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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk


One last chance to do this.



Will definitely be relying on this thread for Thursday, also known for me as "go to Neurologist to try to figure out mystery headache thing" day :/.

Boo, I know all about those nasty doctor visits. We're here for ya.


Not all, not all.


It's a facade!


I do like cake!

But if that earlier hypothetical was indeed true, I would say yes to the offer...

Both the PSN code, and the cake.

You have been given an ultimatum.
But I like the source material.
That said, it's crazy how fast the manga goes through the first 2 years. It seems Kakifly decided to slow down once the anime was conceived. The first two years basically fit within a volume each, while the last year spans 2 volumes.

Interesting about the pacing. Incidentally, I fell asleep last night before doing any reading, so I'll start on it tonight.

Well, I hope it's nothing to serious!

Boo, I know all about those nasty doctor visits. We're here for ya.

Thanks :). At least this is helping distract me from trying to self diagnose. If I have to go for another MRI I swear this time I will make them put on K-ON!. Last time it was some bad Harrison Ford romcom...managed to make the experience even worse :/.
Thanks :). At least this is helping distract me from trying to self diagnose. If I have to go for another MRI I swear this time I will make them put on K-ON!. Last time it was some bad Harrison Ford romcom...managed to make the experience even worse :/.

If you have a tablet or laptop, you can bring your own entertainment. Such as K-ON!

Alternatively, if you just want something that makes you feel good while you're there: (continue reading)
Dog Days

Had I watched this show in 2011, it would easily have made my Top 5 last year. It was that good. It started out enjoyably cute and full of characters that had fluffy tails, but then turned into something unexpectedly awesome by the end. Someone commented on a different forum that this show starts off slow and then changes tracks midway through. Knowing that a second season did air did serve to dull the ending impact somewhat, but that didn't stop it from having a strong final several episodes.

I often find it disconcerting when a show saves all the ending material until the last episode and then rushes through it. I've seen far too many shows which fall victim to this and I don't know if it's just poor planning or what. Sometimes the show's ending is so bad that I'm not surprised they push it all to the last episode just because of how embarrassing they know it is. So it is rare when a show like Dog Days comes along and manages a surprise climax and still finds room for a fantastic ending and easily spreads the ending across 2 episodes without any problems even though it only had a 13 episode run.

The show had pretty serviceable animation most of the time though it also had some pretty derpy moments. Seven Arcs is known as the studio which animated the various seasons of Nanoha and so the fight scenes were quite enjoyable and if budget had to be sacrificed during non-fighting portions to give more attention to the many fights, then the studio made the right call. In general action was well-animated even as non-action was often still-framed. The character designs were all cute. Even the guys are cute. Even the guy voiced by Wakamoto was cute. Fortunately, they gave all the attention to the fluffy tails that they deserved, and they frequently wag vigorously and move with the proper momentum when their bearers are fighting or running or what have you.

I should give proper special mention to the voice work. For whatever reason, a massive number of notable voice actors lent their distinctive tones to this show. This show was so overstuffed with big names that people like Kana Hanazawa, Minako Kotobuki, and Norio Wakamoto were only able to fit in as relatively minor roles. The cast was led by Mamoru Miyano and Yui Horie and also featured Ayana Taketatsu and Yoko Hikasa reunited from K-ON in major roles. Nana Mizuki lent her voice to another major supporting character in addition to performing the OP, much to the chagrin of Ami Koshimizu who plays the main antagonist for most of the series. Yeah, this show's voice cast was hilariously stacked.

Ultimately, Dog Days actually worked out quite a bit better than anyone would have expected from it's derivative parts. The whole affair was a bit cheesy from start to finish but the combination of strong voice work, a surprisingly enjoyable story, a well-realized fictional world, and just enough pandering and fanservice but not too much combined to elevate the whole package to an unexpectedly high level. Fortunately, they were able to make a second season and not leave things hanging at the end.

Dog Days
Final Rating: 9 out of 10 Fluffy Tails

Fluffy Tail Ranking: (from Fluffiest to Just Fluffy)
If you have a tablet or laptop, you can bring your own entertainment. Such as K-ON!

I would except you can't take anything in with you when you get an MRI :(. Still hoping it won't be necessary to get one just because it is sooooooo boring.

Alternatively, if you just want something that makes you feel good while you're there: (continue reading)

Never had Dog Days on my radar before, but now I will watch :). Sounds like the kind of show I could use anyway.

Play Asia has the Romeo and Juliet Ritsu and Mio figures on sale, if anyone's interested.

Eh, don't really care much for the sculpts on those. Even at that price I think I'll pass.
oh man, i had an MRI a couple of years ago, it was not a lot of fun, hope things go ok for you.
btw Charlotte Gainsbourg has a song about her experiences getting MRIs, with a lot of the sounds being recreated http://youtu.be/N7KxvSwmzkY

Yep, that's a lot of what it sounds like :). I'll just have to imagine this for next time lol.

They look a lot better in person. Those photos are pretty bad.

Do you have any pics of them? Or do they photograph poorly in general?
Do you have any pics of them? Or do they photograph poorly in general?

I do, but all the ones I have on this computer are pretty blurry and wouldn't really convince you otherwise. I mean, I won't say they're the best figures ever, but for what they are, they're really well made. In my opinion of course. I think the coolest thing is that they can stand on their own without the stands.
But if you don't want them, you don't want them. I shouldn't try to force you to get them. Even if I think they're great.


