My generation needs to face the music sometime. They need to know that Space Jam was never good in the first place, as all it was, was a marketing ploy and something to stroke Michael Jordan's ego. And if you think the former is all wrong, you only need to look further than this advert from 1992, which has Bugs shilling Jordan's line of shoes. Hell, they even got the same guy who did the ad to direct the movie. And to see a movie like this succeed, while the much better Looney Tunes: Back in Action bombed at the box office (probably as a result of the lack of a larger than life figure like Space Jam had) just makes my heart sink. Especially knowing that that movie's flop probably ended 2D animation's stranglehold in the box office, and made execs question the viability of the Looney Tunes brand as a whole. Whatever the reason, all we can say is...