Yui's VA, Toyosaki Aki is in everything!
Preview for Season 3.
Yui's VA, Toyosaki Aki is in everything!
Get out.Actually makes Go Go Maniac enjoyable. Crazy.
Preview for Season 3.
Actually makes Go Go Maniac enjoyable. Crazy.
Get out.
Get out.
"Online". It uses Ad Hoc Party.
Should've known. Guess I'll pass on it after all since I'm not set up to use Ad Hoc Party.
Caught up after a weekend away from the internets.
I love K-ON! GAF.
I just means I know way too much about K-ON!
The one big complaint I have about the manga is it's too damn short. It's amazing that KyoAni was able to get like 41 episodes out of it.
I'm not taking any music talk from someone whose favourite OP is Utauyo Miracle.But in all seriousness, that was quite good.
But... it's not a very good manga. Why would you want more of that?The one big complaint I have about the manga is it's too damn short. It's amazing that KyoAni was able to get like 41 episodes out of it.
I'm not taking any music talk from someone whose favourite OP is Utauyo Miracle.
I'm not taking any music talk from someone whose favourite OP is Utauyo Miracle.
The one big complaint I have about the manga is it's too damn short. It's amazing that KyoAni was able to get like 41 episodes out of it.
At least we know.Water is wet. That's not my point.
They're probably going to pull that off with Chuunibyou as well.
my week just had a horrid start. my car's tire got wrecked on my way to work and now i need to buy a new one.
i guess i'll watch some k-on eps when i get back home to make the day end better.
A few weeks ago my tire got a nail in it on a Friday on my way home from work. At least I made it to the liquor store before I got home.
I had a pretty low week last week too, I ran out of OreImoby friday so I rewatched Season one of K-On! the weekend. Always cheerful and good for a pick-me-up. The gif parade in this thread helps too.(It's my favorite, don't judge me.)
I don't know what you're referring to!
And so ends Mugi monday.
Roll on Tsumugi Tuesday!
my week just had a horrid start. my car's tire got wrecked on my way to work and now i need to buy a new one.
i guess i'll watch some k-on eps when i get back home to make the day end better.
We need some more Yui in here.
I don't even know what that is.EDIT: Any regulars in here upset over missing the free US PSN+ codes from IGN earlier? I'm not saying I have any, but I'm just curious.
EDIT: Any regulars in here upset over missing the free US PSN+ codes from IGN earlier? I'm not saying I have any, but I'm just curious.
I would certainly be interested in these codes which you aren't saying you might or might not have.
EDIT: Any regulars in here upset over missing the free US PSN+ codes from IGN earlier? I'm not saying I have any, but I'm just curious.
Ehhhh?! How did I not know about this?!?
Beach or Pool?[/QUOTE]
The only Beach gif you should be posting is that one of Mio.
Beach or Pool?
I can't just post it any old time. There's a time and place for all gifs.Its National Breastawareness month! There is no limit to how many times it should be posted.Cancer
I've been told that the google overlords don't care for tit jiggling gifs.
Well that's something.What is going on in the last column?
... Really?Or am I just really gullible at the moment?
Fortunately, I know what 大人 (da ren) means in Chinese: Adult. It's what they become when they are adults. :3
Yeah, but some of those seem like odd choices...