That's quite a bit cheaper than what I got them for.
Or should I say what someone else payed for them. They were a gift to me.

D'aww, that's so sweet!
They are pretty cheap.

I would except you can't take anything in with you when you get an MRI :(. Still hoping it won't be necessary to get one just because it is sooooooo boring.

I wish to be kept updated on this, please.


Normal figures just doing nothing for me, they just create too much clutter to actually be used for display. Well, unless you are one of the the many show-off's who inhabit the likes of this thread, who seemingly have an endless amount of room to house their riches!

But I'm just procrastinating, trying to delay ending K-ON!! *Ahem* ...


K-ON!! Episode 22


I too, balked at the pricing for the Blu-Ray sets!

All them feels! I must say, this arc that Azusa has gone on during this latter half of the season has been great, and it really does evoke memories of that overwhelming of emotion you often feel in your formative years. You know, those that you never can quite place at the time. It's so rare to watch something where your feel like your high-school experience is even remotely similar to what you see represented on the screen. But I think that K-ON! succeeds in eliciting some of that (almost) long forgotten state of existence.

The pacing is a strength here, because we (as the audience) are allowed to see what happens when the camera lingers, and aren't bombarded with just the 'highlights'. Azusa spends most of the episode in a state of confusion. She has never been a character to bear her emotions, so it's fascinating to see her so conflicted, with those feelings suddenly being pushed to the fore. What starts as a simple wish to present everyone with chocolate, suddenly becomes so much more for Azusa, as she begins to ponder the implications of their imminent departure.

So, when it comes time for her to finally hand over the chocolate she is suddenly forced to confront her own future, or to be more precise, the one without them. Her hesitation seemed to invoke memories of her introduction back in the first season, and the same uncertainty which she plagued her there. If she was once unsure what exactly it was she was looking for in the light-music club, then she was now coming to terms with bidding it farewell.

It was a bitter-sweet ending, as everyone gives her that little push, to finally accept the situation, and confront her feelings in the process. This is bookended in the contrasting visits to the shrine, with her initial reluctance (that first pray simply being a half-hearted gesture) turning into a full blown plea (for the others to get accepted into college), come the episodes end.

She got her wish!
D'aww, that's so sweet!
They are pretty cheap.
Well, it was actually more like over a bet really, lol.
Normal figures just doing nothing for me, they just create too much clutter to actually be used for display. Well, unless you are one of the the many show-off's who inhabit the likes of this thread, who seemingly have an endless amount of room to house their riches!

But I'm just procrastinating, trying to delay ending K-ON!! *Ahem* ...


K-ON!! Episode 22

That doesn't stop me. hahaha
I like figures more because I like the look of them and just having them, rather than wanting to show them off. I'm not one to like showing off.

And you didn't mention the awesome Jun moments!


And you didn't mention the awesome Jun moments!

I tried! I had the screenshots lined up and everything, but that write-up ended up sounding much more serious than I was expecting. Rest assured, I think that she is great, scene-stealer extraordinaire!
I do a radio show for a local FM station every so often and tonight I decided to cut loose and play a bunch of anime songs, which is way outside the show's usual remit. Got a little medley of K-On stuff in there, I could post a link later on if anyone's interested in hearing the cast.
I do a radio show for a local FM station every so often and tonight I decided to cut loose and play a bunch of anime songs, which is way outside the show's usual remit. Got a little medley of K-On stuff in there, I could post a link later on if anyone's interested in hearing the cast.

I wouldn't mind, but I guess it all depends on what time this is at.


I do a radio show for a local FM station every so often and tonight I decided to cut loose and play a bunch of anime songs, which is way outside the show's usual remit. Got a little medley of K-On stuff in there, I could post a link later on if anyone's interested in hearing the cast.

Nice! I actually just took one of the songs that's played during the episode title cards, and set it as my ringtone. It's not something that is particularly obvious to everyone, but should be easy enough for anyone who has watched a decent amount of K-ON! to recognise.

I've done it before with other stuff in the past, and it's always interesting to see how many secret fans you can draw out!

Do you get phone-ins? I'd be curious to see if anyone picks you up on it! Post a link.
I do, but all the ones I have on this computer are pretty blurry and wouldn't really convince you otherwise. I mean, I won't say they're the best figures ever, but for what they are, they're really well made. In my opinion of course. I think the coolest thing is that they can stand on their own without the stands.
But if you don't want them, you don't want them. I shouldn't try to force you to get them. Even if I think they're great.

Well, it's just that as you say, pictures don't tell the whole story. I'll take your word for it that they look good, no worries :). Will probably get the Mio.

And I do love having figures, especially the poseable ones, around my room to admire. Just another one of my irrational hobbies, I suppose.
I have used my figures for art references before. hehehe
But mostly I just like to look at them. I have them in the same way I'd have posters.
Well, it's just that as you say, pictures don't tell the whole story. I'll take your word for it that they look good, no worries :). Will probably get the Mio.

I like both of them but,I gotta say I think the Mio one is better. And I don't just say that because I'm more of a Mio fan.
Though if you ask me they should always be a pair. It just works that way.


Well Dog Days is an action adventure shounen show, not slice of life comedy like K-ON!
Unless that's what you wanna watch.

Nah, I get my shounen fix from One Piece these days. I strongly prefer anime that can at least be categorized as comedic. Being a romantic comedy or slice of life comedy just makes it better.
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