age of consent. So while I'm sure plenty of girls have wanted to hook up with him over the years it's gotta be on him to not get into those kinds of situations.
If we take a step back and stop looking at this as a political issue, everyone's goals are the same: prevention of sexual assault, and prevention of false sexual assault accusations. The internet is a powerful tool to help us accomplish both, but there has to be a reasonable amount of skepticism up front, or we can't accomplish either.
I don't believe even the extreme left (like most of the posters on Era) is ok with false rape accusations. They just are too willing to accept them as a price to be paid for the encouragement of actual victims to step forward. Even if that's their view though, it doesn't work because whenever an accusation is exposed as false it hurts the entire movement. What drives me crazy is that they openly acknowledge this, but then react the same way next time.